Alcohol-related mortality and morbidity.
Audit of Critical Care in Scotland 2009 – Reporting on 2008. (Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group)
Childhood hospital admissions and mortality.
Dental statistics.
Drug treatment waiting times.
Findings from the 2nd Balance of Care/Continuing Care Census - 31 March 2009.
General ophthalmic services.
Genito-urinary Medicine ( GUM ) Statistics, year ending December 2008.
Mental Health (Psychiatric) Hospital Activity Statistics.
Prescribing statistics.
Provision of Injecting Equipment in Scotland, 2007/08.
Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF) of the new GMS Contract - National Prevalence Day Scotland Level Prevalence Estimates for 2008/09.
ScotPHO website section updates.
Scottish Breast Screening Programme Statistics 2007/2008.
Scottish schools adolescent lifestyle and substance use survey.
Teenage Pregnancies 2007.
Web based Clinical Outcome Indicators – year end 30.06.08
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