Attitudes to mental illness 2009 research report.
Department of Health business plan 2009-2011.
Department of Health: departmental report 2009.
Emergency services review.
European working time directive derogation.
Government response to Lord Archer’s independent report on NHS supplied contaminated blood and blood products.
Government Response to The Health Select Committee report on health inequalities.
Information book for prisoners with a disability.
The information standard.
Joint commissioning framework for dementia.
New regulator for pharmacy. [news release]
The pathology service improvement programme.
Patient experience PSA scores update based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance (2006) recommendations for laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer – Review of Waiver (Oct 2009).
Report on the experience of patients in black and minority ethnic groups, based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
Understanding what matters: a guide to using patient feedback to transform care.
User-led organisation action and learning newsletter, Spring 2009.
Whole systems demonstrators: an overview of telecare and telehealth.
[links to external web pages]