Friday, 17 April 2009

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Newsletter – March 2009. [link to external webpage]


AHRQ's 2009 annual conference—research to reform: achieving health system change. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. September 13-16, 2009; North Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, MD.

The Eighth National Quality Colloquium. Harvard University. August 17-20, 2009; Annenberg Hall, Cambridge, MA.
Focus: patient safety, health care reliability, team training, and reducing medical errors.

The high costs of weak compliance with the New York State hospital adverse event reporting and tracking system. Thompson WC Jr. New York, NY: Office of the New York City Comptroller, Office of Policy Management; 2009.

Hospital report card: Ontario 2009. Esmail N, Hazel M. Studies in Health Care Policy. Fraser Institute. Calgary, Alberta, Canada; March 2009. ISSN: 1918-2082. ‘Designed to help patients choose hospitals, this report utilized AHRQ quality indicators to analyze the performance of acute-care hospitals in Ontario.

Pulse report 2009: safety culture: staff perspectives on American health care. South Bend, IN: Press Ganey Associates, Inc: 2009. ‘… survey of more than 40,000 employees at 75 hospitals

Safe practices 2009. National Quality Forum. Washington DC: National Quality Forum; 2009.
Health-care–associated infections in hospitals: continuing leadership needed from HHS to prioritize prevention practices and improve data on these infections.

Subcommittee on Health Care, Committee on Finance, US Senate, Government Accountability Office, GAO-09-516T (March 18, 2009) (testimony of Marjorie Kanof, MD).

[links to external pages]

Audit Commission

Figures you can trust: data quality in the NHS. [report] [link to external webpage]

Audit Scotland

Drug and alcohol services in Scotland. [main report] Plus: Key messages

Managing the use of medicines in hospitals: follow-up review.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

OSSIE guide to clinical handover improvement (consultation edition). [link to external webpage]

BMA Scotland

BMA Scotland response to Audit Scotland report on drugs and alcohol services in Scotland. [link to external webpage]


Developing general practice, listening to patients - patient, GP and stakeholder consultation. [link to external webpage]

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

CDR is inviting comments and feedback on new initiatives ‘proposed to facilitate earlier access to drugs without compromising the high quality of CDR reviews.

Indirect evidence: indirect treatment comparisons in meta-analysis.

Intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

Octaplas compared with fresh frozen plasma to reduce the risk of transmitting lipid-enveloped viruses: an economic analysis and budget impact analysis.

Portable ultrasonography in small emergency departments: a systematic review of the guidelines and clinical-effectiveness.

Using Canadian administrative databases to derive economic data for health technology assessments.

[links to external webpages]

Canadian Patient Safety Institute,

Patient safety matters: Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2009. [link to external webpage]

Care Commission

Care professionals encouraged to help raise awareness of national care standards. New ‘Don’t Forget’ campaign targets social workers across Scotland.

Care Commission corporate plan 2009 – 2011.

Frequency of inspections 2009–10 – summary guide The Scottish Goverment have agreed changes to the statutory minimum frequency of inspections.

Table setting out the frequency of inspection for different types of services from 1 April 2009.

The Mental Welfare Commission is moving.

Statement from Care Commission on Panorama investigation on care at home services.

[links to external webpages]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health, United States, 2008. [an annual report on trends in health statistics]

Obama administration announces new campaign to refocus national attention on the HIV crisis in the United States.

[links to external webpages]

Centre for Health Economics

Newsletter – Issue 5. March 2009. [link to external webpage]

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

CRD databases - April 2009 updates (CRD has added 199+ new records over three weeks - but fewer will show using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER captures the last week’s updates only)

Go to:

Copy following search string into the Search box: ((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW

Centre of Research Excellence in Patient Safety

Australian patient safety bulletin - newsletter of the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Patient Safety. March 2009 Issue 11. [links to external webpage]

Cochrane Collaboration

CCInfo: Electronic news bulletin of The Cochrane Collaboration. 2 April, 2009.

Cochrane news – issue 45 – April 2009.

Developing a Protocol for a Review - Edinburgh, Scotland. This one day workshop is run by the UK Cochrane Centre Training Team. It will take place on Tuesday, 9 June 2009.

Issue 2, 2009 of The Cochrane Library is now online (from 15 April).

New Centre for Health Communication and Participation.

Register of studies slidecast (March 2009) now available.

[links to external webpages]

Department of Health

Basic guidelines for people who commission easy read information.

Competencies for recognising and responding to acutely ill patients in hospital.

The coronary heart disease national service framework: building on excellence, maintaining progress - progress report for 2008.

Drive to improve services on world autism day. News release plus: Services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC): good practice advice for primary care trust and local authority commissioners.

Government outlines changes to GP quality incentive scheme.

Guidance notes: prison health performance and quality indicators.

Guidance on funding excess treatment costs related to non-commercial research studies and applying for a subvention.

Guidance on NHS patients who wish to pay for additional private care.

Guidance on managing variations to PFI schemes.

Health action planning and health facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance.

Health Checks begin in April. [news release]

Impact assessment of the reformed complaints regulations for health and social care - consultation with stakeholders.

Landmark day as patients to help put quality at the heart of the NHS and social care. [news release]

Living well with dementia - a national dementia strategy: demonstrator site programme.

NHS next stage review - creation of health innovation and education clusters (HIECs).

The Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator regulations 2009: a paper for consultation.

Pre-existing PROMS data collections.

Putting people first: working together with user-led organisations.

Response to consultation on the framework for the registration of health and adult social care providers and consultation on draft regulations. Plus news release: New regulation for health and adult social care providers.

The Sunnyview University Hospital Trust quality report 2008-09. This is an example of a quality report, prepared as part of the introduction of quality accounts, as proposed in Lord Darzi's report, High quality care for all.

Tackling concerns locally: report of the working group. This report sets out the principles of best practice on how local systems for clinical governance could be strengthened to promote continuous improvement in the quality of care and enable healthcare organisations to identify and deal with those healthcare professionals whose performance, conduct or health could put patients at risk.

Tackling concerns nationally: establishing the Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator. Plus news release: Improvements to the regulation of healthcare professionals

Theatre support pack. Summary of the consequences for theatre practices of outsourcing contracts for decontamination signed as part of the National Decontamination Programme.

World class commissioning: improving pharmaceutical services.

Your health, your way - a guide to long term conditions and self care. Information booklet and resource pack for healthcare professionals.

You’re welcome quality criteria self-assessment toolkit. The You’re Welcome self-assessment toolkit has been designed to enable service providers and commissioners to see what to do to be “young people friendly” and more appropriate to the needs of young people – as detailed in the quality criteria.

[links to external webpages]

Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety

Health minister announces C. difficile public inquiry panel. [news release] [link to external webpage]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Empowerment of the European patient: options and implications. Health Consumer Powerhouse, 2009.

The Finnish healthcare system: a values-based perspective. SITRA. Helsinki, 2009.

Fixing healthcare: the professionals perspective. [first report in a series of four from the Economist Intelligence Unit]

Website: Canadian Caregiver Coalition.

[links to external webpages]

General Medical Council

GMC announces new Council Chair.

GMC launches consultation on end of life care.

GMC Today (March/April issue – released 3 April).

UK Revalidation Programme Board welcomes pilot progress.

[links to external webpages]

Health Foundation

International evidence into healthcare delivery models for prevention of CVD.

Stephen Thornton appointed quality expert to National Quality Board.

[links to external webpages]

Health Professions Council

Consultation on Health Professions Council (practice committees (constitution) and miscellaneous amendments) rules 2009.

HPC In Focus - Issue 22, April 2009.

Practitioner psychologists - consultations.

[links to external webpages]

Health Protection Scotland

Droplet precautions policy and procedure - transmission based precaution.

Genital herpes simplex, genital chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection in Scotland: laboratory diagnoses 1999 – 2008.

Prophylaxis and treatment guidelines for MRSA infections (updated April 2009).

Protocol for the Scottish Surveillance Programme for CDAD.

Scottish surveillance of healthcare Associated Infection Programme Quarterly report on Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in Scotland, January 2003 - December 2008.

[links to external webpages]

Health Rights Information Scotland

Scottish Accessible Information Forum (SAIF) training courses. Gillis Centre Edinburgh. Thursday 4 June. 1 to 4 pm. Course for frontline staff costs £100 Friday 5 June. 10 am to 4 pm. Course for managers and policy makers costs £165 [link to external webpage]

Healthcare Commission [no longer exists]

Healthcare Commission – Legacy report Plus: Safe in the knowledge: how do NHS Trust boards ensure safe care for their patients?

Note: HC publications have been moved to Care Quality Commission site. A slow internet connection / slow opening has prevented location of the reports. As soon as located, links will be made.

Improvement Foundation

Patient safety congress 2009. April 30 – 1 May. ICC, Birmingham. [link to external webpage]


Computed tomographic colonography for colorectal cancer screening in an average risk population: systematic review and economic evaluation. [INAHTA Brief]

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents for anemia of chronic kidney disease: systematic review and economic evaluation. [INAHTA Brief]

Home telehealth for chronic disease management. [INAHTA Brief]

Intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: economic and health service impact analyses. [INAHTA Brief]

Management of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: systematic drug class review and economic evaluation. [INAHTA Brief]

The Observatory Venice Summer School. The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. 26 to 31 July 2009, San Servolo Island, Venice.

Theme: innovation and health technology assessment: improving health system quality.

Octreotide for endocrine, oncologic, and gastrointestinal disorders: systematic review and budget impact analysis.

[links to external webpages]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Covering health issues (5th Edition). Washington, DC: The Alliance for Health Reform; 2009.

Useful guide to healthcare issues in USA – originally intended for journalists.

E-newsletter – Issue 90 – March 2009.

Improvement report. Maintaining glucose control in the ICU: implementing standard order sets tailored for specific patient populations.

Stony Brook University Hospital. Stony Brook, New York, USA.

Website: ‘ is devoted to building a network of scholars, practitioners, and others that will share and implement solutions to improve safety in health care. It features free tools, including video case studies and safety culture surveys, plus many others.’

Policy statement: the healthcare executive’s role in ensuring quality and patient safety. American College of Healthcare Executives. November 10, 2008.

Reducing avoidable emergency department visits. A triple aim initiative.

Why hospitals should fly: the ultimate flight plan to patient safety and quality care. Nance J Bozeman, Montana: Second River Healthcare Press; 2008. [book recommendation]

Website: This free resource from The Commonwealth Fund is for health care professionals interested in tracking performance on various measures of health care quality.

[links to external webpages]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2008: Prospects for Health Reform in 2009 and Beyond. April 2009. [link to external webpage]


Alcohol in ethnic groups. Statistical publication notice - 31 March 2009.

Coronary heart disease & stroke programme. Newsletter - issue number 18 — March 2009.

Delayed discharges. Statistical publication notice - 31 March 2009.

Immunisations (HPV). Statistical publication notice - 26 March 2009.

NHS Scotland – terminology services newsletter. Issue number 1 – March 2009.

Practice Team Information (PTI) annual update (2007/08). Plus: Practice team information. Communications update March 2009.

Prescribing statistics. Statistical publication notice - 31 March 2009.

A profile of alcohol and health in Wales. Wales Centre for Health. April 2009.

ScotPHO updates. Statistical publication notice - 31 March 2009.

Workforce information – newsletter.

[links to external webpages]

The Joint Commission

Joint Commission Online (newsletter) - March 2009 (issued 2 April).

Measuring hand hygiene adherence: making the what, why and how decisions. Joint Commission, partners release free educational monograph.

This month (newsletter): March 2009 (issued 1 April).

[links to external website]

The King's Fund

Quality of care in general practice to be the focus of a major inquiry from The King's Fund. [news release] [link to external webpage]


DB 2009(02) Adverse Incident Reports 2008.

Drug safety update: volume 2 issue 9, April 2009.

Hampton Review concludes regulator is confident, transparent and risk-aware [news release]. Plus: 'The Better Regulation Executive (BRE) has today published its report of the Hampton Implementation Review (HIR) into the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).'

Interim UK regulatory route map for stem cell research and manufacture.

Launch of the e-MDA, the web-based UK-wide medical device alert.

Patient and public engagement strategy. April 2009 - March 2011.

Review of the EU variations regulation: European Commission consultation on draft guidelines.

Risk based inspections seminar. 22 May 2009. Venue: London. 'An opportunity to learn how the MHRA's risk based inspection strategy.'

[links to external webpages]

National Academies Press

Health literacy, ehealth, and communication: putting the consumer first: workshop summary. April 2009. [link to external webpage]

New Zealand Ministry for Health

Consultation on the interim specification for the midwifery first year of practice programme.

Long-term conditions programme update, March 2009.

Medical Training Board: the future of the medical workforce: first annual report Nov 2007-Dec 2008.

[links to external webpages]

NHS Choices

NHS Choices publishes surgery survival rates. [link to external webpage]

NHS Education for Scotland

Evaluation of the e-Library’s subscription resources.

Launch of Testing for the Best in Educational Development [16 April 2009].

NES FOCUS Winter 08-09 [issued 23 March 2009).

[links to external webpages]

NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health

Annual evidence update on colorectal cancer: 2009.

Annual evidence update on pain: 30 March - 3 April 2009.

Annual evidence update on schizophrenia: 2009.

Promoting and embedding innovation: learning from experience. NHS East Midlands and University of Birmingham Health Services Management Centre. [review]

[links to external webpages]

NHS Litigation Authority

2009/10 CNST Maternity Standards published.

2009/10 NHSLA Risk Management Standards released:

NHSLA Risk Management Standards for Acute Trusts, Primary Care Trusts and Independent Sector Providers of NHS Care (single document) Plus: NHSLA Risk Management Standards for Mental Health & Learning Disability Trusts Plus: NHSLA Risk Management Standards for Ambulance Trusts

NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

Appointment of new chief executive.

Best practice statement - prevention and management of pressure ulcers.

Management of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection. Costing report and template.

The road to recovery: easier to swallow report.

[links to external webpages]

NHS Scotland


‘3rd National Clinical Governance conference will be held in January 2010. We are currently making all the necessary arrangements for the event. More details, including an exact date and venue, are soon to be published.’ [no further information online at 17/04/09]

AREA CLINICAL FORUM CHAIRS NATIONAL NETWORK CONFERENCE. 26 May 2009, Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

‘The conference has been planned to coincide with the revision of the existing ACF guidance and will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss and influence the final draft before it is formally published by the Scottish Government. The purpose of the conference is two fold. It will raise the profile of the ACF nationally across NHS Scotland and allow delegates to gain clarity of the progress and current position of the ACF since its inception as well as exploring how they see as the future direction of the ACF and how the revised guidance will facilitate this.’ [no further information online at 17/04/09]

[please note that links are to external webpages]

NHS Wales

New group to advise on health service reform.

Health profiles for new local health boards.

[Links to external webpages]


Health and clinical excellence bulletin – March 2009.

Kennedy study of valuing innovation: next steps.

Merger creates largest guideline centre in UK.

NICE Citizens Council report: departing from the [QALY] threshold.

Into practice - newsletter for implementers – April 2009.

[links to external webpages]


Research to investigate future of midwifery education. [link to external webpage]


Implementing the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist Alert.

NCAS - Additional support for pharmacists and employers where quality is compromised.

Statement on the Healthcare Commission’s 6th survey of NHS staff. 24 March 2009.

[links are to external webpages]


Long-term care workforce: overview. OECD.

Obesity: analysis of trends in selected OECD countries. OECD.

[links are to external webpages]


April 2009 newsletter.

RCN Scotland launches vision for community nursing in Scotland. [news release]

[links are to external webpages]

Scottish Government

Access to new medicines. [news release]

Arrangements for NHS patients receiving healthcare services through private healthcare arrangements.

The autism toolbox: an autism resource for Scottish schools.

Cdiff and MRSA rates falling. [news release]

3 Papers produced by the Service Development Group of Changing Lives [all three links are to same external webpage]:

- Personalisation: a shared understanding

- Commissioning for personalisation

- A personalised commissioning approach to support and care services

Draft directive on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare - statement by Nicola Sturgeon.

Hand wash heave-ho for hospital bugs. [news release]

Health Bill for alcohol measures. [news release]

NHS Quality Improvement Scotland Board. [news release]

Recent migration into Scotland: the evidence base.

Review of nursing in the community: baseline study. Plus: Review of community nursing: baseline study research findings 79/2009.

Scottish referral guidelines for suspected cancer: quick reference guide

Support for nursing and midwifery students in Scotland 2009/10.

[links to external webpages]

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Ombudsman gives evidence to Scottish Parliament committee. [link to external webpage]

UK Parliament

Health Committee - Third Report. Health Inequalities. February 2009. [link to external webpage]