Academy members elect Professor Sir Neil Douglas as new chair.
European working time directive - news release (26 May).
[links to external web pages]

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Hospital survey on patient safety culture: 2009 comparative database report. Sorra J, Famloaro T, Dyer N, Nelson D, Khanna K. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2009. AHRQ Publication No. 09-0030. [report - free full text].
National healthcare quality report 2008. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2009. AHRQ Publication No. 09-0001. [report - free full text].
To err is human — to delay is deadly. Jewell K, McGiffert L. Austin, TX: Consumers Union; 2009 [book - free full text].
[links to external web pages]
National healthcare quality report 2008. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2009. AHRQ Publication No. 09-0001. [report - free full text].
To err is human — to delay is deadly. Jewell K, McGiffert L. Austin, TX: Consumers Union; 2009 [book - free full text].
[links to external web pages]
Audit Scotland
Annual report and accounts 2008-2009.
Overview of mental health services in Scotland [main report] – summaries and other documentation available on Audit Scotland’s national reports page.
‘Some people have difficulty getting the mental health services they need.’ Some people have difficulty getting the mental health services they need [news release].
[links to external web pages]
Overview of mental health services in Scotland [main report] – summaries and other documentation available on Audit Scotland’s national reports page.
‘Some people have difficulty getting the mental health services they need.’ Some people have difficulty getting the mental health services they need [news release].
[links to external web pages]
British Standards Institute
BS 10012:2009. Data protection. Specification for a personal information management system.
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
Care Commission
Inspection focus areas - 2009/10: medication evidence gathering tool for: residential services for children looked after away from home (excluding mainstream boarding schools) January 2009.
Remember, I’m still me – a joint report by the Care Commission and the Mental Welfare Commission highlights a range of concerns, most notably the excessive use of drugs used to control behaviour and the lack of regular medication reviews.
Scrutiny bodies project: health and care. Public information bulletin on the development of Scotland’s new scrutiny bodies for 2011. April 2009 issue 2.
[links to external web pages]
Remember, I’m still me – a joint report by the Care Commission and the Mental Welfare Commission highlights a range of concerns, most notably the excessive use of drugs used to control behaviour and the lack of regular medication reviews.
Scrutiny bodies project: health and care. Public information bulletin on the development of Scotland’s new scrutiny bodies for 2011. April 2009 issue 2.
[links to external web pages]
Centre for Health Economics
CHE Research Paper 48, Investigating patient outcome measures in mental health.
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Identifying the evidence for systematic reviews: an introduction for Information professionals – training day. 9 July 2009.
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Identifying the evidence for systematic reviews: an introduction for Information professionals – training day. 9 July 2009.
Cochrane Collaboration
Department of Health
Attitudes to mental illness 2009 research report.
Department of Health business plan 2009-2011.
Department of Health: departmental report 2009.
Emergency services review.
European working time directive derogation.
Government response to Lord Archer’s independent report on NHS supplied contaminated blood and blood products.
Government Response to The Health Select Committee report on health inequalities.
Information book for prisoners with a disability.
The information standard.
Joint commissioning framework for dementia.
New regulator for pharmacy. [news release]
The pathology service improvement programme.
Patient experience PSA scores update based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance (2006) recommendations for laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer – Review of Waiver (Oct 2009).
Report on the experience of patients in black and minority ethnic groups, based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
Understanding what matters: a guide to using patient feedback to transform care.
User-led organisation action and learning newsletter, Spring 2009.
Whole systems demonstrators: an overview of telecare and telehealth.
[links to external web pages]
Department of Health business plan 2009-2011.
Department of Health: departmental report 2009.
Emergency services review.
European working time directive derogation.
Government response to Lord Archer’s independent report on NHS supplied contaminated blood and blood products.
Government Response to The Health Select Committee report on health inequalities.
Information book for prisoners with a disability.
The information standard.
Joint commissioning framework for dementia.
New regulator for pharmacy. [news release]
The pathology service improvement programme.
Patient experience PSA scores update based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance (2006) recommendations for laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer – Review of Waiver (Oct 2009).
Report on the experience of patients in black and minority ethnic groups, based on data up to and including 2008 patient surveys.
Understanding what matters: a guide to using patient feedback to transform care.
User-led organisation action and learning newsletter, Spring 2009.
Whole systems demonstrators: an overview of telecare and telehealth.
[links to external web pages]
E-watch on innovation in health services
Guidelines International (GIN). 6th international G-I-N conference, 1-4 Nov, 2009.
Health Indicators 2009. '...tenth in a series of annual reports containing the most recently available health indicators data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information and Statistics Canada.' [free]
interRAI – ‘ a collaborative network of researchers in over 30 countries committed to improving health care for persons who are elderly, frail, or disabled.’ [website]
Measuring equity of care in hospital: from concepts to indicators. Report to the Hospital Collaborative on Marginalised Populations (Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network]. St Michael's Hospital - Centre for Research on Inner City Health. May 2009, Toronto.
National IT strategies. Denmark, England and Canada. National information structure strategic planning. National IT strategies. May 2009 [free report] [ / Sweden]
Nursing innovations exchange [Canadian Nurses Association – web site].
Participatory health research. International Observatory on Health Research Systems [RAND - free report].
Quality and efficiency in Swedish health care. Regional comparisons 2008. [free report]. [ / Sweden]
[links to external web pages]
Health Indicators 2009. '...tenth in a series of annual reports containing the most recently available health indicators data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information and Statistics Canada.' [free]
interRAI – ‘ a collaborative network of researchers in over 30 countries committed to improving health care for persons who are elderly, frail, or disabled.’ [website]
Measuring equity of care in hospital: from concepts to indicators. Report to the Hospital Collaborative on Marginalised Populations (Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network]. St Michael's Hospital - Centre for Research on Inner City Health. May 2009, Toronto.
National IT strategies. Denmark, England and Canada. National information structure strategic planning. National IT strategies. May 2009 [free report] [ / Sweden]
Nursing innovations exchange [Canadian Nurses Association – web site].
Participatory health research. International Observatory on Health Research Systems [RAND - free report].
Quality and efficiency in Swedish health care. Regional comparisons 2008. [free report]. [ / Sweden]
[links to external web pages]
Developing local systems to support revalidation. [news release]
GMC consults on the management of fitness to practise cases. [news release]
GMC consults on extending the use of consensual disposal in fitness to practise cases [ends 10 August / news release].
GMC Today is published (29 May 2009).
Merger of PMETB with GMC moves closer. [news release]
[links to external web pages]
GMC consults on the management of fitness to practise cases. [news release]
GMC consults on extending the use of consensual disposal in fitness to practise cases [ends 10 August / news release].
GMC Today is published (29 May 2009).
Merger of PMETB with GMC moves closer. [news release]
[links to external web pages]
Health Protection Scotland
Improving quality and safety to prevent HAI in NHS Scotland (CDAD and SAB) [two events - 30 July Glasgow / 3 Sept Dunblane] Registration form Flyer
Infection control training (pandemic influenza resource).
Response with responsibility: policy-making for public risk in the 21st century. [report issued by Risk and Regulation Advisory Council (RRAC).
[links to external web pages]
Infection control training (pandemic influenza resource).
Response with responsibility: policy-making for public risk in the 21st century. [report issued by Risk and Regulation Advisory Council (RRAC).
[links to external web pages]
Rehabilitation of breast cancer patients. NOKC, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services. [INAHAT briefs]
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
Information Commissioner’s Office
Commissioner calls for instinctive culture of openness.
ICO launches an updated guide for privacy impact assessments. ‘The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is urging organisations to always consider the impact on individuals’ privacy before developing new IT systems or changing the way they handle personal information.’
[links to external web pages]
ICO launches an updated guide for privacy impact assessments. ‘The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is urging organisations to always consider the impact on individuals’ privacy before developing new IT systems or changing the way they handle personal information.’
[links to external web pages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Case study – the crowded clinic.
"Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence, sponsored by the American Hospital Association Quality Center, features field-tested practices and proven strategies to advance hospital leaders’ ongoing efforts to achieve performance excellence." [website]
IHI expedition - preventing venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients: risk assessment. Starts 21 July 2009.
IHI White paper 19. increasing efficiency and enhancing value in health care: ways to achieve savings in operating costs per year.
Improvement report. Champions Improve Staff Education and Compliance with Pressure Ulcer Prevention Strategies.
Improving safety and reliability in the physician office – web and action [web-based program beginning 22 July].
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 2009 – free video.
Multidisciplinary rounds: critical care unit nurse handoff tool.
Passport: “IHI’s new easy-access membership program, designed to help hospitals make the most of the Improvement Map.”
Policy on sharing IHI content.
Preview of the IHI Improvement Map.
Quality matters: solutions for a safe and efficient emergency department. Welch SJ. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois: Joint Commission Resources; 2009 [book recommendation].
Script to orient patients and families to family activated safety team (FAST).
Tools - exercise: care of adults
[links to external web pages]
"Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence, sponsored by the American Hospital Association Quality Center, features field-tested practices and proven strategies to advance hospital leaders’ ongoing efforts to achieve performance excellence." [website]
IHI expedition - preventing venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients: risk assessment. Starts 21 July 2009.
IHI White paper 19. increasing efficiency and enhancing value in health care: ways to achieve savings in operating costs per year.
Improvement report. Champions Improve Staff Education and Compliance with Pressure Ulcer Prevention Strategies.
Improving safety and reliability in the physician office – web and action [web-based program beginning 22 July].
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 2009 – free video.
Multidisciplinary rounds: critical care unit nurse handoff tool.
Passport: “IHI’s new easy-access membership program, designed to help hospitals make the most of the Improvement Map.”
Policy on sharing IHI content.
Preview of the IHI Improvement Map.
Quality matters: solutions for a safe and efficient emergency department. Welch SJ. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois: Joint Commission Resources; 2009 [book recommendation].
Script to orient patients and families to family activated safety team (FAST).
Tools - exercise: care of adults
[links to external web pages]
Abortion Statistics, year ending December 2008.
Acute hospital activity (annual and quarterly data to 31 March 2009).
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the April 2009 census.
Forthcoming statistical releases (up until April 2011).
The patient journey post hip fracture: what constitutes rehabilitation?
Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice (SCIMP). Spring 2009 newsletter.
Trends in perinatal mortality in Scotland - A review over 30 years.
Waiting times and waiting lists to 31st March 2009 (monthly and quarterly data).
[links to external web pages]
Acute hospital activity (annual and quarterly data to 31 March 2009).
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the April 2009 census.
Forthcoming statistical releases (up until April 2011).
The patient journey post hip fracture: what constitutes rehabilitation?
Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice (SCIMP). Spring 2009 newsletter.
Trends in perinatal mortality in Scotland - A review over 30 years.
Waiting times and waiting lists to 31st March 2009 (monthly and quarterly data).
[links to external web pages]
Joanna Briggs Institute
First bulletin from the Cochrane Nursing Care Network available. [June]
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
Joint Commission
Joint Commission online – May 2009.
This Month at the Joint Commission – May 2009 newsletter.
[links to external web pages]
This Month at the Joint Commission – May 2009 newsletter.
[links to external web pages]
The King's Fund
Tackling major health challenges in England – The King’s Fund reveals new approach to supporting the NHS.
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
Concept paper on MHRA project to consolidate and review medicines legislation - outcome published.
Drug safety update: volume 2 issue 11, June 2009.
Public consultation (MLX 358): The European Commission proposals on information to patients for prescription medicines.
Public consultation (MLX 359): Consultation on the European Commission's legislative proposal to strengthen patient safety (‘pharmacovigilance’).
[links to external web pages]
Drug safety update: volume 2 issue 11, June 2009.
Public consultation (MLX 358): The European Commission proposals on information to patients for prescription medicines.
Public consultation (MLX 359): Consultation on the European Commission's legislative proposal to strengthen patient safety (‘pharmacovigilance’).
[links to external web pages]
National Academies Press [see also entries for Institute of Medicine]
Depression in parents, parenting, and children: opportunities in improve identification, treatment, and prevention. [full text free online]
[links to external web pages]
[links to external web pages]
National Audit Office
Reducing healthcare associated infections in hospitals in England.
Supporting people with autism through adulthood.
Work in Progress: Department of Health - follow-up report on dementia.
Work in progress: Department of Health: reducing health inequalities in deprived areas. Study outline.
[links to external web pages]
Supporting people with autism through adulthood.
Work in Progress: Department of Health - follow-up report on dementia.
Work in progress: Department of Health: reducing health inequalities in deprived areas. Study outline.
[links to external web pages]
NHS Education for Scotland
Communiqué – May 2009.
Knowledge for Care Scotland (Beta) now available.
Spiritual care matters, an introductory resource for all NHSScotland staff.
Supporting people with long-term conditions to self manage. 'This essential guide to multi-agency knowledge and skills is now available.'
[links to external web pages]
Knowledge for Care Scotland (Beta) now available.
Spiritual care matters, an introductory resource for all NHSScotland staff.
Supporting people with long-term conditions to self manage. 'This essential guide to multi-agency knowledge and skills is now available.'
[links to external web pages]
NHS Evidence
Annual Evidence Update on Homeopathy: 15-19 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Age Related Macular Degeneration: 15-19 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Drugs Misuse: 8-12 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Atrial Fibrillation: 1-5 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: 1-5 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Proteinuria and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: 26-29 May 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Epilepsy: 18-22 May 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Oral Health: 18-22 May 2009.
Patient information forum – communicating for better health. [web site of not-for-profit organisation]
[links to external web pages]
Annual Evidence Update on Age Related Macular Degeneration: 15-19 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Drugs Misuse: 8-12 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Atrial Fibrillation: 1-5 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: 1-5 June 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Proteinuria and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: 26-29 May 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Epilepsy: 18-22 May 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Oral Health: 18-22 May 2009.
Patient information forum – communicating for better health. [web site of not-for-profit organisation]
[links to external web pages]
Scottish Government
Better together: Scotland's patient experience programme: building on children and young people's experiences.
Better together: Scotland's patient experience programme: building on children and young people's experience - research findings .
Healthcare support workers in Scotland: evaluation of a national pilot of standards and listing in three NHS Boards.
Healthcare support workers in Scotland: evaluation of a national pilot of standards and listing in three NHS Boards. Research findings.
Maternity Services Action Group (MSAG): Neonatal Services Sub Group: review of neonatal services in scotland.
NHSScotland: leading in healthcare quality - becoming a world leader in patient-centred healthcare quality.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation responses.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation analysis report.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation analysis report - research findings.
Review of fatal accident inquiry legislation: report on consultation.
The road to recovery: one year on.
Scotland's future: join the debate: health and wellbeing.
[links to external web pages]
Better together: Scotland's patient experience programme: building on children and young people's experience - research findings .
Healthcare support workers in Scotland: evaluation of a national pilot of standards and listing in three NHS Boards.
Healthcare support workers in Scotland: evaluation of a national pilot of standards and listing in three NHS Boards. Research findings.
Maternity Services Action Group (MSAG): Neonatal Services Sub Group: review of neonatal services in scotland.
NHSScotland: leading in healthcare quality - becoming a world leader in patient-centred healthcare quality.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation responses.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation analysis report.
Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland: consultation analysis report - research findings.
Review of fatal accident inquiry legislation: report on consultation.
The road to recovery: one year on.
Scotland's future: join the debate: health and wellbeing.
[links to external web pages]
Greater equity in health should be a progress indicator. [news release]
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[links to external web pages]
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