Friday, 17 April 2009

Department of Health

Basic guidelines for people who commission easy read information.

Competencies for recognising and responding to acutely ill patients in hospital.

The coronary heart disease national service framework: building on excellence, maintaining progress - progress report for 2008.

Drive to improve services on world autism day. News release plus: Services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC): good practice advice for primary care trust and local authority commissioners.

Government outlines changes to GP quality incentive scheme.

Guidance notes: prison health performance and quality indicators.

Guidance on funding excess treatment costs related to non-commercial research studies and applying for a subvention.

Guidance on NHS patients who wish to pay for additional private care.

Guidance on managing variations to PFI schemes.

Health action planning and health facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance.

Health Checks begin in April. [news release]

Impact assessment of the reformed complaints regulations for health and social care - consultation with stakeholders.

Landmark day as patients to help put quality at the heart of the NHS and social care. [news release]

Living well with dementia - a national dementia strategy: demonstrator site programme.

NHS next stage review - creation of health innovation and education clusters (HIECs).

The Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator regulations 2009: a paper for consultation.

Pre-existing PROMS data collections.

Putting people first: working together with user-led organisations.

Response to consultation on the framework for the registration of health and adult social care providers and consultation on draft regulations. Plus news release: New regulation for health and adult social care providers.

The Sunnyview University Hospital Trust quality report 2008-09. This is an example of a quality report, prepared as part of the introduction of quality accounts, as proposed in Lord Darzi's report, High quality care for all.

Tackling concerns locally: report of the working group. This report sets out the principles of best practice on how local systems for clinical governance could be strengthened to promote continuous improvement in the quality of care and enable healthcare organisations to identify and deal with those healthcare professionals whose performance, conduct or health could put patients at risk.

Tackling concerns nationally: establishing the Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator. Plus news release: Improvements to the regulation of healthcare professionals

Theatre support pack. Summary of the consequences for theatre practices of outsourcing contracts for decontamination signed as part of the National Decontamination Programme.

World class commissioning: improving pharmaceutical services.

Your health, your way - a guide to long term conditions and self care. Information booklet and resource pack for healthcare professionals.

You’re welcome quality criteria self-assessment toolkit. The You’re Welcome self-assessment toolkit has been designed to enable service providers and commissioners to see what to do to be “young people friendly” and more appropriate to the needs of young people – as detailed in the quality criteria.

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