Thursday, 30 July 2009

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Draft revised Foundation Programme Curriculum - for review.

European Working Time Directive – statement – 12 July 2009.

Improving assessment report – 15 July 2009.

Newsletter – July 2009.

No health without mental health 28 July 2009 – ALERT report.

Statement on genomic medicine – 28 July 2009.

European working time directive - news release (26 May).

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California Hospital Patient Safety Organization. "This Web site offers tools, a newsletter focusing on lessons learned from error reports, and a detailed resource collection to support patient safety organization (PSO) efforts in California."

Council recommendation on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections. Council of the European Union (2009).

Medication safety self assessment for automated dispensing cabinets.

Horsham, PA: Institute for Safe Medication Practices; 2009. [tool]

Safety first: top of your board's agenda: 100 day challenge survey report. The Patients Association. Harrow, Middlesex, UK: The Patients Association; June 2009.

Taking charge of your healthcare: your path to being an empowered patient.

Chicago, IL: Consumers Advancing Patient Safety; 2009. [toolkit / website]

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Alzheimer Scotland

Beyond barriers - report on palliative care.

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BMA warns trusts against victimising NHS whistle-blowers.

We need to foster a culture of openness in the NHS – BMA comment on Health Committee report (in England).

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Audit Scotland

Health and community care bulletin – 30 June 2009.

Improving public sector purchasing.

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BMA Scotland

Doctors call for better sex education in schools.

New figures highlight hidden human cost of alcohol misuse in Scotland.

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2010 International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 20-23 April, 2010, Nice, France.

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Anti-TNF-α Drugs for Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical- and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses. [HTA]

COMPUS Communiqué vol 5 – no 4.

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Canadian Patient Safety Institute

Patient safety matters: volume 4, issue 6, July 2009.

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Care Commission

Association for Continence Advice - annual study day. The Association of Continence Advice (ACA) Scotland is holding an Annual Study Day on 1 October 2009 in Falkirk.

Care news – summer 2009.

Care trigger tool: care homes for older people - pressure ulcer prevention.

Provider guidance - housing support and care at home inspections.

Registration of managers of care at home services.

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Care Quality Commission

Care Quality Commission response to Health Committee report on patient safety.

CQC publishes plans on how it will assess health and social care in 2009/10.

Joan Bakewell at launch of Commission’s charter.

Regulator emphasises need for improvement in care provided to people detained under the Mental Health Act.

Regulator says NHS must do more to protect children from neglect and abuse.

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Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Obesity among U.S. Adults continues to rise. obesity prevalence 25 percent or Higher in 32 States. [news release]

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Centre for Evidence-Based Care of Older People

Launch presentations.

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Centre for Health Economics

CHE – Newsletter – July 2009.

CHE Research Paper 49, What explains variation in the costs of treating patients in English obstetrics specialties?

Policy briefing – July 2009 - Geographical variation in quality of life: the role of public service organisations.

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Cochrane Collaboration

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Impact Factor for 2008 is 5.182

Issue 3, 2009 of The Cochrane Library is now online.

Podcasts from The Cochrane Library - listen now!

Steering Group Bulletin and Minutes (from mid-year meeting) now available.

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Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

Performance review of health professional regulatory bodies 2008/09. Promoting improvement in regulation.

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Department of Health

2008/2009 national survey of investment in adult mental health services.

Appointment of General Pharmaceutical Council Chair.

Chair announced for new adjudication body for health professionals - Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator (OHPA).

End of life care strategy: First annual report.

Essence of care: a consultation on a new benchmark on pain.

Estimating future numbers of adults with profound multiple learning disabilities in England.

Extending professional and occupational regulation. The report of the working group on extending professional regulation.

Government's Response to the Health Select Committee Report on Top-up fees.
GP patient survey 2009.

Green paper: Shaping the future of care together.

Health profiles 2009 launched.

Living well with dementia: a National Dementia Strategy implementation plan.

Moving forward: progress and priorities - working together for high quality sexual health: Government response to the Independent Advisory Group's review of the Sexual Health and HIV Strategy.

New Horizons: towards a shared vision for mental health - consultation.

Prevention package for older people.

Primary care and community services: improving GP access and responsiveness.

Quality accounts engagement report.

Safeguarding adults: report on the consultation on the review of No Secrets.

Three-digit number (3DN) to access non-emergency health care.

A year of progress towards High Quality Care for All.

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The Knowledge – issue 6.

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E-watch on innovation in health services

Consultation paper. A Draft National Strategy for Medical Research and Public Health Research. June 2009. (Australian Government)

National support to public health research: a survey of European ministries. (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Out-of-hours care in western countries: assessment of different organizational models.
(Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre)

Riding the knowledge translation roundabout: lessons learned from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Summer Institute in knowledge translation.

Theory versus practice. Discussing the governance of health technology assessment systems. [Stockholm Network]

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ECRI Institute

INsight™ system assessments for quality, risk and safety - out of hours service providers. ECRI Institute. [flyer]

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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

ECDC publishes first reports in the Migrant Health series.

Meeting on surveillance and studies in a pandemic.

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GMC launches online tutorials in medical ethics.

GMC reviews guidance for doctors on involving patients in research.

GMC Today is published (July/August 2009).

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Healthcare Governance Review

Patient Safety First launches ‘How to guide’ for Human Factors.

Subscribe to Health Governance Update email newsletter.

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Health Foundation

Casting the patient safety net - launched in June 2009, the Health Foundation’s Safer Patients Network will test, develop and export ways to make healthcare safer for patients and build improvement skills in their systems of care.

Co-creating Health featured on BBC Radio 4’s Case notes. Link to BBC programme page.

Putting shared decision making into practice. “Shared Decision Making, the Health Foundation’s new programme, is seeking a multi-disciplinary design team to explore how shared decision making can best be implemented into clinical practice.”

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Health Information and Quality Authority [R. Ireland]

Health Information and Quality Authority publish report on Health Information.

Independent inspection of nursing homes to begin.

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Health Professions Council

Standards of proficiency now available for practitioner psychologists.

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Health Protection Scotland

Health protection conference (Health Protection Agency). 14-16 September 2009, Warwick.

National hand hygiene NHS campaign: compliance with hand hygiene - 2nd bi-monthly audit report.

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House of Commons Health Select Committee

Patient Safety. Sixth Report of Session 2008–09. Volume I.

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NHS risk management conference. Thursday 8th October 2009. Venue - TBC, London.

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Information Commissioner’s Office

NHS Lothian to improve security after breaching the Data Protection Act.

NHS puts records at risk.

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Chapter progress report 2009


Chapter progress report 2009 - accomplishments


Chapter progress report: goals 2009 - 2010

Healthcare 411 Podcast News Series from AHRQ. "Weekly audio and video programs for both consumers and clinicians feature the latest AHRQ research findings as well as informational stories on health care topics to help consumers improve the quality of their health care and navigate the system."

Health communications toolkits: improving readability of patient education materials.
Impact – leadership community.

Improvement methods – homepage. “We have collected all of the best content we know of — including change concepts, measures, resources, improvement stories, and downloadable tools — to help you make improvement successful in your organization.”

Rethinking comparative effectiveness research: An interview with Dr. Donald Berwick.

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ISD (selected stats – 30 June and 28 July issues)

Alcohol-related mortality and morbidity.

Audit of Critical Care in Scotland 2009 – Reporting on 2008. (Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group)

Childhood hospital admissions and mortality.

Dental statistics.

Drug treatment waiting times.

Findings from the 2nd Balance of Care/Continuing Care Census - 31 March 2009.

General ophthalmic services.

Genito-urinary Medicine ( GUM ) Statistics, year ending December 2008.

Mental Health (Psychiatric) Hospital Activity Statistics.

Prescribing statistics.

Provision of Injecting Equipment in Scotland, 2007/08.

Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF) of the new GMS Contract - National Prevalence Day Scotland Level Prevalence Estimates for 2008/09.

ScotPHO website section updates.

Scottish Breast Screening Programme Statistics 2007/2008.

Scottish schools adolescent lifestyle and substance use survey.

Teenage Pregnancies 2007.

Web based Clinical Outcome Indicators – year end 30.06.08

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Joint Commission

CMS recognizes The Joint Commission’s critical access hospital accreditation.

Joint Commission online – July 2009. [now weekly issues]

This Month at the Joint Commission – June 2009 newsletter.

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The King's Fund

How cold will it be? Prospects for NHS funding: 2011-2017.

PBC two years on. Moving forward and making a difference?

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3rd Annual MHRA Paediatric Regulation Seminar. Thursday 11 February 2010 - London.

Better Regulation of Medicines Initiative (BROMI): Improvements in Detailed Descriptions of Pharmacovigilance System (DDPS) assessments.

Draft guidance for comment on the UK's arrangements under the hospital exemption scheme for advanced therapy medicinal products.

Marketing Authorisation applications for medicines using the Decentralised procedure (DCP) with the UK as Reference Member State (RMS): New or earlier slots available in all therapeutic areas.

Members announced for the MHRA’s Agency Board.

MHRA Annual Report and Accounts 2008/09.

MLX 356 - Outcome of consultation on proposals for regularising the position of those mixing and administering medicines in palliative care.

MLX 357 - Outcome of consultation on measures to strengthen the medicines’ supply chain and reduce risk from counterfeit medicines.

Public consultation (MLX 360): Latent UK marketing authorisation (MA) applications.

Public consultation (MLX 361): The UK proposals on the charging of fees in respect of the European Regulation (EC 1234/2008) on variations to Medicines Marketing Authorisations.

Revised statement on medical and non-medical prescribing and mixing medicines in clinical practice.

Streamlining the approval process of safety variation applications of medicines.

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National Academies Press

Accelerating the Development of Biomarkers for Drug Safety: Workshop Summary. [full text free online]

Initial National Priorities for Comparative Effectiveness Research. [full text free online]

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National Audit Office

Services for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

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National Centre for Health Statistics

Vaccination coverage estimates from the National Health Interview Survey: United States, 2008.

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National Patient Safety Foundation

Questions are the answer? Seven questions every board member should ask about patient safety.

Review of patient safety for children and young people.

Seven steps to patient safety in general practice.

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New Zealand Ministry of Health

DHB Hospital Benchmark Information. Report for the Quarter January - March 2009.

Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu. National Health Coordination Centre (NHCC) Action Plan and Planning Assumptions.

Longer life, better health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996 – 2006.

Programme for the integration of mental health data.

Report on Indicators of DHB Performance (IDP) for Quarter Three 2008/09Report on Indicators of DHB Performance (IDP) for Quarter Three 2008/09.

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NHS Education for Scotland

Communiqué – June 2009.

A guide to health care support worker education and role development.

Education and development framework for senior charge nurses.

Information Governance Newsletter - issue 21.

The scope for joint education and training for health and social care support workers in Scotland.

Working with individuals with cancer, their families and carers. Continuing development framework for healthcare support workers.


Working with individuals with cancer, their families and carers - practice examples.

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NHS Employers

Equality Bill - consultation on public sector duty.

Independent review of KSF commissioned.

Medical Education England: launch of website.

New service from NHS Litigation Authority - now providing a new service for NHS organisations on age discrimination claims, alongside its existing advisory role on equal pay claims.

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NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health

Annual Evidence Update on Oesophago-gastric Cancers: 22-26 June 2009

Annual Evidence Update on Osteoporosis: from 29 June to 3 July 2009

Annual Evidence Update on Health Needs of People with Learning Disabilities: from 29 June to 3 July 2009

Annual Evidence Update on Hip Fracture: 27-31 July 2009

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NHS Information Centre

Audit shows sixty percent of people with diabetes in England not receiving recommended care.

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NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

Organisational Health: a new perspective on performance improvement?

The NHS Institute to collaborate in public sector peer review initiative.

The Productive Operating Theatre - to be launched 21 September 2009. The NHS Institute is developing an exciting new programme for perioperative practitioners, surgeons and anaesthetists.

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NHS Litigation Authority

Addendum to NHSLA Independent Sector Providers of NHS Care Standards.

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NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

Clinical standards for stroke services: care of the patient in the acute setting – update June 2009.

eNews – Issue 36 – July 2009.

Improving nutritional care newsletter. Issue 3 now available for download.

Latest guideline available on SIGN website - British guideline on the management of asthma.

Learning disabilities services local reports: Ayrshire and Arran local report now available.

Resource pack for CHD Improvement Programme.

Scottish Government Health Directorates 2nd annual regulation event. Edinburgh International Climbing Arena. 27 & 28 October 2009.

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NHS Wales

First Minister makes statement on E.Coli inquiry report.

Wales Centre for Health commits to eradicating child poverty in Wales.

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2009/034 NICE interventional procedures programme publishes landmark 300th guideline. [news release]

eNews – May 2009.

Health and clinical excellence bulletin – July 2009 (issue 63).

Health and clinical excellence bulletin – June 2009 (issue 62).

Into practice – July 2009.

NICE starts work on setting quality standards.

Sir Ian Kennedy presents his report on the value of new innovative health technologies.

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NPSA announces the highest number of inpatient NHS sites rated excellent.

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Nursing and Midwifery Council

Increase in complaints about nurses and midwives.

NMC Announces New Chief Executive and Registrar.

NMC has made ‘significant progress’ says health regulator’s watchdog.

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Health update no. 7 – health spending in the current crisis.

OECD Health Data 2009 – comparing health statistics across OECD countries.

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Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner

Newsletter – July/August 2009.

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RCN Scotland

July issue of RCN Scotland newsletter 'Frontline.'

New development programme for healthcare support workers.

Scotland's Public Health Act comes into force early - how will it affect you?

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SCIMP (Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice)

Scottish clinical information management in practice conference 2009. Applying eHealth making IT a success in primary careTo register. 3 & 4 November 2009, Dunblane Hydro Hotel.

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Scottish Government

Better heart disease and stroke care action plan.

Better Together: Scotland's patient experience programme: patient priorities for inpatient care report no. 5/2009.

GP access survey: results and methodology.

NHSscotland efficiency and productivity programme: delivery framework.

One year job guarantee for nurses and midwives.

Patients' rights bill for users of the NHS in Scotland consultation analysis report and Scottish Government response - quick read summaries.

The Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008 (Sunbed) Regulations 2009.

Review of allergy services in Scotland: a report by a working group of the Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee.

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Scottish Public Health Observatory

Alcohol attributable mortality and morbidity: alcohol population attributable fractions for Scotland.

Are people in Scotland becoming more active? Combined results from Scotland's routine national surveys.

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Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Administrative justice in Scotland - the Way Forward. The final report of the Administrative justice Steering Group.

Ombudsman's commentary July 2009.

SPSO issues Performance Update 2008-09.

SPSO publishes new advice leaflet for public service providers.

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