Hand hygiene project: best practices from hospitals participating in the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare project
Learning to use patient stories
Patient safety executive development program [conference]
[Links to external webpages]

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Care Commission
Regulating care in Scotland from April 2011: what the changeover means for care service providers [leaflet]
Mental welfare commission annual report 2009-10
[Links to external webpages]
Mental welfare commission annual report 2009-10
[Links to external webpages]
Centre for Health Economics
Budget allocation and the revealed social rate of time preference for health
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services,
Health policy analysis: a tool to evaluate in policy documents the alignment between policy statements and intended outcomes
Bridging the gap: knowledge translation in Alberta
A guidebook to patient safety leadinig practices 2010
The impact of health technology assessments: an international comparison
Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation
Knowledge translation in healthcare: a review of the literature
[Links to external webpages]
Bridging the gap: knowledge translation in Alberta
A guidebook to patient safety leadinig practices 2010
The impact of health technology assessments: an international comparison
Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation
Knowledge translation in healthcare: a review of the literature
[Links to external webpages]
Health Survey for England
Health Survey for England: 2009 trend tables
Health Survey for England: 2009 health and lifestyles
[Links to external webpages]
Health Survey for England: 2009 health and lifestyles
[Links to external webpages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Self-management and patient engagement: an opportunity to maximize outcomes [web course, Feb 2011
Getting started in video ethnography: a catalyst for guiding and motivating quality improvement [toolkit]
The Pursuing Perfection Initiative: lessons on transforming healthcare [free registration required]
[Links to external webpages]
Getting started in video ethnography: a catalyst for guiding and motivating quality improvement [toolkit]
The Pursuing Perfection Initiative: lessons on transforming healthcare [free registration required]
[Links to external webpages]
King's Fund
Mental health and the productivity challenge: improving quality and value for money
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
National Academies Press
Digital infrastructure for the learning health system: workshop summary [free registration required]
For the public’s health: the role of measurement in action and accountability [free registration required]
[Links to external webpages]
For the public’s health: the role of measurement in action and accountability [free registration required]
[Links to external webpages]
NHS Litigation Authority
Risk e-news [newsletter]http://www.nhsla.com/NR/rdonlyres/6549BD0B-1C22-4091-B9BE-1CEA4FA171C9/0/Issue1.pdf
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
Friday, 5 November 2010
National voluntary consensus standards for patient safety measures: first report
Patient safety framework for Albertans
[Links to external webpages]
Patient safety framework for Albertans
[Links to external webpages]
Centre for Health Economics
Regional variation in the productivity of the English national health service
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
E-watch on Innovation in Health Services
Innovation takes leadership: opportunities and challenges for Canada’s health care system
Enhancing the benefits from biomedical and health research spillovers between public, private and charitable sectors in the UK
Ivey Centre for Innovation and Leadership [Website]
A critical synthesis of literature on the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework
[Links to external webpages]
Enhancing the benefits from biomedical and health research spillovers between public, private and charitable sectors in the UK
Ivey Centre for Innovation and Leadership [Website]
A critical synthesis of literature on the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework
[Links to external webpages]
King's Fund
Quality improvement in general practice [Discussion paper]
How to deliver high quality, patient-centred, cost-effective care: consensus solutions from the voluntary sector
[Links to external webpages]
How to deliver high quality, patient-centred, cost-effective care: consensus solutions from the voluntary sector
[Links to external webpages]
National Academies Press
Public health effectiveness of the FDA 510(k) clearance process: balancing patient safety and innovation [Workshop report]
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
Never events annual report 2009/10
Never events framework update 2010/11
[Links to external webpages]
Never events framework update 2010/11
[Links to external webpages]
Scottish Government
Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: headline indicators
Scotland’s national dementia strategy
[Links to external webpages]
Scotland’s national dementia strategy
[Links to external webpages]
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Centre for Health Economics
Workshop in methods of economic evaluation in public health: presentations
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
E-watch on Innovation in Health Sciences
Expediting systematic reviews: methods and implications of rapid reviews
Using common work environment metrics to improve performance in healthcare organizations
Reducing the use of ineffective health care interventions
Alberta’s health research and innovation strategy
Key factors influencing adoption of an innovation in primary health care: a qualitative study based on implementation theory
Healthcare improvement and innovation resource centre
Scoping studies: advancing the methodology
[Links to external webpages]
Using common work environment metrics to improve performance in healthcare organizations
Reducing the use of ineffective health care interventions
Alberta’s health research and innovation strategy
Key factors influencing adoption of an innovation in primary health care: a qualitative study based on implementation theory
Healthcare improvement and innovation resource centre
Scoping studies: advancing the methodology
[Links to external webpages]
Health Protection Scotland
Compliance with hand hygiene: audit report (9th bi-monthly audit)
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in Scotland, April – June 2010
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, April – June 2010
[Links to external webpages]
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in Scotland, April – June 2010
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, April – June 2010
[Links to external webpages]
Irish Soc. for Quality and Safety in Healthcare,
Health matters: national staff magazine of the health service executive (spring 2010)
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
National Academies Press
The future of nursing: leading change, advancing health (Free to download)
Redesigning the clinical effectiveness research paradigm: innovation and practice-based approaches: workshop summary (Free to download)
[Links to external webpages]
Redesigning the clinical effectiveness research paradigm: innovation and practice-based approaches: workshop summary (Free to download)
[Links to external webpages]
NHS Confederation
Scottish Government
Scottish health survey 2009
Scottish inpatient experience survey 2010: national results
[Links to external webpages]
Scottish inpatient experience survey 2010: national results
[Links to external webpages]
UK Statistics
Quality outcomes framework: achievement, prevalence and exception reporting 2009/10
Acute hospital activity: quarterly summary of inpatient, daycase and outpatient activity (April – June 2010)
[Links to external webpages]
Acute hospital activity: quarterly summary of inpatient, daycase and outpatient activity (April – June 2010)
[Links to external webpages]
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
What is patient safety? A review of the literature [Abstract]
Patient safety culture report: focusing on indicators
This report identifies care process and outcome indicators in the European Union and describes how the indicators relate to patient safety culture.
Medical engagement in organisation-wide safety and quality-improvement programmes: experience in the UK Safer Patients Initiative [Abstract]
Teaching quality improvement and patient safety to trainees: a systematic review [Abstract]
The relationship between patients' perception of care and measures of hospital quality and safety [Abstract]
Developing a common language for evaluation questions in quality and safety improvement [Abstract]
Selecting quality and resources use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
[Links to external webpages]
Patient safety culture report: focusing on indicators
This report identifies care process and outcome indicators in the European Union and describes how the indicators relate to patient safety culture.
Medical engagement in organisation-wide safety and quality-improvement programmes: experience in the UK Safer Patients Initiative [Abstract]
Teaching quality improvement and patient safety to trainees: a systematic review [Abstract]
The relationship between patients' perception of care and measures of hospital quality and safety [Abstract]
Developing a common language for evaluation questions in quality and safety improvement [Abstract]
Selecting quality and resources use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
[Links to external webpages]
Audit Scotland
Best value toolkits [Toolkit]
We have a new series of toolkits for use by auditors when carrying out Best Value (BV) audits or in a range of other work. These include: challenge & improvement, community engagement, equalities, governance & accountability.
[Links to external webpage]
We have a new series of toolkits for use by auditors when carrying out Best Value (BV) audits or in a range of other work. These include: challenge & improvement, community engagement, equalities, governance & accountability.
[Links to external webpage]
Centre for Health Economics
Workshop on methods of economic evaluation in public health research [Presentations]
[Links to external webpage]
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Commonwealth Fund
The Triple Aim Journey: Improving Population Health and Patients' Experience of Care, While Reducing Costs [Case-studies]
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Department of Health
Manual for cancer services 2008: psychological support measures
Early experiences of implementing personal health budgets
Twenty pilot sites have been selected from the personal health budgets pilot for an in-depth study, as part of a wider evaluation exploring the potential of personal health budgets to benefit different groups of people. This report is based on interviews with project leads and highlights some of the challenges the pilot sites face and how they are beginning to overcome these.
Liberating the NHS: report of the arms length bodies review
[Links to external webpages]
Early experiences of implementing personal health budgets
Twenty pilot sites have been selected from the personal health budgets pilot for an in-depth study, as part of a wider evaluation exploring the potential of personal health budgets to benefit different groups of people. This report is based on interviews with project leads and highlights some of the challenges the pilot sites face and how they are beginning to overcome these.
Liberating the NHS: report of the arms length bodies review
[Links to external webpages]
Health Professions Council
Consultation on proposed changes to the generic standards of proficiency
The full standards for consultation are available here.
[Links to external webpages]
The full standards for consultation are available here.
[Links to external webpages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Co-ordinating care for patients with complex needs [Web-based training]
Over the course of three web-based sessions, our expert faculty will address the following:
• Identifying opportunities to better coordinate care for patients with complex needs
• Allocating resources to better meet the range of needs in this population
• Testing new ways to streamline care for patients with complex needs
• Partnering with community organizations to address social determinants of health
• Tracking the impact on health, costs, and patient experience
[Links to external webpage]
Over the course of three web-based sessions, our expert faculty will address the following:
• Identifying opportunities to better coordinate care for patients with complex needs
• Allocating resources to better meet the range of needs in this population
• Testing new ways to streamline care for patients with complex needs
• Partnering with community organizations to address social determinants of health
• Tracking the impact on health, costs, and patient experience
[Links to external webpage]
King's Fund
Referral management: lessons for success
This report found that NHS referral management centres (RMCs) and some other interventions to manage GP referrals into secondary care are failing to improve quality and deliver cost savings.
[Links to external webpage]
This report found that NHS referral management centres (RMCs) and some other interventions to manage GP referrals into secondary care are failing to improve quality and deliver cost savings.
[Links to external webpage]
The Medicines for Human Use (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2010
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[Links to external webpage]
National Academic Press
Transforming clinical research in the United States: challenges and opportunities [Workshop report]
The prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials
[Links to external webpages]
The prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials
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National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)
Emergency department stroke and transient ishaemic attack care bundle [Multiple downloads]
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NHS Information Centre
A summary of public health indicators using electronic data from primary care 2001-2007 [Statistics]
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NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Medical leadership competency framework: enhancing engagement in medical leadership, 3rd edition
NHS live project directory [Database]
The NHS Live project directory is a great source of local improvement stories, and is searchable by keyword and region.
Creating the culture for innovation: a practical guide for leaders
[Links to external webpages]
NHS live project directory [Database]
The NHS Live project directory is a great source of local improvement stories, and is searchable by keyword and region.
Creating the culture for innovation: a practical guide for leaders
[Links to external webpages]
NICE announces development of further quality standards [News]
NICE guideline set to transform cancer care for thousands of patients [News]
[Links to external websites]
NICE guideline set to transform cancer care for thousands of patients [News]
[Links to external websites]
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Review of pre-registration nursing education phase 2: report of consultation findings on proposed new standards for pre-registration nursing education
Review of pre-registration nursing education: stakeholder engagement and outcomes
Safeguarding adults [News]
New hub for resources on the role of nurses and midwives in safeguarding adults.
[Links to external webpages]
Review of pre-registration nursing education: stakeholder engagement and outcomes
Safeguarding adults [News]
New hub for resources on the role of nurses and midwives in safeguarding adults.
[Links to external webpages]
OECD ministerial meeting (October 2010): health priorities in the aftermath of the crisis
At a meeting in Paris on 7-8th October, Ministers will discuss how to enhance quality, reduce waste and promote healthy lifestyles – this webpage links to the topics and questions to be discussed at the meeting.
[Links to external webpage]
At a meeting in Paris on 7-8th October, Ministers will discuss how to enhance quality, reduce waste and promote healthy lifestyles – this webpage links to the topics and questions to be discussed at the meeting.
[Links to external webpage]
Scottish Government
Delivering quality in primary care national action plan: implementing the healthcare quality strategy for NHSScotland
Hospital superbugs [News]
Information governance records management guidance for NHS boards [multiple documents]
Consultation on regulation of independent healthcare in Scotland
[Links to external webpages]
Hospital superbugs [News]
Information governance records management guidance for NHS boards [multiple documents]
Consultation on regulation of independent healthcare in Scotland
[Links to external webpages]
Friday, 23 July 2010
Coping with medical error: a systematic review of papers to assess the effects of involvement in medical errors on health professionals’ psychological well-being
The power of safety: state reporting provides lessons in reducing harm, improving care
AHRQ Innovations Exchange: featured topic – hospital transparency in reporting medical errors (webpage)
Accountability measures: using measurement to promote quality improvement
Patient safety: what can medicine learn from aviation?
National action plan to improve health literacy
[Links to external webpages]
The power of safety: state reporting provides lessons in reducing harm, improving care
AHRQ Innovations Exchange: featured topic – hospital transparency in reporting medical errors (webpage)
Accountability measures: using measurement to promote quality improvement
Patient safety: what can medicine learn from aviation?
National action plan to improve health literacy
[Links to external webpages]
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
Using evidence in the real world (Presentation)
Presentation now available from a free educational program for pharmacists and other health care professionals that examined evidence-based medicine and how to apply critical appraisal skills in daily practice.
[Links to external webpage]
Presentation now available from a free educational program for pharmacists and other health care professionals that examined evidence-based medicine and how to apply critical appraisal skills in daily practice.
[Links to external webpage]
Centre for Health Economics
Health systems performance: how can we secure robust international comparison?
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
Cochrane Collaboration
Evidence and Policy special issue: evidence and policy in six European countries
EQUATOR seminar. Reporting your randomized trial: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines (Event, Oxford, UK)
[Links to external webpages]
EQUATOR seminar. Reporting your randomized trial: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines (Event, Oxford, UK)
[Links to external webpages]
Commonwealth Fund
Blueprint for the dissemination of evidence-based practices in healthcare
Carolinas Medical Center: deomonstration high quality in the public sector
Mirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the US health care system compares internationally
International profiles of health care systems
[Links to external webpages]
Carolinas Medical Center: deomonstration high quality in the public sector
Mirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the US health care system compares internationally
International profiles of health care systems
[Links to external webpages]
Department of Health
Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS (government White paper)
Liberating the NHS: provisional timetable July 2010 – June 2012
Department of Health draft structural reform plan
Information on the quality of services: final report
Building the evidence base in pre-hospital urgent and emergency care: a review of research evidence and priorities for future research
National Quality Board: NICE quality standards
[Links to external webpages]
Liberating the NHS: provisional timetable July 2010 – June 2012
Department of Health draft structural reform plan
Information on the quality of services: final report
Building the evidence base in pre-hospital urgent and emergency care: a review of research evidence and priorities for future research
National Quality Board: NICE quality standards
[Links to external webpages]
E-watch on Innovation in Health Services
Basing healthcare on impirical evidence
The impact of competition on management quality: evidence from public hospitals
Quality of life returns from basic research
Mobilizing knowledge about the development of children, youth and families: focus on knowledge transformation and learning
Health information technology to facilitate communication involving health care providers, caregivers and paediatric patients: a scoping review
Evidence 2010: transforming healthcare (Event, London)
Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action
[Links to external webpages]
The impact of competition on management quality: evidence from public hospitals
Quality of life returns from basic research
Mobilizing knowledge about the development of children, youth and families: focus on knowledge transformation and learning
Health information technology to facilitate communication involving health care providers, caregivers and paediatric patients: a scoping review
Evidence 2010: transforming healthcare (Event, London)
Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action
[Links to external webpages]
Health Protection Scotland
The 2009 influenza pandemic: an independent review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (S. aureus bacteraemia) in Scotland January - March 2010
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, January 2010-March 2010
[Links to external webpages]
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (S. aureus bacteraemia) in Scotland January - March 2010
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, January 2010-March 2010
[Links to external webpages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Conflict engagement training for health professionals: recommendations for creating conflict competent organizations (Free registration required)
Helping leaders blink correctly: split second decisions have patient safety implications
Patient and family centred care organizational assessment tool (Free registration required)
[Links to external webpages]
Helping leaders blink correctly: split second decisions have patient safety implications
Patient and family centred care organizational assessment tool (Free registration required)
[Links to external webpages]
King's Fund
Putting quality first in the boardroom: improving the business of caring
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
New physiotherapy and occupational therapy pages launched (Website)
MHRA enforcement strategy
[Links to external webpages]
MHRA enforcement strategy
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Growing health spending puts pressure on government budgets, according to OECD health data 2010
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
Public consultation on Evaluation Pathway Programme process guide and methods guide
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
10 years after To err is human: are we listening to patients and families yet? Focus on patient safety newsletter, volume 13, issue 1, 2010.
Medical error: what to do if things go wrong: a guide for junior doctors
[Links to external webpages]
Medical error: what to do if things go wrong: a guide for junior doctors
[Links to external webpages]
Scottish Government
Realising potential: an action plan for allied health professionals in mental health
Superbug rates at all-time low (News item)
Reduction in hospital mortality (News item)
[Links to external webpages]
Superbug rates at all-time low (News item)
Reduction in hospital mortality (News item)
[Links to external webpages]
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Effectiveness of interventions designed to promote patient involvement to enhance safety: a systematic review. Quality in Health Care, 2010.
Standing Up for Doctors, Speaking Out for Patients: Final Report.
This report summarizes findings from a survey querying physicians about United Kingdom National Health Service whistleblowing policies.
10 years after To Err Is Human: are we listening to patients and families yet? Focus on Patient Safety Newsletter. 2010;13:1-3.
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2010 User Comparative Database Report (United States)
2009 National Healthcare Quality Report (United States)
[Links to external webpages]
Standing Up for Doctors, Speaking Out for Patients: Final Report.
This report summarizes findings from a survey querying physicians about United Kingdom National Health Service whistleblowing policies.
10 years after To Err Is Human: are we listening to patients and families yet? Focus on Patient Safety Newsletter. 2010;13:1-3.
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2010 User Comparative Database Report (United States)
2009 National Healthcare Quality Report (United States)
[Links to external webpages]
Cochrane Collaboration
The James Lind Alliance announces the launch of online Guidebook for priority setting in research
The James Lind Alliance has announced the launch of the Guidebook - an online resource designed to enable patients and clinicians to set the medical research agenda.
The James Lind Alliance has announced the launch of the Guidebook - an online resource designed to enable patients and clinicians to set the medical research agenda.
Commonwealth Fund
Enhancing the Capacity of Community Health Centers to Achieve High Performance: Findings from the 2009 Commonwealth Fund National Survey of Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally Qualified Health Centers are community-based health centers that provide comprehensive primary care and behavioral and mental health services to patients regardless of ability to pay. This report highlights methods for strengthening FQHCs’ ability to provide care. These include formalizing partnerships with hospitals, improving office systems, adopting the medical home model, and increasing use of HIT.
Federally Qualified Health Centers are community-based health centers that provide comprehensive primary care and behavioral and mental health services to patients regardless of ability to pay. This report highlights methods for strengthening FQHCs’ ability to provide care. These include formalizing partnerships with hospitals, improving office systems, adopting the medical home model, and increasing use of HIT.
Blueprint for the Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practices in Health Care
Aimed at fostering the broad adoption of effective health care interventions, this report proposes a blueprint for improving the dissemination of best practices by national quality improvement campaigns.
Evidence-Based Health Care for Children: What Are We Missing?
With the enactment of comprehensive health reform, reimbursement for a variety of health care services will likely depend on evidence to support that provision. Understanding what constitutes "evidence" will have a profound effect on the range of clinical care provided.
E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services
Who needs what from a national health research system: lessons from reforms to the English Department of Health's R&D system. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2010;8:11.
Introduction to Evidence-Informed Decision Making (e-learning course)
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. "Evidence, Economics, and Ethics: The Future of Health Technology Assessment", October 24 - 27, 2010, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada (Conference)
Healthcare systems: efficiency and institutions
SIIRen: system integration and innovation research network (website)
Building a 21st century primary health care system: Australia’s first national primary health care strategy
Changing Management Cultures and Organisational Performance in the NHS (OC2)
[Links to external webpages]
Introduction to Evidence-Informed Decision Making (e-learning course)
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. "Evidence, Economics, and Ethics: The Future of Health Technology Assessment", October 24 - 27, 2010, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada (Conference)
Healthcare systems: efficiency and institutions
SIIRen: system integration and innovation research network (website)
Building a 21st century primary health care system: Australia’s first national primary health care strategy
Changing Management Cultures and Organisational Performance in the NHS (OC2)
[Links to external webpages]
Health Foundation
Sharing our ideas and learning: The Health Foundation at the The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Presentations and posters prepared by The Health Foundation for the International Forum but never delivered due to the Iceland volcano.
Presentations and posters prepared by The Health Foundation for the International Forum but never delivered due to the Iceland volcano.
Health Protection Scotland
Hand hygiene - seventh bi-monthly audit report
Guidelines for the investigation, control and prevention of spread of group A streptococcal (GAS) infection in acute healthcare settings in the United Kingdom (Draft for consultation)
Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory - audit-study day (Course)
The Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory will be holding its biennial audit-study day on Tuesday 15 June 2010 at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. It will include updates on current laboratory techniques and epidemiology of mycobacterial infections. For more details or to register please contact Mrs Shona Hannan at: shona.hannan@luht.scot.nhs.uk or telephone 0131 242 6016.
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, October 2009-December 2009
[Links to external webpages]
Guidelines for the investigation, control and prevention of spread of group A streptococcal (GAS) infection in acute healthcare settings in the United Kingdom (Draft for consultation)
Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory - audit-study day (Course)
The Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory will be holding its biennial audit-study day on Tuesday 15 June 2010 at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. It will include updates on current laboratory techniques and epidemiology of mycobacterial infections. For more details or to register please contact Mrs Shona Hannan at: shona.hannan@luht.scot.nhs.uk or telephone 0131 242 6016.
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, October 2009-December 2009
[Links to external webpages]
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Conflict Engagement Training for Health Professionals: Recommendations for Creating Conflict Competent Organizations
This resource presents an overview of current "best practices" for creating conflict competent organizations, and includes a review of the literature and input from experienced professionals who provide training to health care organizations.
This resource presents an overview of current "best practices" for creating conflict competent organizations, and includes a review of the literature and input from experienced professionals who provide training to health care organizations.
$10 Million in Savings: Reducing Hospital Operating Expenses While Improving Quality July 2010 (Conference)
This two-day seminar will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on July 27-28, 2010.
Helping leaders blink correctly: Split-second decisions have patient safety implications (Part 1)
This article describes two of four necessary skills health care leaders need to develop in order to "blink" appropriately (i.e., make decisions based on robust analysis and interpretation of data): understanding the messiness of improving health care, and determining why you are measuring.
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2011 (Conference)
The 2011 International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, co-sponsored by IHI and the BMJ Publishing Group, will be held April 5-8, 2011, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Partnership for Healthcare Excellence (Website)
The Partnership for Healthcare Excellence offers numerous resources (e.g., fact sheets, posters, videos) for patients, physicians, hospitals, employers, and community organizations to educate and engage patients more directly in their own care. Example resources include questions to ask at a doctor's appointment, medication safety, infection prevention, comparing hospitals, and end-of-life planning.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Involving users in commissioning local services
[Links to external webpage]
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King's Fund
Patient choice: how patients choose and how providers respond
[Links to external webpage]
[Links to external webpage]
Measuring Monitor’s impact: economic evaluation report
This report highlights improvements in performance at NHS foundation trusts as a consequence of both Monitor’s assessment process for applicant trusts, and its risk-based approach to regulation. It was produced with support from Frontier Economics and the research methodology was independently validated.
NHS Foundation Trusts: clinical quality and service performance
This document is the outcome of a consultation which aimed to develop how the Compliance Framework addresses clinical quality and service performance in NHS foundation trusts.
Service-line management
Toolkits and guides for managing service lines in the healthcare setting.
This report highlights improvements in performance at NHS foundation trusts as a consequence of both Monitor’s assessment process for applicant trusts, and its risk-based approach to regulation. It was produced with support from Frontier Economics and the research methodology was independently validated.
NHS Foundation Trusts: clinical quality and service performance
This document is the outcome of a consultation which aimed to develop how the Compliance Framework addresses clinical quality and service performance in NHS foundation trusts.
Service-line management
Toolkits and guides for managing service lines in the healthcare setting.
National Academies Press
A summary of the December 2009 forum on the future of nursing: care in the community
[links to external webpage]
[links to external webpage]
UK Statistics
Health statistics quarterly: summer 2010
Welsh health survey 2009: initial headline results – May 2010
[links to external webpages]
Welsh health survey 2009: initial headline results – May 2010
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World Health Organisation
Sixty-third World Health Assembly closes after passing multiple resolutions
[links to external webpage]
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Patient safety research: an overview of the global evidence
Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals: How One Doctor's Checklist Can Help Us Change Health Care from the Inside Out.
Improving America's Hospitals: The Joint Commission's Annual Report on Quality and Safety 2009.
Creating champions for health care quality and safety
New Approaches to Researching Patient Safety
[links to external webpages]
Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals: How One Doctor's Checklist Can Help Us Change Health Care from the Inside Out.
Improving America's Hospitals: The Joint Commission's Annual Report on Quality and Safety 2009.
Creating champions for health care quality and safety
New Approaches to Researching Patient Safety
[links to external webpages]
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