ACOG Committee Opinion No. 447: patient safety in obstetrics and gynecology. ACOG Committee on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement. Obstet Gynecol. 2009;114:1424-1427. "In this piece, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists emphasizes principles and objectives for patient safety in obstetrics and gynecology practices. The guidelines include encouraging a safety culture, reducing surgical errors, improving communication with patients and providers, and prioritizing safety." [AHRQ text. Text online]
Advancing patient safety: a decade of evidence, design, and implementation. Rockville, MD; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; November 2009. AHRQ Publication No. 09(10)-0084. "This publication highlights AHRQ's patient safety research efforts in the 10 years since the Institute of Medicine report, To Err Is Human, was published." [AHRQ description / book. Free full text]
Announcing 2009 Leapfrog top hospitals. Washington, DC: Leapfrog Group; December 4, 2009. "This news announcement highlights the 45 urban, children's, and rural hospitals recognized for highly efficient performance and continuous improvement in patient safety based on the 2009 Leapfrog Hospital Survey results." [AHRQ text. Free full text]
Deaths in acute hospitals: caring to the end? Cooper H, Findlay G, Goodwin APL, et al. London, UK: National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death; November 2009. [AHRQ description / book. Free full text]
Disclosure and apology: what's missing? Advancing programs that support clinicians. Carr S. Chestnut Hill, MA: Medically Induced Trauma Support Services; 2009. "This report describes results of a multidisciplinary effort to develop programs to help clinicians cope with errors that result in patient harm." [AHRQ description / book. Free full text]
Leadership in healthcare organizations: a guide to Joint Commission leadership standards. Schyve PM. San Diego, CA: Governance Institute; 2009. "This white paper provides comprehensive information on leadership standards for health care organizations and explains topics including leadership structure, hospital culture, and system performance."[AHRQ description. Free full text]
NPSF call for 2010 research and solutions poster presentations. Boston, MA: National Patient Safety Foundation. "This announcement solicits research and solutions posters to be displayed at the National Patient Safety Foundation annual conference in May 2010. The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 5, 2010." [AHRQ text]
The role of hospitalists in patient safety. Scheurer D, ed. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources; 2009. "This book discusses the rise of the hospitalist movement within the context of quality and safety and reviews how hospitalists can support several National Patient Safety Goals." [AHRQ description / book]
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Audit Scotland
Overview of the NHS in Scotland's performance 2008/09 [issued 10 December]
Main report [colour]
Plus: Main report [black and white version]
Plus: Media release
Priorities and risks framework: a national planning tool for 2009/10 NHS Scotland audits. [report dated October 2009 - issued 30 November]
Links to external web pages.
Main report [colour]
Plus: Main report [black and white version]
Plus: Media release
Priorities and risks framework: a national planning tool for 2009/10 NHS Scotland audits. [report dated October 2009 - issued 30 November]
Links to external web pages.
Common drug review – issue 63. Issue focuses on consultations on patient input December 2009 to January 15th 2010.
Continuing medical education course: “A new online continuing medical education (CME) course is available entitled “PPIs and the Treatment of GERD, Dyspepsia and NSAID-associated Peptic Ulcer Disease.” “The course was developed by using CADTH’s series of optimal therapy reports on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), including clinical and cost-effectiveness evidence and recommendations for optimal prescribing and use. The launch of this course is the latest example of how CADTH provides stakeholders with credible, evidence-based information that supports patient care and the effective use of health care resources.” [CADTH text – 7 December 2009]
Therapeutic reviews. “On December 7, 2009 the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) announced a pilot project for conducting a concurrent review of a CDR submission(s) and a therapeutic review of the same drug class or category as the CDR submission.” [CADTH text – 7 December 2009]
Links to external pages.
Continuing medical education course: “A new online continuing medical education (CME) course is available entitled “PPIs and the Treatment of GERD, Dyspepsia and NSAID-associated Peptic Ulcer Disease.” “The course was developed by using CADTH’s series of optimal therapy reports on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), including clinical and cost-effectiveness evidence and recommendations for optimal prescribing and use. The launch of this course is the latest example of how CADTH provides stakeholders with credible, evidence-based information that supports patient care and the effective use of health care resources.” [CADTH text – 7 December 2009]
Therapeutic reviews. “On December 7, 2009 the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) announced a pilot project for conducting a concurrent review of a CDR submission(s) and a therapeutic review of the same drug class or category as the CDR submission.” [CADTH text – 7 December 2009]
Links to external pages.
Canadian Patient Safety Institute
Home care and patient safety formative research team - web page.
Patient safety in mental health - web page. [includes links to resources such as a research paper on patient safety issues for mental health patients in Canada]
Patient/resident safety in long-term care - web page. [similar to that above]
Simulation Network - web page.
Links to external web pages.
Patient safety in mental health - web page. [includes links to resources such as a research paper on patient safety issues for mental health patients in Canada]
Patient/resident safety in long-term care - web page. [similar to that above]
Simulation Network - web page.
Links to external web pages.
Care Commission
Care Homes - BAPEN’s Nutrition Screening Week 12-14 Jan 2010. "BAPEN’s Nutrition Screening Week 12-14 January 2010 aims to create the most comprehensive dataset on malnutrition on admission to care in the UK ever produced." [SCRC text - further information online]
Education facilitators for care homes. "The Scottish Government are funding 14 posts for Education Facilitators to work with nurse mentors in care homes for older people. The posts are funded for a two year period or until the 31 March 2012." [SCRC text - further information online]
Links to external web pages.
Education facilitators for care homes. "The Scottish Government are funding 14 posts for Education Facilitators to work with nurse mentors in care homes for older people. The posts are funded for a two year period or until the 31 March 2012." [SCRC text - further information online]
Links to external web pages.
Care Quality Commission
BBC documentary: can Gerry Robinson fix dementia care homes? [media release - 3 December 2009]
CQC to scrutinise care for people with learning disabilities. [media release - 15 December 2009]
Equality and human rights scheme consultation. [media release - 3 December 2009]
Guidance on meeting new essential standards of quality and safety. [media release - 8 December 2009]
Our statement on the quality of adult social care. [media release - 3 December 2009]
Links to external web pages.
CQC to scrutinise care for people with learning disabilities. [media release - 15 December 2009]
Equality and human rights scheme consultation. [media release - 3 December 2009]
Guidance on meeting new essential standards of quality and safety. [media release - 8 December 2009]
Our statement on the quality of adult social care. [media release - 3 December 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Health Economics
Health economics news – issue 7 – December 2009.
The link between ill-health and retirement age varies markedly across European countries, according to new research from the University of York. [media release - 17 December 2009]
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
The link between ill-health and retirement age varies markedly across European countries, according to new research from the University of York. [media release - 17 December 2009]
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
(abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters [November 25th, December 2nd, 9th, 16th]
Links to external web pages.
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
(abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters [November 25th, December 2nd, 9th, 16th]
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane Collaboration
Cochrane Collaboration calendar of events.
Cochrane Journal Club: second issue.
Cochrane news – issue 47. [10 December]
Online learning resources for undertaking a systematic review - For UK-based Cochrane review authors.
Steering Group Bulletin and meeting minutes now available. [Oct 10th and 15th 2009 - Singapore]
Workshops with places available:
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Sense About Science – briefing paper on systematic reviews. [full text]
Website for the 2010 Cochrane UK and Ireland-based contributors meeting is now live. [posted December 22nd]
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane Journal Club: second issue.
Cochrane news – issue 47. [10 December]
Online learning resources for undertaking a systematic review - For UK-based Cochrane review authors.
Steering Group Bulletin and meeting minutes now available. [Oct 10th and 15th 2009 - Singapore]
Workshops with places available:
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Sense About Science – briefing paper on systematic reviews. [full text]
Website for the 2010 Cochrane UK and Ireland-based contributors meeting is now live. [posted December 22nd]
Links to external web pages.
Department of Health - publications
Age equality in health and social care – consultation opens. [media release 23 November. Consultation closes 15 February]
Aiming high for disabled children: improving data.
Applying the NHS performance framework to mental health trusts.
Birth and beyond: a review of the evidence about antenatal education.
Building a safe, confident future: the final report of the Social Work Task Force.
Cancer commissioning guidance – updated.
Cancer reform strategy: achieving local implementation - second annual report.
Developing psychosocial resilience: how to cope in a crisis.
DH International annual report 2008-09.
Equal access? A practical guide for the NHS: creating a Single Equality Scheme that includes improving access for people with learning disabilities.
Fracture prevention services: an economic evaluation.< GMC affiliates pilots: final report of the KPMG evaluation.
Government response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Genomic Medicine.
Guidance on the consumption of alcohol by children and young people. A report by the Chief Medical Officer.
Healthy children, safer communities - a strategy to promote the health and well-being of children and young people in contact with the youth justice system.
Improving information for stakeholders: a report of a PCT and SHA working group to improve community information.
Informatics planning 2010/11.
Intervention radiology: improving quality and outcomes for patients. [report]
Key messages for ovarian cancer for health professionals.
LAC (DH) (2009)8 Autism strategy: improving services for people with autistic spectrum conditions.
Local routes: guidance for developing alcohol treatment pathways.
Local self-assessment audit for assessing implementation of HTM 01- 05: decontamination in primary care dental practices and related infection prevention and control issues.
Mental health clinical costing standards 2009/10.
MRSA objective for 2010-11.
New education bodies created to promote innovation in the NHS. [media release 21 December]
New horizons: a shared vision for mental health.
NHS 2010 - 2015: from good to great. Preventative, people-centred, productive.
The NHS constitution - The State of Readiness Group (SoRG) report.
The NHS operating framework for England for 2010/11.
An overview of the new arrangements under Part IX of the Drug Tariff for the provision of stoma and urology appliances, and related services, in primary care.
PALS in prison: a toolkit and good practice guidance for implementing Patient Advice and Liaison Services in a secure setting.
Patients to benefit from innovative new drugs. [media release 27 November]
Proposals to dispense more generic medicine. [media release - 5 January]
Quality framework for community services: directory of indicators, draft version. [Link not functioning 31/12/09]
Simplification plan: year four 2009.
Tackling health inequalities: 2006-08 policy and data update for the 2010 national target.
World class commissioning for the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities.
‘Your health, your way - a guide to long term conditions and self care’ for social care professionals.
Links to external web pages.
Aiming high for disabled children: improving data.
Applying the NHS performance framework to mental health trusts.
Birth and beyond: a review of the evidence about antenatal education.
Building a safe, confident future: the final report of the Social Work Task Force.
Cancer commissioning guidance – updated.
Cancer reform strategy: achieving local implementation - second annual report.
Developing psychosocial resilience: how to cope in a crisis.
DH International annual report 2008-09.
Equal access? A practical guide for the NHS: creating a Single Equality Scheme that includes improving access for people with learning disabilities.
Fracture prevention services: an economic evaluation.< GMC affiliates pilots: final report of the KPMG evaluation.
Government response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Genomic Medicine.
Guidance on the consumption of alcohol by children and young people. A report by the Chief Medical Officer.
Healthy children, safer communities - a strategy to promote the health and well-being of children and young people in contact with the youth justice system.
Improving information for stakeholders: a report of a PCT and SHA working group to improve community information.
Informatics planning 2010/11.
Intervention radiology: improving quality and outcomes for patients. [report]
Key messages for ovarian cancer for health professionals.
LAC (DH) (2009)8 Autism strategy: improving services for people with autistic spectrum conditions.
Local routes: guidance for developing alcohol treatment pathways.
Local self-assessment audit for assessing implementation of HTM 01- 05: decontamination in primary care dental practices and related infection prevention and control issues.
Mental health clinical costing standards 2009/10.
MRSA objective for 2010-11.
New education bodies created to promote innovation in the NHS. [media release 21 December]
New horizons: a shared vision for mental health.
NHS 2010 - 2015: from good to great. Preventative, people-centred, productive.
The NHS constitution - The State of Readiness Group (SoRG) report.
The NHS operating framework for England for 2010/11.
An overview of the new arrangements under Part IX of the Drug Tariff for the provision of stoma and urology appliances, and related services, in primary care.
PALS in prison: a toolkit and good practice guidance for implementing Patient Advice and Liaison Services in a secure setting.
Patients to benefit from innovative new drugs. [media release 27 November]
Proposals to dispense more generic medicine. [media release - 5 January]
Quality framework for community services: directory of indicators, draft version. [Link not functioning 31/12/09]
Simplification plan: year four 2009.
Tackling health inequalities: 2006-08 policy and data update for the 2010 national target.
World class commissioning for the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities.
‘Your health, your way - a guide to long term conditions and self care’ for social care professionals.
Links to external web pages.
E-watch on innovation in health services
Second call for papers for the 2010 IRDES Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation. Paris, 24-26 June 2010.
New from Oxford University Press: economic evaluation in child health.
Patient cost estimator (Canadian Institute for Health Information). [website]
Why is there such a gap between health expenditures and outcomes in Norway compared to Finland? Hans Olav Melberg. Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, Health Economics Research Programme, University of Oslo. Working paper 2009: 10
Links to external web pages.
New from Oxford University Press: economic evaluation in child health.
Patient cost estimator (Canadian Institute for Health Information). [website]
Why is there such a gap between health expenditures and outcomes in Norway compared to Finland? Hans Olav Melberg. Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, Health Economics Research Programme, University of Oslo. Working paper 2009: 10
Links to external web pages.
2010 budget and business plan agreed. [media release 11 December]
GMC calls for a national prescription chart to reduce errors. Press release. [media release 3 December]
GMC today – online newsletter
New patient leaflet helps doctors to explain licensing. [media release 16 December]
Links to external web pages.
GMC calls for a national prescription chart to reduce errors. Press release. [media release 3 December]
GMC today – online newsletter
New patient leaflet helps doctors to explain licensing. [media release 16 December]
Links to external web pages.
Health Protection Scotland
Electronic weekly report [eWR].
For 3 month rolling summary of content please see:
Healthcare associated infection - symposium, 2 February 2010, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
Model policies for standard infection control precautions and transmission based precautions. [note on forthcoming update]
Links to external web pages.
For 3 month rolling summary of content please see:
Healthcare associated infection - symposium, 2 February 2010, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
Model policies for standard infection control precautions and transmission based precautions. [note on forthcoming update]
Links to external web pages.
Health Scotland
Calendar of health related conferences, events and awareness campaigns occurring nationally and internationally during 2010.
Equalities monitoring guidance: guidance and recommended questions for NHS Scotland.
Gender equality and health conference."NHS Health Scotland's Equalities and Planning Directorate is pleased to announce a Gender Equality and Health Conference, 23 February 2010. Date: Tuesday, 23 February 2010. Time: 10am to 4pm (registration from 9:30am). Venue: Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Grosvenor Street, Haymarket, Edinburgh, EH12 5EF."
Links to external web pages.
Equalities monitoring guidance: guidance and recommended questions for NHS Scotland.
Gender equality and health conference."NHS Health Scotland's Equalities and Planning Directorate is pleased to announce a Gender Equality and Health Conference, 23 February 2010. Date: Tuesday, 23 February 2010. Time: 10am to 4pm (registration from 9:30am). Venue: Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Grosvenor Street, Haymarket, Edinburgh, EH12 5EF."
Links to external web pages.
Healthcare Governance Review
Dr Foster publishes 2009 hospital guide. [HCG text]
Inspectors find Aberdeen Royal Infirmary infection control measures “ineffective.” [HCG text]
ISO 31000 Risk management now published. [HCG text]
Kimberley-Clark website on healthcare associated infections. [HCG text]
Monitor publishes new guidance for NHS foundation trust governors. [HCG text]
"New trigger tool for patient safety calculations in primary care lacks validity." [HCG text]
PAC report on reducing healthcare associated infections in hospitals in England. [HCG text]
Patient Safety First to launch ‘focus’ weeks in 2010. [HCG text]
Patient safety – mandatory reporting of harm and death during treatment from April 2010. [HCG text]
Women in the boardroom and their impact on governance and performance. [HCG text]
Links to external web pages.
Inspectors find Aberdeen Royal Infirmary infection control measures “ineffective.” [HCG text]
ISO 31000 Risk management now published. [HCG text]
Kimberley-Clark website on healthcare associated infections. [HCG text]
Monitor publishes new guidance for NHS foundation trust governors. [HCG text]
"New trigger tool for patient safety calculations in primary care lacks validity." [HCG text]
PAC report on reducing healthcare associated infections in hospitals in England. [HCG text]
Patient Safety First to launch ‘focus’ weeks in 2010. [HCG text]
Patient safety – mandatory reporting of harm and death during treatment from April 2010. [HCG text]
Women in the boardroom and their impact on governance and performance. [HCG text]
Links to external web pages.
House of Commons – Health Committee
The Health Committee will publish its First Report of Session 2009-10 on alcohol (HC 151–I) on Friday 8 January 2010. Webpage:
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
New publications; listed at:
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
22nd annual national [ie US] forum on quality improvement in health care. December 5-8, 2010, Orlando, Florida.
Improvement report: decreasing the incidence of antibiotic resistant infection and colonization in the ICU: a multidisciplinary collaborative. Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine, USA.
Improvement story. Baptist Memorial Health Care: mapping the way to better quality.
Passport awareness toolkit. To make the most of your passport membership, use the passport awareness toolkit to inform your entire organization of the invaluable tools, resources, and access to experts available to help meet some of your biggest challenges.
Plus: Samples of passport members-only tools and resources.
Roadmap to cost containment: The Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Cost Council Final Report. Boston: Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Cost Council; October 2009. [full report available free as PDF].
To err is human: building a safer health system. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, eds. (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine). Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press; 1999.
Links to external web pages.
Improvement report: decreasing the incidence of antibiotic resistant infection and colonization in the ICU: a multidisciplinary collaborative. Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine, USA.
Improvement story. Baptist Memorial Health Care: mapping the way to better quality.
Passport awareness toolkit. To make the most of your passport membership, use the passport awareness toolkit to inform your entire organization of the invaluable tools, resources, and access to experts available to help meet some of your biggest challenges.
Plus: Samples of passport members-only tools and resources.
Roadmap to cost containment: The Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Cost Council Final Report. Boston: Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Cost Council; October 2009. [full report available free as PDF].
To err is human: building a safer health system. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, eds. (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine). Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press; 1999.
Links to external web pages.
ISD – 15 December statistical releases and other publications
Acute hospital activity to 31 March 2009 ( annual data ) and to 30 June 2009 ( quarterly data ).
Body mass index (BMI) Statistics for Children in Primary 1 (school year 2008-09).
Cancer incidence (2007).
Child & adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in NHS Scotland: Characteristics of the workforce supply in 2009.
Childhood immunisation uptake rates – quarter ending 30 September 2009.
Drug treatment waiting times information framework report July-Sept 2009.
Findings from the 3rd balance of care / continuing care census.
National primary care workforce planning survey 2009 - results.
NHS Smoking Cessation Service statistics (Scotland) 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2009.
NHS Scotland workforce statistics.
Prescribing statistics - medicines used in mental health.
Prescribing statistics - remuneration and charges.
Unintentional injuries.
Workforce planning for psychology services in NHSScotland . Characteristics of the workforce supply in 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Body mass index (BMI) Statistics for Children in Primary 1 (school year 2008-09).
Cancer incidence (2007).
Child & adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in NHS Scotland: Characteristics of the workforce supply in 2009.
Childhood immunisation uptake rates – quarter ending 30 September 2009.
Drug treatment waiting times information framework report July-Sept 2009.
Findings from the 3rd balance of care / continuing care census.
National primary care workforce planning survey 2009 - results.
NHS Smoking Cessation Service statistics (Scotland) 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2009.
NHS Scotland workforce statistics.
Prescribing statistics - medicines used in mental health.
Prescribing statistics - remuneration and charges.
Unintentional injuries.
Workforce planning for psychology services in NHSScotland . Characteristics of the workforce supply in 2009.
Links to external web pages.
ISD – 24 November statistical releases and other publications
Coronary heart disease statistics update.
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the October 2009 census.
Healthy life expectancy.
Key clinical indicators for sexual health: ‘population based’ KCIs: chlamydia data for 2008.
Scotland's sexual health information (SSHI) report: 2009.
Scottish health service costs, year ended 31st March 2009.
Scottish renal registry report 2008.
Stroke statistics update.
Waiting times and waiting lists to 30th September 2009 (monthly and quarterly data).
Links to external web pages
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the October 2009 census.
Healthy life expectancy.
Key clinical indicators for sexual health: ‘population based’ KCIs: chlamydia data for 2008.
Scotland's sexual health information (SSHI) report: 2009.
Scottish health service costs, year ended 31st March 2009.
Scottish renal registry report 2008.
Stroke statistics update.
Waiting times and waiting lists to 30th September 2009 (monthly and quarterly data).
Links to external web pages
Joanna Briggs Institute
Subscribe to monthly email updates here.
Twenty-six updates to the JBI website since 24 November – including evidence summaries and recommended practice updates.
Links to external web pages.
Twenty-six updates to the JBI website since 24 November – including evidence summaries and recommended practice updates.
Links to external web pages.
Drug Safety Update: Volume 3, Issue 5, December 2009.
Earlier access to new medicines in the UK.
Electrocardiogram top tips poster.
Fifth Forum of the Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MISG) - 9 October 2009. [summary of discussions etc]
Guidance published on UK national marketing authorisations (MA) variations[media release - December 10]
Information sent to healthcare professionals in November 2009 about the safety of medicines.
MHRA targeted research programme. [web page]
Newsletter – MAIL issue 164.
Public consultation (MLX 365): "Measures to strengthen the medicines’ supply chain and reduce the risk from counterfeit medicines." Closing date 12 March 2010.
Links to external web pages.
Earlier access to new medicines in the UK.
Electrocardiogram top tips poster.
Fifth Forum of the Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MISG) - 9 October 2009. [summary of discussions etc]
Guidance published on UK national marketing authorisations (MA) variations[media release - December 10]
Information sent to healthcare professionals in November 2009 about the safety of medicines.
MHRA targeted research programme. [web page]
Newsletter – MAIL issue 164.
Public consultation (MLX 365): "Measures to strengthen the medicines’ supply chain and reduce the risk from counterfeit medicines." Closing date 12 March 2010.
Links to external web pages.
National Academies Press
Addressing the threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis: a realistic assessment of the challenge: workshop summary. [full text available free online]
The domestic and international impacts of the 2009-H1N1 Influenza A pandemic: global challenges, global solutions: workshop summary. [full text available free online]
The healthcare imperative: lowering costs and improving outcomes: brief summary of a workshop. [full text available free online]
Local government actions to prevent childhood obesity. [full text available free online]
Measures of health literacy: workshop summary. [full text available free online]
Priorities for the National Vaccine Plan. [full text available free online]
Race, ethnicity, and language data: standardization for health care quality improvement. [full text available free online]
Redesigning continuing education in the health professions. [full text available free online]
Value in health care: accounting for cost, quality, safety, outcomes, and innovation. [full text available free online]
Links to external web pages.
The domestic and international impacts of the 2009-H1N1 Influenza A pandemic: global challenges, global solutions: workshop summary. [full text available free online]
The healthcare imperative: lowering costs and improving outcomes: brief summary of a workshop. [full text available free online]
Local government actions to prevent childhood obesity. [full text available free online]
Measures of health literacy: workshop summary. [full text available free online]
Priorities for the National Vaccine Plan. [full text available free online]
Race, ethnicity, and language data: standardization for health care quality improvement. [full text available free online]
Redesigning continuing education in the health professions. [full text available free online]
Value in health care: accounting for cost, quality, safety, outcomes, and innovation. [full text available free online]
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Agency
A patient safety initiative which aims to reduce catheter associated bloodstream infections in intensive care units (ICUs) is about to be rolled out across England. [media release - December 14]
Close monitoring of patients prescribed lithium will reduce harm. [media release - December 10]
Introduction of safer spinal and epidural devices will reduce risk of wrong route errors - England. [media release – 24th November]
Links to external web pages.
Close monitoring of patients prescribed lithium will reduce harm. [media release - December 10]
Introduction of safer spinal and epidural devices will reduce risk of wrong route errors - England. [media release – 24th November]
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Foundation
Lucian Leape Institute releases “transforming healthcare: a safety imperative”. [media release]
The NPSF produces a twice monthly current awareness alert:
Links to external web pages.
The NPSF produces a twice monthly current awareness alert:
Links to external web pages.
New Zealand Ministry for Health
Gap analysis of specialist palliative care in New Zealand: providing a national overview of hospice and hospital-based services. [report]
Implementing the New Zealand Health Strategy 2009. [report]
Nurse practitioners - a healthy future for New Zealand. [report]
Review of access to high-cost, highly-specialised medicines in New Zealand. [preliminary report]
Links to external web pages.
Implementing the New Zealand Health Strategy 2009. [report]
Nurse practitioners - a healthy future for New Zealand. [report]
Review of access to high-cost, highly-specialised medicines in New Zealand. [preliminary report]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Connecting for Health
New 111 national number for non-emergency healthcare. [media release – 18th December - number does not apply to Scotland]
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
NHS Education for Scotland
Autumn Winter 2009 national strand summary.
A career in clinical dental technology.
A career in orthodontic therapy.
A career in dental practice administration and practice management.
A career in dental technology.
A career in dental hygiene and therapy.
Generic skills template nursing and midwifery.
NES Board Highlights, November 2009.
NES supports CPD for Optometrists. [media release 30 November]
Nursing and Midwifery Council mentor outcomes and SQA A1.
NES and SQA Flyer document nursing and midwifery.
Links to external web pages.
A career in clinical dental technology.
A career in orthodontic therapy.
A career in dental practice administration and practice management.
A career in dental technology.
A career in dental hygiene and therapy.
Generic skills template nursing and midwifery.
NES Board Highlights, November 2009.
NES supports CPD for Optometrists. [media release 30 November]
Nursing and Midwifery Council mentor outcomes and SQA A1.
NES and SQA Flyer document nursing and midwifery.
Links to external web pages.
NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health
Annual Evidence Update on Alcoholic Liver Disease: 7-11 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: 14-18 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on HIV/AIDs: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Malignancies Post Kidney Transplant: 7-11 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Special Care Dentistry: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Spinal Diseases: 14-18 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Stroke: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Annual Evidence Update on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: 14-18 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on HIV/AIDs: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Malignancies Post Kidney Transplant: 7-11 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Special Care Dentistry: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Spinal Diseases: 14-18 December 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Stroke: 30 November - 4 December 2009.
Links to external web pages.
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Better care, better value indicators virtual workshops. For NHS strategic health authorities; commissioners; providers - see separate dates:
Onco alert to assist quick diagnosis of cancer. [tool]
The productive mental health ward - one day national conference on 28 January 2010 at the Cavendish Conference Centre in London.
The productive operating theatre enabler modules now available.
Links to external web pages.
Onco alert to assist quick diagnosis of cancer. [tool]
The productive mental health ward - one day national conference on 28 January 2010 at the Cavendish Conference Centre in London.
The productive operating theatre enabler modules now available.
Links to external web pages.
NHS Litigation Authority
2010/11 NHSLA risk management standards and associated documents released.
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
eNews - Issue 41. NHS QIS December 2009 [includes information on new publications]
HTA Today newsletter - Autumn 2009.
Local report - clinical governance and risk management - NHS Lanarkshire report now available.
National Clinical Governance Conference: "Tomorrow's World". 2 March 2010, at Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.
National overview - healthcare services for people with learning disabilities
HTA Today newsletter - Autumn 2009.
Local report - clinical governance and risk management - NHS Lanarkshire report now available.
National Clinical Governance Conference: "Tomorrow's World". 2 March 2010, at Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.
National overview - healthcare services for people with learning disabilities
eNews – December 2009.
eNews – November 2009.
Health and clinical excellence bulletin – October 2009.
Into practice – December 2009.
NICE announces launch of a new database to inform the prioritisation of European cancer research. [media release – 1 December]
NICE consults on new quality standards [media release 30 November]
Office of Life Sciences and the innovation pass – [note of discussion at NICE conference – see also Department of Health]
Update for primary care – November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
eNews – November 2009.
Health and clinical excellence bulletin – October 2009.
Into practice – December 2009.
NICE announces launch of a new database to inform the prioritisation of European cancer research. [media release – 1 December]
NICE consults on new quality standards [media release 30 November]
Office of Life Sciences and the innovation pass – [note of discussion at NICE conference – see also Department of Health]
Update for primary care – November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
"Expensive health care is not always the best health care, says OECD’s Health at a Glance...[ ]. New internationally comparable indicators on quality of care show progress in treating serious conditions such as cancer. However, despite increasing rates of chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes, care for these conditions falls short of good practices in too many countries, resulting in deteriorating health and higher medical costs." [OECD text - media release 8th December]
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Scottish Government
Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer 2009.
media release
The capacity of disability organisations to engage with public authorities.
Mapping Scotland's disability organisations.
A resource guide to engagement standards, guidance and tool kits.
Changing professional practice and culture to get it right for every child - executive summary.
Full report.
Draft guidance on partnership working between allied health professions and education: Working together to improve outcomes for children and young people: Consultation document. [4 December - consultation closes 4 February]
Efficiency delivery plans – November 2009.
Establishing effective therapeutic partnerships - a generic framework to underpin the chronic medication service element of the community pharmacy contract.
Evaluation of the Adults With Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Part 4.
Free personal and nursing care, Scotland, 2007-08.
Freedom of information: revised code of practice for Scottish public authorities.
Health literacy - a scoping study: final report.
Health works: a review of the Scottish Government's healthy working lives strategy.
HIV action plan in Scotland: December 2009 to March 2014.
Home care services, Scotland, 2009.
Mental health officers survey, Scotland, 2008-09.
Millennium cohort study sweep 3 Scotland report.
NHSScotland chief executive's: annual report 2008/09.
Older people living in the community - nutritional needs, barriers and interventions: a literature review.
Public information notices consultation. [17 December – closes 12 February 2010]
Response to the report of the national residential child care initiative: higher aspirations, brighter futures.
Scrutiny bodies newsletter – issue 6
UK equality bill: socio-economic duty - analysis of consultation responses.
Links to external web pages.
media release
The capacity of disability organisations to engage with public authorities.
Mapping Scotland's disability organisations.
A resource guide to engagement standards, guidance and tool kits.
Changing professional practice and culture to get it right for every child - executive summary.
Full report.
Draft guidance on partnership working between allied health professions and education: Working together to improve outcomes for children and young people: Consultation document. [4 December - consultation closes 4 February]
Efficiency delivery plans – November 2009.
Establishing effective therapeutic partnerships - a generic framework to underpin the chronic medication service element of the community pharmacy contract.
Evaluation of the Adults With Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Part 4.
Free personal and nursing care, Scotland, 2007-08.
Freedom of information: revised code of practice for Scottish public authorities.
Health literacy - a scoping study: final report.
Health works: a review of the Scottish Government's healthy working lives strategy.
HIV action plan in Scotland: December 2009 to March 2014.
Home care services, Scotland, 2009.
Mental health officers survey, Scotland, 2008-09.
Millennium cohort study sweep 3 Scotland report.
NHSScotland chief executive's: annual report 2008/09.
Older people living in the community - nutritional needs, barriers and interventions: a literature review.
Public information notices consultation. [17 December – closes 12 February 2010]
Response to the report of the national residential child care initiative: higher aspirations, brighter futures.
Scrutiny bodies newsletter – issue 6
UK equality bill: socio-economic duty - analysis of consultation responses.
Links to external web pages.
Scottish Public Health Observatory
New joint leaflet from ScotPHO and ScotPHN (Scottish Public Health Network).
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
WHO – Patient Safety and related
European health for all database (HFA-DB)
European observatory on health systems and policies. [subscription to e-bulletin available]
Health Evidence Network (HEN) [web pages]
WHO patient safety newsletter – December edition.
WHO patient safety research - information booklet.
Links to external web pages.
European observatory on health systems and policies. [subscription to e-bulletin available]
Health Evidence Network (HEN) [web pages]
WHO patient safety newsletter – December edition.
WHO patient safety research - information booklet.
Links to external web pages.
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