Health inequalities forum. Health inequalities curriculum competency project [posted on AoMRC website after 17 April].
Intercollegiate cancer committee. Educational initiatives to improve
the effectiveness of cancer multidisciplinary teams.
Publication of chronology of interactions and output in relation to EWTD along with a statement from the AOMRC Trainee Group and correspondence from the AOMRC Patient Lay Group.
[links to external webpages]

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
HealthGrades sixth annual patient safety in American Hospitals Study. Golden, CO: HealthGrades, Inc.; April 2009. Free full text.
Serious reportable events in Massachusetts acute care hospitals: January 1, 2008–December 31, 2008. Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality. Boston, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts; 2009. Free full text.
Taking the lead in patient safety: how healthcare leaders influence behavior and create culture. Krause TR, Hidley J. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2008. ISBN: 9780470225394.
Transitions of care consensus policy statement American College of Physicians-Society of General Internal Medicine-Society of Hospital Medicine-American Geriatrics Society-American College of Emergency Physicians-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Snow V, Beck D, Budnitz T, et al. J Gen Intern Med. 2009 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print].
Website: Getting Safer Care (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). 'Provides informational materials to help patients and their families avoid medical errors and receive quality care.'
Website: IHI open school for health professions. Online courses and resources, designed to serve a community of learners.
Website: Patient Safety Toolkits & E-learning Packages (NPSA). 'A range of tools and e-learning packages designed to support patient safety education and training at local level.'
[links to external webpages]
Serious reportable events in Massachusetts acute care hospitals: January 1, 2008–December 31, 2008. Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality. Boston, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts; 2009. Free full text.
Taking the lead in patient safety: how healthcare leaders influence behavior and create culture. Krause TR, Hidley J. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2008. ISBN: 9780470225394.
Transitions of care consensus policy statement American College of Physicians-Society of General Internal Medicine-Society of Hospital Medicine-American Geriatrics Society-American College of Emergency Physicians-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Snow V, Beck D, Budnitz T, et al. J Gen Intern Med. 2009 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print].
Website: Getting Safer Care (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). 'Provides informational materials to help patients and their families avoid medical errors and receive quality care.'
Website: IHI open school for health professions. Online courses and resources, designed to serve a community of learners.
Website: Patient Safety Toolkits & E-learning Packages (NPSA). 'A range of tools and e-learning packages designed to support patient safety education and training at local level.'
[links to external webpages]
Audit Scotland
Overview of mental health services in Scotland. Edinburgh, Audit Scotland, May 2009.
[link to external webpage]
[link to external webpage]
CADTH presents a summary of the findings of its report on computed tomographic colonography (MP3 audio).
CADTH Presents to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Network Steering Committee (large file - 17mb pdf).
COMPUS Communiqué vol 5 – no 1.
Drugs used to prevent anemia in cancer patients increase risk of death (links to HTA report).
[links to external webpages]
CADTH Presents to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Network Steering Committee (large file - 17mb pdf).
COMPUS Communiqué vol 5 – no 1.
Drugs used to prevent anemia in cancer patients increase risk of death (links to HTA report).
[links to external webpages]
Care Commission
The Scrutiny Bodies Project Team are holding a conference on Friday 26 June, at the Trades Hall in Glasgow, to communicate the background to the changes on how health, care and social work services will be inspected from April 2011. The conference is aimed at equality groups and people who use the affected services and will include workshops facilitated by members of HMIE, NHS QIS, SWIA and the Care Commission.
Shortcomings in end of life care in Scottish care homes.
[links to external webpages]
Shortcomings in end of life care in Scottish care homes.
[links to external webpages]
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Number of U.S. Adults Reporting Disabilities is Increasing.
[link to external webpage]
[link to external webpage]
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Identifying the evidence for systematic reviews: an introduction for Information Professionals – training day. 9 July 2009.
[links to external webpages]
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Identifying the evidence for systematic reviews: an introduction for Information Professionals – training day. 9 July 2009.
[links to external webpages]
Department of Health
A better future: a consultation on a future strategy for adults with autistic spectrum conditions.
Breakthrough to real change in local healthcare: a guide for applications to create Health Innovation and Education Clusters (HIECs).
Creating an innovative culture.
Department of Health formal response to the Cooperation and Competition Panel consultation.
The engagement cycle: a new way of thinking about patient and public engagement (PPE) in world class commissioning.
GMC affiliates pilots: mid-term report of the independent evaluation from KPMG.
The Government's response to the House of Lords European Committee Report Healthcare across EU borders: a safe framework.
Necessity - not nicety: a new commercial operating model for the NHS and Department of Health.
NHS performance framework: implementation guidance.
NHS reference costs 2007-08.
Report of the National Patient Choice Survey, England - December 2008.
Review of customer experience information (CEI).
Stroke-specific education framework.
Tackling health inequalities: 10 years on.
Template patient leaflets on MRSA screening.
Uptake of NICE approved cancer drugs 2007/2008.
[links to external webpages]
Breakthrough to real change in local healthcare: a guide for applications to create Health Innovation and Education Clusters (HIECs).
Creating an innovative culture.
Department of Health formal response to the Cooperation and Competition Panel consultation.
The engagement cycle: a new way of thinking about patient and public engagement (PPE) in world class commissioning.
GMC affiliates pilots: mid-term report of the independent evaluation from KPMG.
The Government's response to the House of Lords European Committee Report Healthcare across EU borders: a safe framework.
Necessity - not nicety: a new commercial operating model for the NHS and Department of Health.
NHS performance framework: implementation guidance.
NHS reference costs 2007-08.
Report of the National Patient Choice Survey, England - December 2008.
Review of customer experience information (CEI).
Stroke-specific education framework.
Tackling health inequalities: 10 years on.
Template patient leaflets on MRSA screening.
Uptake of NICE approved cancer drugs 2007/2008.
[links to external webpages]
E-watch on innovation in health services
7th World Congress on Health Economics. Beijing, China. July 12-15, 2009.
Website: Bioportal
'The GRaPH-Int bioportal search engine is an online tool that will help policymakers, researchers and public health professionals search the websites and databases of HumGen International, the PHG Foundation and the CDC's National Office of Public Health Genomics. The aim of the GRaPH-Int bioportal search engine is to optimize searches on the ethical, legal and social issues surrounding public health genomics while providing the latest public health genomics literature; epidemiological data; and public health genomics news and events.'
Website: NHS Technology Adoption Centre
Over the next two years, the NHS Technology Adoption Centre (NTAC) will review over 200 healthcare technologies from NHS partners and medical technology companies. The first ten technologies have been selected for 'Technology Implementation Projects' in a wide range of real-time clinical settings in the NHS.
[links to external webpages]
Website: Bioportal
'The GRaPH-Int bioportal search engine is an online tool that will help policymakers, researchers and public health professionals search the websites and databases of HumGen International, the PHG Foundation and the CDC's National Office of Public Health Genomics. The aim of the GRaPH-Int bioportal search engine is to optimize searches on the ethical, legal and social issues surrounding public health genomics while providing the latest public health genomics literature; epidemiological data; and public health genomics news and events.'
Website: NHS Technology Adoption Centre
Over the next two years, the NHS Technology Adoption Centre (NTAC) will review over 200 healthcare technologies from NHS partners and medical technology companies. The first ten technologies have been selected for 'Technology Implementation Projects' in a wide range of real-time clinical settings in the NHS.
[links to external webpages]
Health Protection Scotland
Compliance with hand hygiene: Health Protection Scotland (HPS) published the first bi-monthly compliance with hand hygiene - audit report as part of the National NHS Hand Hygiene Campaign on Wednesday 6 May 2009.
A draft guideline Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for NHS and non-NHS Community and Primary Care Settings has been developed by HPS in conjunction with an expert working group. The Guideline was produced on behalf of the Scottish Government Health Directorate as part of the Healthcare Associated Infection Action Plan 2008. The consultation period will end on 25 May 2009. The final guideline will be published on the HPS website in July 2009. Further information is available from the HPS Infection Control Team (tel: 0141 300 1156; email:
[link to external webpages]
A draft guideline Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for NHS and non-NHS Community and Primary Care Settings has been developed by HPS in conjunction with an expert working group. The Guideline was produced on behalf of the Scottish Government Health Directorate as part of the Healthcare Associated Infection Action Plan 2008. The consultation period will end on 25 May 2009. The final guideline will be published on the HPS website in July 2009. Further information is available from the HPS Infection Control Team (tel: 0141 300 1156; email:
[link to external webpages]
Tiotropium in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease health technology assessment (INAHTA brief 2009: 37).
Misoprostol for induction of labor (INAHTA brief 2009: 36).
Drugs for pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review of the clinical-effectiveness of combination therapy (INAHTA brief: 2009: 35).
[links to external webpages]
Misoprostol for induction of labor (INAHTA brief 2009: 36).
Drugs for pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review of the clinical-effectiveness of combination therapy (INAHTA brief: 2009: 35).
[links to external webpages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
21st national forum on quality improvement in health care. Dec 6-9, Orlando, Florida.
IHI Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events White Paper (Second Edition). UPDATED May 2009.
The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance (2nd Edition). Langley GL, Nolan KM, Nolan TW, Norman CL, Provost LP. San Francisco, California, USA: Jossey-Bass Publishers; 2009 [Book recommendation].
Infection Prevention Plus Measures Toolkit. Kaiser Permanente. Oakland, California, USA.
Scottish Patient Safety Programme.
STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalizations (STAAR) Initiative.
Summer reading list.
Website: Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence.
‘Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence, sponsored by the American Hospital Association Quality Center, features field-tested practices and proven strategies to advance hospital leaders’ ongoing efforts to achieve performance excellence.’
[links to external webpages]
IHI Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events White Paper (Second Edition). UPDATED May 2009.
The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance (2nd Edition). Langley GL, Nolan KM, Nolan TW, Norman CL, Provost LP. San Francisco, California, USA: Jossey-Bass Publishers; 2009 [Book recommendation].
Infection Prevention Plus Measures Toolkit. Kaiser Permanente. Oakland, California, USA.
Scottish Patient Safety Programme.
STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalizations (STAAR) Initiative.
Summer reading list.
Website: Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence.
‘Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence, sponsored by the American Hospital Association Quality Center, features field-tested practices and proven strategies to advance hospital leaders’ ongoing efforts to achieve performance excellence.’
[links to external webpages]
Breastfeeding statistics .
Cancer incidence (2006). The updated figures show cancer incidence (1985-2006) for each major cancer, and replace information previously available on the ISD Scotland website.
Information for quality improvement bulletins. Information systems (May 2009).
NHSScotland Health Board 2009/10 revenue budget target shares calculated using the new resource allocation formula (NRAC).
Place of death from cancer [2003-2007].
Practice team information. Communications update May 2009.
Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group Newsletter - May 2009.
[links to external webpages]
Cancer incidence (2006). The updated figures show cancer incidence (1985-2006) for each major cancer, and replace information previously available on the ISD Scotland website.
Information for quality improvement bulletins. Information systems (May 2009).
NHSScotland Health Board 2009/10 revenue budget target shares calculated using the new resource allocation formula (NRAC).
Place of death from cancer [2003-2007].
Practice team information. Communications update May 2009.
Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group Newsletter - May 2009.
[links to external webpages]
King's Fund
NHS must not waste opportunity to improve care for most vulnerable [news release on King's Fund report]. 'The NHS must learn from previous reorganisations and not waste the opportunity to modernise community services provided by district nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists and other staff.'
'NHS trust boards must have continuous focus on improving quality of care.'[news release accompanying King's Fund response to a joint consultation on quality accounts led by Monitor, NHS East of England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Department of Health. ]. 'For the pursuit of quality to become embedded within the NHS there needs to be a continuous focus on it by the management and board of every health service organisation and a personal commitment to it from their chief executives.'
'People with dementia to benefit from major investment in health care environments.'[news release] 'The physical environment in which the NHS cares for people with dementia is to be improved as a result of the next phase of The King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment programme, funded by the Department of Health.'
[links to external webpages]
'NHS trust boards must have continuous focus on improving quality of care.'[news release accompanying King's Fund response to a joint consultation on quality accounts led by Monitor, NHS East of England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Department of Health. ]. 'For the pursuit of quality to become embedded within the NHS there needs to be a continuous focus on it by the management and board of every health service organisation and a personal commitment to it from their chief executives.'
'People with dementia to benefit from major investment in health care environments.'[news release] 'The physical environment in which the NHS cares for people with dementia is to be improved as a result of the next phase of The King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment programme, funded by the Department of Health.'
[links to external webpages]
Appointments and reappointments to the Commission on Human Medicines, Expert Advisory Groups and the Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee.
Drug safety update: volume 2 issue 10, May 2009.
Informal consultation paper on the review of unlicensed medicines.
MHRA data to be available to medicines regulators across EU.
Pharmacovigilance Inspections Symposium. ‘An insight into good pharmacovigilance practice and current issues.’ Date: 8 July 2009. Venue: London.
[links to external webpages]
Drug safety update: volume 2 issue 10, May 2009.
Informal consultation paper on the review of unlicensed medicines.
MHRA data to be available to medicines regulators across EU.
Pharmacovigilance Inspections Symposium. ‘An insight into good pharmacovigilance practice and current issues.’ Date: 8 July 2009. Venue: London.
[links to external webpages]
New Zealand Ministry for Health
Nursing workforce has more to give [news release].
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for Quarter One 2008/09.
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for Quarter Two 2008/09.
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for October-December 2008/09.
Hospital Benchmarking Report October - December Quarter 2008.
What's new: nursing developments in primary health care: 2001-2007 - A Summary.
[links to external webpages]
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for Quarter One 2008/09.
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for Quarter Two 2008/09.
Report on indicators of district health boards' performance (IDP) for October-December 2008/09.
Hospital Benchmarking Report October - December Quarter 2008.
What's new: nursing developments in primary health care: 2001-2007 - A Summary.
[links to external webpages]
NHS Connecting for Health
NHS IM&T investment survey 2009 launched.
Way forward for the national programme for IT.
[links to external webpage]
Way forward for the national programme for IT.
[links to external webpage]
NHS East Midlands
Promoting and embedding innovation: learning from experience.This overview outlines key evidence about what has worked well and what has been challenging elsewhere in adopting and disseminating innovation. It has been jointly commissioned and produced by NHS East Midlands and the University of Birmingham Health Services Management Centre.
[link to external webpage]
[link to external webpage]
NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health
The Medpedia Project [a medical information sharing wiki 'for information only'].
Annual evidence update on acupuncture: 20-24 April 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Complementary and Alternative Medicine Specialist Library.
Annual evidence update on CAM for asthma: 5-8 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - complementary and alternative medicine.
Annual evidence update on cystic fibrosis: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - respiratory and NHS Evidence - genetic conditions.
Annual evidence update on obesity: 20-24 April 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the National Library for Public Health.
Annual evidence update on rheumatoid arthritis: 27 April - 1 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Musculoskeletal Specialist Library.
Annual evidence update on rhinitis: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - ENT and audiology.
Annual evidence update on skin cancer: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - cancer and NHS Evidence - skin disorders.
Annual evidence update on supporting people in later life: 27 April - 1 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Later Life Specialist Library.
Promoting and embedding innovation: learning from experience. NHS East Midlands and University of Birmingham Health Services Management Centre. [review]
[links to external webpages]
Annual evidence update on acupuncture: 20-24 April 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Complementary and Alternative Medicine Specialist Library.
Annual evidence update on CAM for asthma: 5-8 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - complementary and alternative medicine.
Annual evidence update on cystic fibrosis: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - respiratory and NHS Evidence - genetic conditions.
Annual evidence update on obesity: 20-24 April 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the National Library for Public Health.
Annual evidence update on rheumatoid arthritis: 27 April - 1 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Musculoskeletal Specialist Library.
Annual evidence update on rhinitis: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - ENT and audiology.
Annual evidence update on skin cancer: 11-15 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - cancer and NHS Evidence - skin disorders.
Annual evidence update on supporting people in later life: 27 April - 1 May 2009
An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Later Life Specialist Library.
Promoting and embedding innovation: learning from experience. NHS East Midlands and University of Birmingham Health Services Management Centre. [review]
[links to external webpages]
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Conference: The ethics of developing a ‘mutual NHS’ the challenges and opportunities of strengthening patient rights and public involvement in healthcare delivery. Edinburgh, Tuesday 26 May 2009. Venue: MacDonald Holyrood Hotel.
Healthcare services for people with learning disabilites local reports 2009 - four reports available (11 May).
HTA Today newsletter - Spring 2009.
Keeping childbirth natural & dynamic - pathway.
[links to external webpages]
Healthcare services for people with learning disabilites local reports 2009 - four reports available (11 May).
HTA Today newsletter - Spring 2009.
Keeping childbirth natural & dynamic - pathway.
[links to external webpages]
Scottish Government
Childbirth guidelines [news release].
Delivering better outcomes: an outcomes toolkit for alcohol and drugs partnerships version 1.
Experiences of the early implementation of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act, 2003: a cohort study.
Experiences of the early implementation of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act, 2003: a cohort study - research findings.
Funding for medical equipment [news release].
Improving the lives of children in scotland - are we there yet?: Findings from National Seminars: January - February 2009.
More help for under-18s mental health [news release].
Poverty and income inequality in Scotland: 2007/08.
Quality standards for adult hearing rehabilitation services.
Report of the Alcohol and Drugs Delivery Reform Group.
Review of nursing in the community in Scotland: baseline study: key findings and next steps.
Scottish Government response to the 2008 concluding observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: summary of consultation responses.
Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland: policy and action plan 2009-2011.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2008 concluding observations: report of a national consultation with young people to determine their priorities for action.
Vale of Leven Inquiry [news release].
[links to external webpages]
Delivering better outcomes: an outcomes toolkit for alcohol and drugs partnerships version 1.
Experiences of the early implementation of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act, 2003: a cohort study.
Experiences of the early implementation of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act, 2003: a cohort study - research findings.
Funding for medical equipment [news release].
Improving the lives of children in scotland - are we there yet?: Findings from National Seminars: January - February 2009.
More help for under-18s mental health [news release].
Poverty and income inequality in Scotland: 2007/08.
Quality standards for adult hearing rehabilitation services.
Report of the Alcohol and Drugs Delivery Reform Group.
Review of nursing in the community in Scotland: baseline study: key findings and next steps.
Scottish Government response to the 2008 concluding observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: summary of consultation responses.
Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland: policy and action plan 2009-2011.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2008 concluding observations: report of a national consultation with young people to determine their priorities for action.
Vale of Leven Inquiry [news release].
[links to external webpages]
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