Inclusion Health: improving primary care for socially excluded people
The Nursing Roadmap for Quality: a signposting map for nursing
The Healthy NHS Board: Principles for Good Governance
Quality and productivity
Clinical governance and adult safeguarding: an integrated process
Making Policy Count: Developing Performance Indicators for Health and Social Care Partnerships
The Communicating Organisation: Using Communication to Support the Development of High-performing Organisations
The NHS Operating Framework for England for 2010/11
NHS 2010 - 2015: From good to Great. Preventative, People-centred, Productive
Improving Quality in Primary Care
Checklist for reporting, managing and investigating information governance serious untoward incidents
Meeting the quality and productivity challenge for the NHS in partnership
The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for healthcare, including primary care, and adult social care on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance - draft for consultation
Inclusion Health: improving primary care for socially excluded people
National Quality Board annual report
Improving care and saving money: learning the lessons on prevention and early intervention for older people
Making policy count: developing performance indicators for health and social care partnerships
Launch of the National Care Service
NHS continues strong performance
NHS goes Global
NHS celebrates 10 years of improvement in cardiac care
New study to drive further improvements in health care for the most vulnerable
Integrated care network to drive up quality of care
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