Joint statement from PMETB, AOMRC, GMC, COPMED and NHS employers in relation to the role and recognition of supervisors of postgraduate medical education and training. [17 November 2009]
Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh - reshaping the surgical workforce - lectures and workshops - 12 February 2010.
Links to external web pages.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
African Partnerships for Patient Safety. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Patient Safety, World Health Organization. “This Web site establishes a forum for hospitals in Europe and Africa to support partnership development and share learnings to drive patient safety improvements.” [AHRQ description / website]
Assessing patient safety practices and outcomes in the U.S. health care system. Farley DO, Ridgely MS, Mendel P, et al. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; 2009. ISBN: 9780833047748. "This publication reports the results of a 2-year examination to determine the effectiveness of US efforts to improve patient safety, explore hospitals' experience with the AHRQ patient safety culture survey, and highlight trends in patient safety improvement." [AHRQ description - book]
Avoiding medication mistakes. Fitzpatrick C. Consumer Updates. Silver Spring, MD: US Food and Drug Administration. September 29, 2009. [video for consumers]
Comments on the common formats. National Quality Forum. “The National Quality Forum is gathering comments for AHRQ about Version 1.0 of the Common Formats, a standardized method for collecting data and reporting patient safety event information to Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs).” [AHRQ description]
Enhancing patient care: a practical guide to improving quality and safety in hospitals. Wolff A, Taylor S. Sydney, Australia: MJA Books; 2009. ISBN: 9780977578665. Authors from an Australian hospital outline a framework to assist providers and health services organizations in designing and implementing effective patient safety programs." [AHRQ description / book]
Hospital performance report: a consumer report. New Jersey 2009. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services; September 2009. "Detailing results of an error reporting initiative in New Jersey, this publication explains how consumers can use this information and provides tips for safety when obtaining health care. A supplement highlights findings related to patient safety indicators. [AHRQ description / free - full text]
Joint Policy statement—guidelines for care of children in the emergency department. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians Pediatric Committee; Emergency Nurses Association Pediatric Committee. Pediatrics. 2009;124:1233-1243.
Medical liability reform and patient safety planning grants (R21). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. RFA-HS-10-022. “This announcement alerts states and health systems to funding for developing innovations to reduce preventable patient injuries, minimize communication discrepancies, and create effective compensation for injured patients.” [AHRQ description]
Patient safety conference 2010. GovNet Communications. February 4, 2010; QE II Conference Centre, London, UK. "This session will focus on a variety of policy and administrative tactics to support improvements in patient safety in the United Kingdom National Health Service." [AHRQ description / conference]
Pillbox (beta). Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, US Food and Drug Administration. “… helps users to identify pills based on physical characteristics and includes links to additional drug information resources. Although the site is still under development, it is now available as a ‘beta’ version.” [AHRQ description / website]
Practical patient safety. Reynard J, Reynolds J, Stevenson P. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2009. ISBN: 9780199239931. "This book provides an introduction to key patient safety topics and includes a set of 20 case studies to demonstrate opportunities for error prevention." [AHRQ description / book]
Safe Use Initiative. US Food and Drug Administration. “his Web site supports a coordinated effort to reduce preventable medication-related errors through cross-sector interventions.”[AHRQ description / website]
"To err is human" report retrospective and the decade ahead. 2009 NPSF Congress: Lucian Leape Institute Plenary. Boston, MA: National Patient Safety Foundation; May 21, 2009. [video of plenary session and conference proceedings also available]
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Assessing patient safety practices and outcomes in the U.S. health care system. Farley DO, Ridgely MS, Mendel P, et al. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; 2009. ISBN: 9780833047748. "This publication reports the results of a 2-year examination to determine the effectiveness of US efforts to improve patient safety, explore hospitals' experience with the AHRQ patient safety culture survey, and highlight trends in patient safety improvement." [AHRQ description - book]
Avoiding medication mistakes. Fitzpatrick C. Consumer Updates. Silver Spring, MD: US Food and Drug Administration. September 29, 2009. [video for consumers]
Comments on the common formats. National Quality Forum. “The National Quality Forum is gathering comments for AHRQ about Version 1.0 of the Common Formats, a standardized method for collecting data and reporting patient safety event information to Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs).” [AHRQ description]
Enhancing patient care: a practical guide to improving quality and safety in hospitals. Wolff A, Taylor S. Sydney, Australia: MJA Books; 2009. ISBN: 9780977578665. Authors from an Australian hospital outline a framework to assist providers and health services organizations in designing and implementing effective patient safety programs." [AHRQ description / book]
Hospital performance report: a consumer report. New Jersey 2009. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services; September 2009. "Detailing results of an error reporting initiative in New Jersey, this publication explains how consumers can use this information and provides tips for safety when obtaining health care. A supplement highlights findings related to patient safety indicators. [AHRQ description / free - full text]
Joint Policy statement—guidelines for care of children in the emergency department. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians Pediatric Committee; Emergency Nurses Association Pediatric Committee. Pediatrics. 2009;124:1233-1243.
Medical liability reform and patient safety planning grants (R21). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. RFA-HS-10-022. “This announcement alerts states and health systems to funding for developing innovations to reduce preventable patient injuries, minimize communication discrepancies, and create effective compensation for injured patients.” [AHRQ description]
Patient safety conference 2010. GovNet Communications. February 4, 2010; QE II Conference Centre, London, UK. "This session will focus on a variety of policy and administrative tactics to support improvements in patient safety in the United Kingdom National Health Service." [AHRQ description / conference]
Pillbox (beta). Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, US Food and Drug Administration. “… helps users to identify pills based on physical characteristics and includes links to additional drug information resources. Although the site is still under development, it is now available as a ‘beta’ version.” [AHRQ description / website]
Practical patient safety. Reynard J, Reynolds J, Stevenson P. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2009. ISBN: 9780199239931. "This book provides an introduction to key patient safety topics and includes a set of 20 case studies to demonstrate opportunities for error prevention." [AHRQ description / book]
Safe Use Initiative. US Food and Drug Administration. “his Web site supports a coordinated effort to reduce preventable medication-related errors through cross-sector interventions.”[AHRQ description / website]
"To err is human" report retrospective and the decade ahead. 2009 NPSF Congress: Lucian Leape Institute Plenary. Boston, MA: National Patient Safety Foundation; May 21, 2009. [video of plenary session and conference proceedings also available]
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Audit Commission
Audit quality reports published. "The Audit Commission has published two important reports on the quality of the work of its appointed auditors for our stakeholders, which include our sponsoring departments, audited bodies, the wider accounting and auditing profession and other interested parties." [Audit Commission description / 2 reports]
Auditors' Local Evaluation (ALE) KLOE and guidance 2009/10. "Key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) are detailed questions that help to inform our auditors' judgements when assessing the financial performance of NHS trusts." [Audit Commission description]
More for less. Are productivity and efficiency improving in the NHS? [report]
Nothing but the truth? A discussion paper. "This paper sets out important issues as the basis for discussion on how to ensure data about local public services is fit for purpose." [Audit Commssion description]
Links to external web pages.
Auditors' Local Evaluation (ALE) KLOE and guidance 2009/10. "Key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) are detailed questions that help to inform our auditors' judgements when assessing the financial performance of NHS trusts." [Audit Commission description]
More for less. Are productivity and efficiency improving in the NHS? [report]
Nothing but the truth? A discussion paper. "This paper sets out important issues as the basis for discussion on how to ensure data about local public services is fit for purpose." [Audit Commssion description]
Links to external web pages.
Audit Scotland
Scotland's public finances: preparing for the future.
Scottish budget - poster guide
Links to external web pages.
Scottish budget - poster guide
Links to external web pages.
Care Quality Commission
Centre for Health Economics
CHE Research Paper 53, Budget allocation and the revealed social rate of time preference for health.
CHE Research Paper 52, An economic framework for analysing the social determinants of health and health inequalities.
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
CHE Research Paper 52, An economic framework for analysing the social determinants of health and health inequalities.
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters:
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters:
Cochrane Collaboration
CC Info – 12 November 2009.
Cochrane Collaboration calendar of events.
Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group posts new guidance. “The Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group has posted two draft chapters of guidance for reviewers on their website in addition to Chapter 20 of the Cochrane Handbook.” [CC description]
The EQUATOR newsletter now available online.
Steering Group Bulletin and meeting minutes now available. [Oct 10 and 15 - Singapore]
Workshops with places available:
08 Dec: Developing a Protocol for a Review - Liverpool, UK
09 Dec: Introduction to Analysis - Liverpool, UK
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane Collaboration calendar of events.
Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group posts new guidance. “The Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group has posted two draft chapters of guidance for reviewers on their website in addition to Chapter 20 of the Cochrane Handbook.” [CC description]
The EQUATOR newsletter now available online.
Steering Group Bulletin and meeting minutes now available. [Oct 10 and 15 - Singapore]
Workshops with places available:
08 Dec: Developing a Protocol for a Review - Liverpool, UK
09 Dec: Introduction to Analysis - Liverpool, UK
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Links to external web pages.
Department of Health
Age equality in health and social care.
Birth to five (2009 edition).
Chief health professions officers - Conference 2009 - presentations, audio recordings & supporting documents.
CSO Bulletin, Issue 5, November 2009.
Delivering same-sex accommodation (DSSA): principles.
Developing specialties in medicine: protocol for handling applications for new CCT specialties, and for decommissioning specialties which are no longer needed.
Dignity in care: input assessment - DH interventions.
Emergency Services Review.
General Pharmaceutical Council (Constitution) Order 2009: a paper for consultation.
The Government Response to the Health Select Committee Report ‘Patient Safety'. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health by Command of Her Majesty October 2009.
The health service branded medicines (control of prices and supply of information) proposed amendment regulations 2009 (letter to companies).
Healthy child programme from 5 to 19 years old. Guidance.
Healthy child programme: pregnancy and the first five years of life. Guidance.
Healthy Child Programme: the two year review. Guidance.
Human resources and training. Useful resources.
Improving health, supporting justice: the national delivery plan of the Health and Criminal Justice Programme Board.
Improving quality in primary care.
Joint statement on key legal and ethical obligations for the medicines' supply chain.
Max4Health hand hygiene evaluation report.
Mortality target monitoring (life expectancy and all-age all-cause mortality, overall and inequalities): update to include data for 2008.
National Cancer Programme bulletin.
NHS Constitution: a consultation on new patient rights.
NHS health and well-being review.
Nursing set to become all graduate entry by 2013. [media release]
The pregnancy book 2009.
Real accountability - demonstrating responsiveness and accountability: guidance on the NHS duty to report on consultation.
Report from the ministerial summit on dementia research.
Report on the prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs to people with dementia.
Report of the Standing Commission on Carers 2007 to 2009.
Review of the national chlamydia screening programme.
Review of NHS children's services.
Toolkit for high quality neonatal services.
UK Tops International List on Healthcare. [media release - 5 November]
Plus: link to Commonwealth Fund survey report
Women doctors: making a difference - report of the Chair of the National Working Group on Women in Medicine.
Links to external web pages.
Birth to five (2009 edition).
Chief health professions officers - Conference 2009 - presentations, audio recordings & supporting documents.
CSO Bulletin, Issue 5, November 2009.
Delivering same-sex accommodation (DSSA): principles.
Developing specialties in medicine: protocol for handling applications for new CCT specialties, and for decommissioning specialties which are no longer needed.
Dignity in care: input assessment - DH interventions.
Emergency Services Review.
General Pharmaceutical Council (Constitution) Order 2009: a paper for consultation.
The Government Response to the Health Select Committee Report ‘Patient Safety'. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health by Command of Her Majesty October 2009.
The health service branded medicines (control of prices and supply of information) proposed amendment regulations 2009 (letter to companies).
Healthy child programme from 5 to 19 years old. Guidance.
Healthy child programme: pregnancy and the first five years of life. Guidance.
Healthy Child Programme: the two year review. Guidance.
Human resources and training. Useful resources.
Improving health, supporting justice: the national delivery plan of the Health and Criminal Justice Programme Board.
Improving quality in primary care.
Joint statement on key legal and ethical obligations for the medicines' supply chain.
Max4Health hand hygiene evaluation report.
Mortality target monitoring (life expectancy and all-age all-cause mortality, overall and inequalities): update to include data for 2008.
National Cancer Programme bulletin.
NHS Constitution: a consultation on new patient rights.
NHS health and well-being review.
Nursing set to become all graduate entry by 2013. [media release]
The pregnancy book 2009.
Real accountability - demonstrating responsiveness and accountability: guidance on the NHS duty to report on consultation.
Report from the ministerial summit on dementia research.
Report on the prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs to people with dementia.
Report of the Standing Commission on Carers 2007 to 2009.
Review of the national chlamydia screening programme.
Review of NHS children's services.
Toolkit for high quality neonatal services.
UK Tops International List on Healthcare. [media release - 5 November]
Plus: link to Commonwealth Fund survey report
Women doctors: making a difference - report of the Chair of the National Working Group on Women in Medicine.
Links to external web pages.
E-watch on innovation in health services
Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR) – Laurentian University. [website]
Changing the translational research landscape. A review of the impacts of Biomedical Research Centres in England. [RAND]
The Chief Public Health Officer's report on the state of public health in Canada 2009.
Contemporary government challenges. Challenges of evidence-based policy-making. [Australian Public Service Commission]
Czech Republic: health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 2009. [European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies]
The Health Services Research Working Conference. April 8-9, 2010, The Hague, Netherlands
Healthy services research. The future of health services research in The Netherlands. [Advisory Council on Health research]
Ireland: health system review. Health systems in transition, 2009. [European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies]
Norway and health. An introduction. [Norwegian Directorate of Health]
Norwegian Board of Health Supervision. [website]
Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit. [website]
Towards national indicators of safety and quality in health care.[Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)]
Valuing unregulated health workers. [CNA-led Pan-Canadian Committee on Unregulated Health Workers]
Links to external web pages.
Changing the translational research landscape. A review of the impacts of Biomedical Research Centres in England. [RAND]
The Chief Public Health Officer's report on the state of public health in Canada 2009.
Contemporary government challenges. Challenges of evidence-based policy-making. [Australian Public Service Commission]
Czech Republic: health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 2009. [European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies]
The Health Services Research Working Conference. April 8-9, 2010, The Hague, Netherlands
Healthy services research. The future of health services research in The Netherlands. [Advisory Council on Health research]
Ireland: health system review. Health systems in transition, 2009. [European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies]
Norway and health. An introduction. [Norwegian Directorate of Health]
Norwegian Board of Health Supervision. [website]
Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit. [website]
Towards national indicators of safety and quality in health care.[Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)]
Valuing unregulated health workers. [CNA-led Pan-Canadian Committee on Unregulated Health Workers]
Links to external web pages.
European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Doctors making history - licences to practise go live for UK doctors. [media release 16 November 2009]
GMC today – online newsletter
Licensing presentation - click here.
New guidance - Confidentiality. [Media release 12 October]
Valuing diversity guide. The GMC has produced a series of resource guides to help doctors with issues around equality and diversity.
Links to external web pages.
GMC today – online newsletter
Licensing presentation - click here.
New guidance - Confidentiality. [Media release 12 October]
Valuing diversity guide. The GMC has produced a series of resource guides to help doctors with issues around equality and diversity.
Links to external web pages.
Healthcare Governance Review
Governing the NHS 2010 and beyond – consultants appointed to write the new guidance. [link to Appointments Commission bulletin]
Managing healthcare risk: Out with AS/NZS 4360 – In with ISO 31000.
NHS/National Institute For Health Research/SDO. Working paper number 4. Clinical and non-clinical executive directors’ sense-making of the new governance arrangements in the NHS. Richard Holti and John Storey. The Open University Business School. MAY 2008
“One in 50 episodes of NHS care result from ‘complications’” [Healthcare Governance Review headline to item on NHS Information Centre figures.]
Survey of UK surgeons indicates patients are less safe with European Working Time Directive.
Links to external web pages.
Managing healthcare risk: Out with AS/NZS 4360 – In with ISO 31000.
NHS/National Institute For Health Research/SDO. Working paper number 4. Clinical and non-clinical executive directors’ sense-making of the new governance arrangements in the NHS. Richard Holti and John Storey. The Open University Business School. MAY 2008
“One in 50 episodes of NHS care result from ‘complications’” [Healthcare Governance Review headline to item on NHS Information Centre figures.]
Survey of UK surgeons indicates patients are less safe with European Working Time Directive.
Links to external web pages.
Health Protection Scotland
Electronic weekly report [eWR].
For 3 month rolling summary of content please see:
Hand hygiene - fourth bi-monthly audit report.
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, April 2009-June 2009.
Links to external web pages.
For 3 month rolling summary of content please see:
Hand hygiene - fourth bi-monthly audit report.
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, April 2009-June 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Health Rights Information Scotland
Access to new medicines - preparation of explanatory information.
View from the centre: How can we achieve person-centredness for people with long term conditions? Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland (LTCAS) Annual Conference and AGM. 23 February 2010, Perth Concert Hall.
Links to external web pages.
View from the centre: How can we achieve person-centredness for people with long term conditions? Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland (LTCAS) Annual Conference and AGM. 23 February 2010, Perth Concert Hall.
Links to external web pages.
Health Scotland
Caring about health. Resource pack aimed to help staff and carers in the sector.
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Information Commissioner’s Office
The Hampton Implementation Review Report on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) was published today. The ICO has issued a statement.[media statement - 6 November]
Local NHS Trust pledges to improve data security. [media release - 22 October]
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust to improve data security. [media statement - 10 November]
NHS staff to improve data handling after details of cancer patients go missing. [media release - 27 October]
Primary Care Trusts breach the Data Protection Act.[media statement - 13 November]
Links to external web pages.
Local NHS Trust pledges to improve data security. [media release - 22 October]
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust to improve data security. [media statement - 10 November]
NHS staff to improve data handling after details of cancer patients go missing. [media release - 27 October]
Primary Care Trusts breach the Data Protection Act.[media statement - 13 November]
Links to external web pages.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Breakthrough series college. April 14-16 2010. Boston, Massacussetts.
Chapter call schedule - September 2009 – August 2010.
Check a box. save a life: the first global sprint to improve health care. "Our leaders look to us to spread the importance of changing the quality of care for our patients. On October 22nd, we held two national webcasts to discuss the first opportunity for all Chapters to unite for a common cause, help spread the WHO Safe Surgery Checklist, and work to implement, measure, or raise awareness of its use." [IHI description / webcasts]
Disclosure of adverse events to patients annotated bibliography. [log in to download tool]
Disclosure and apology: what's missing? advancing programs that support clinicians. Carr S. Medically Induced Trauma Support Services; November 2009. [free full text download]
Expedition, improving your HCAHPS score through patiented-centered care. [begins 1 December 2009]
Hospital to home (H2H): excellence in transitions. "An initiative of the American College of Cardiology and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Hospital to Home (H2H) is a national improvement initiative that aims to reduce unnecessary readmissions and improve care transitions for cardiovascular patients. The goal is to reduce all-cause readmission rates among patients discharged with heart failure or acute myocardial infarction by 20 percent by December 2012." [IHI description / external website]
Improvement advisor – professional development program. September 28 – October 1, 2010. A “ten month development and support program.”
Informed Patient Institute. [external website]
Leadership response to a sentinel event: respectful, effective crisis management. [an IHI resource pack - downloads]
MRSA bacteraemia: presentation at 2nd World HAI Forum. “This presentation at the 2nd World HAI Forum in September 2009 provides reports from the US, England, Denmark, Germany, France, and Switzerland that show progress is being made to reduce MRSA infections.” [IHI description / website]
Patient safety executive development program. March 11 -17th, 2010. Boston, Massachussets. [7 day programme]
Profiles of high-performing patient- and family-centered academic medical centers: case studies. [Picker Institute]
Links to external web pages.
Chapter call schedule - September 2009 – August 2010.
Check a box. save a life: the first global sprint to improve health care. "Our leaders look to us to spread the importance of changing the quality of care for our patients. On October 22nd, we held two national webcasts to discuss the first opportunity for all Chapters to unite for a common cause, help spread the WHO Safe Surgery Checklist, and work to implement, measure, or raise awareness of its use." [IHI description / webcasts]
Disclosure of adverse events to patients annotated bibliography. [log in to download tool]
Disclosure and apology: what's missing? advancing programs that support clinicians. Carr S. Medically Induced Trauma Support Services; November 2009. [free full text download]
Expedition, improving your HCAHPS score through patiented-centered care. [begins 1 December 2009]
Hospital to home (H2H): excellence in transitions. "An initiative of the American College of Cardiology and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Hospital to Home (H2H) is a national improvement initiative that aims to reduce unnecessary readmissions and improve care transitions for cardiovascular patients. The goal is to reduce all-cause readmission rates among patients discharged with heart failure or acute myocardial infarction by 20 percent by December 2012." [IHI description / external website]
Improvement advisor – professional development program. September 28 – October 1, 2010. A “ten month development and support program.”
Informed Patient Institute. [external website]
Leadership response to a sentinel event: respectful, effective crisis management. [an IHI resource pack - downloads]
MRSA bacteraemia: presentation at 2nd World HAI Forum. “This presentation at the 2nd World HAI Forum in September 2009 provides reports from the US, England, Denmark, Germany, France, and Switzerland that show progress is being made to reduce MRSA infections.” [IHI description / website]
Patient safety executive development program. March 11 -17th, 2010. Boston, Massachussets. [7 day programme]
Profiles of high-performing patient- and family-centered academic medical centers: case studies. [Picker Institute]
Links to external web pages.
Cancer Mortality (2008).
Cancer Waiting Times. ( April- June 2009 )
Communications Update 36 – October 2009 [practice team newsletter]
Dental statistics up to quarter ending 30th June 2009.
Information Governance Programme Newsletter - October 2009.
Key Clinical Indicators (KCIs) for Sexual Health: ‘Population Based’ Data for 2008.
New cancer waiting times target statistics - consultation.
The Scotland and European Health for All (HfA) Database 2009.
Surgical Profiles.
Links to external web pages.
Cancer Waiting Times. ( April- June 2009 )
Communications Update 36 – October 2009 [practice team newsletter]
Dental statistics up to quarter ending 30th June 2009.
Information Governance Programme Newsletter - October 2009.
Key Clinical Indicators (KCIs) for Sexual Health: ‘Population Based’ Data for 2008.
New cancer waiting times target statistics - consultation.
The Scotland and European Health for All (HfA) Database 2009.
Surgical Profiles.
Links to external web pages.
Joanna Briggs Institute
Subscribe to monthly email updates here.
Six new Systematic Review Protocols have been added to the JBI website, plus new systematic reviews.
Link to external web page.
Six new Systematic Review Protocols have been added to the JBI website, plus new systematic reviews.
Link to external web page.
Joint Commission
Ambulatory advisor. Newsletter: issue 3, 2009.
Approved 2010 National Patient Safety Goals. Perspectives [newsletter - article]. October 2009;29:1, 20-31.
Joint Commission, HHS Team Up in Language Access Education Effort. “New video urges health care organizations to break language access barriers.” [media release 11 November]
The Joint Commission introduces perinatal care core measures. Expanded measure set to replace pregnancy and related conditions measure set. [media release - 20 November]
Links to external web pages.
Approved 2010 National Patient Safety Goals. Perspectives [newsletter - article]. October 2009;29:1, 20-31.
Joint Commission, HHS Team Up in Language Access Education Effort. “New video urges health care organizations to break language access barriers.” [media release 11 November]
The Joint Commission introduces perinatal care core measures. Expanded measure set to replace pregnancy and related conditions measure set. [media release - 20 November]
Links to external web pages.
The King's Fund
Doctors are no better than patients at facing up to personal end-of-life cared [media release 19 November]
Patients don't use quality measures when choosing a hospital – The King's Fund [media release 4 November]
Sir Ian Kennedy joins The King's Fund's inquiry into the quality of general practice. [media release 22 October]
Links to external web pages.
Patients don't use quality measures when choosing a hospital – The King's Fund [media release 4 November]
Sir Ian Kennedy joins The King's Fund's inquiry into the quality of general practice. [media release 22 October]
Links to external web pages.
Campaign to encourage reporting of side effects to medicines… ‘Help make medicines safer for everyone’.
European Commission review of the Clinical Trials Directive.
Introduction of the Traditional Herbal Registration certification mark.
MHRA targeted research programme - launched on 6 November 2009.
New Risk-Based Inspection Programme for good practice inspections.
Safety monitoring programme up and running for swine flu vaccines. [media release 22 October]
Third annual report of the Independent Scientific Advisory Committee for MHRA database research (ISAC) published.
Proposals for changes to regulatory fees from 1 April 2010.One-liners. Bulletin – issue 72, October 2009.Guidance published on UK exporting of medicines.
Links to external web pages.
Drug safety update: Volume 3 Issue 3, October 2009.
European Commission review of the Clinical Trials Directive.
Introduction of the Traditional Herbal Registration certification mark.
MHRA targeted research programme - launched on 6 November 2009.
New Risk-Based Inspection Programme for good practice inspections.
Safety monitoring programme up and running for swine flu vaccines. [media release 22 October]
Third annual report of the Independent Scientific Advisory Committee for MHRA database research (ISAC) published.
Proposals for changes to regulatory fees from 1 April 2010.One-liners. Bulletin – issue 72, October 2009.Guidance published on UK exporting of medicines.
Links to external web pages.
Drug safety update: Volume 3 Issue 3, October 2009.
National Academies Press
Initial national priorities for comparative effectiveness research. Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Prioritization, Institute of Medicine. [free full text online]
Integrative medicine and the health of the public: a summary of the February 2009 Summit. Andrea M. Schultz, Samantha M. Chao, and J. Michael McGinnis, Rapporteurs; Institute of Medicine. [free full text online]
Review of the methodology proposed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service for followup surveillance of in-commerce businesses: a letter report. Committee for the Review of the Methodology Proposed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) for Followup Surveillance of In-Commerce Businesses; National Research Council. [free full text online]
Vital statistics: summary of a workshop. Michael J. Siri and Daniel L. Cork, Rapporteurs; Committee on National Statistics; National Research Council. [free full text online]
Links to external web pages.
Integrative medicine and the health of the public: a summary of the February 2009 Summit. Andrea M. Schultz, Samantha M. Chao, and J. Michael McGinnis, Rapporteurs; Institute of Medicine. [free full text online]
Review of the methodology proposed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service for followup surveillance of in-commerce businesses: a letter report. Committee for the Review of the Methodology Proposed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) for Followup Surveillance of In-Commerce Businesses; National Research Council. [free full text online]
Vital statistics: summary of a workshop. Michael J. Siri and Daniel L. Cork, Rapporteurs; Committee on National Statistics; National Research Council. [free full text online]
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Agency
Being open: communicating patient safety incidents with patients, their families and carers. [guide]
National Patient Safety Agency on Government's response to the Health Select Committee's report on patient safety. [media release - 14 October 2009]
NPSA encouraged by new 1000 Lives Campaign findings [Wales]. [media release - 21 October 2009]
NPSA welcomes findings from NHS Performance Ratings data. [media release - 15 October]
Organisation patient safety incident reports."The data in the October 2009 reports covers patient safety incidents that took place from 1 October 2008 to 31 March 2009." [NPSA description]
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Agency on Government's response to the Health Select Committee's report on patient safety. [media release - 14 October 2009]
NPSA encouraged by new 1000 Lives Campaign findings [Wales]. [media release - 21 October 2009]
NPSA welcomes findings from NHS Performance Ratings data. [media release - 15 October]
Organisation patient safety incident reports."The data in the October 2009 reports covers patient safety incidents that took place from 1 October 2008 to 31 March 2009." [NPSA description]
Links to external web pages.
New Zealand Ministry for Health
Annual report for the year ended 30 June 2009 including the Director-General of Health’s annual report on the state of public health. [report]
Health targets 2009/10. [report]
NZ medicines terminology recommendation report published. [media release 7 October]
Report on indicators of district health board performance (IDP) for Quarter Four 2008/09.[report]
Shorter stays in emergency departments – targets, tools, information. [website]
Links to external web pages.
Health targets 2009/10. [report]
NZ medicines terminology recommendation report published. [media release 7 October]
Report on indicators of district health board performance (IDP) for Quarter Four 2008/09.[report]
Shorter stays in emergency departments – targets, tools, information. [website]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Education for Scotland
Allied health professions: towards an integrated education strategy for AHPs consensus statement.
NES annual report 2008-09.
NES FOCUS – Autumn 09 [online 22 November]
NHS Scotland physiotherapy solutions group. final report - October 2009.
Nursing and midwifery education and workforce development towards 2020: consensus statement.
Prudent prescribing of antimicrobials - presentations from a conference on 1st October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
NES annual report 2008-09.
NES FOCUS – Autumn 09 [online 22 November]
NHS Scotland physiotherapy solutions group. final report - October 2009.
Nursing and midwifery education and workforce development towards 2020: consensus statement.
Prudent prescribing of antimicrobials - presentations from a conference on 1st October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
NHS Employers
Annual health check demonstrates link between staff engagement and overall performance. [media release 15 October]
New NHS Employers guide on equality and diversity legislation.
NHS staff passport launched. [media release 4 November]
Pay review body evidence. [media release 8 October 2009].
Report published on age equality. [media release 26 October 2009]
Senior salaries submission published. [media release 12 October 2009]
Links to external web pages.
New NHS Employers guide on equality and diversity legislation.
NHS staff passport launched. [media release 4 November]
Pay review body evidence. [media release 8 October 2009].
Report published on age equality. [media release 26 October 2009]
Senior salaries submission published. [media release 12 October 2009]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health
Annual Evidence Update on Glaucoma: 23-27 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Supportive and Palliative Care in Chronic Lung Disease: 23-27 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Lower Back Pain: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on COPD: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Lung Cancer: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Diabetes: 9-13 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Psoriasis: 2-6 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Psoriatic Arthritis: 2-6 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on System Reform: 26-30 October 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Ethnicity / Inequality: 19-23 October 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Breast Cancer: 12-16 October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Annual Evidence Update on Supportive and Palliative Care in Chronic Lung Disease: 23-27 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Lower Back Pain: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on COPD: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Lung Cancer: 16-20 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Diabetes: 9-13 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Psoriasis: 2-6 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Psoriatic Arthritis: 2-6 November 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on System Reform: 26-30 October 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Ethnicity / Inequality: 19-23 October 2009.
Annual Evidence Update on Breast Cancer: 12-16 October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
NHS Litigation Authority
The Information Standard and The National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) agree to work together.
DNV First Annual Report on NHSLA Contract for risk management services 2008/09.
NHSLA launches its document transfer system.
NHSLA publishes timeline setting out history of its standards and assessment.
Safer Births network launched. [Links to King’s Fund website]
Links to external web pages.
DNV First Annual Report on NHSLA Contract for risk management services 2008/09.
NHSLA launches its document transfer system.
NHSLA publishes timeline setting out history of its standards and assessment.
Safer Births network launched. [Links to King’s Fund website]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary HEI Report.
National Clinical Governance Conference: "Tomorrow's World". 2 March 2010, at Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.
eNews - Issue 40. NHS QIS November 2009. [includes information on new publications]
Survey of intensive psychiatric care units (IPCUs).
Links to external web pages.
National Clinical Governance Conference: "Tomorrow's World". 2 March 2010, at Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.
eNews - Issue 40. NHS QIS November 2009. [includes information on new publications]
Survey of intensive psychiatric care units (IPCUs).
Links to external web pages.
eNews – October 2009.
Health and clinical excellence bulletin – October 2009.
Into practice – November 2009.
Into practice – October 2009.
New NICE committee will mean faster guidance to the NHS on new drugs and treatments. [media release 12 November]
New NICE programme to evaluate medical technologies established.[media release 12 November]
New NICE public health guidance aims to improve mental wellbeing within the workplace. [media release 5 November]
NICE publishes revised process guides for its technology appraisals programme. [media release 12 November]
Update for primary care – November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Health and clinical excellence bulletin – October 2009.
Into practice – November 2009.
Into practice – October 2009.
New NICE committee will mean faster guidance to the NHS on new drugs and treatments. [media release 12 November]
New NICE programme to evaluate medical technologies established.[media release 12 November]
New NICE public health guidance aims to improve mental wellbeing within the workplace. [media release 5 November]
NICE publishes revised process guides for its technology appraisals programme. [media release 12 November]
Update for primary care – November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Scottish Government
The care and treatment of people with mental disorder; learning disability (scrutiny, quality improvement protection) Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland: future structure - consultation responses.
Efficiency benefits for Lanarkshire patients. [media release 23 November]
Evaluation of the delivering for mental health peer support worker pilot scheme.
Research findings
Health and community care research findings no.88/2009: review of the Scottish Helpline for Older People.
Healthcare support workers in Scotland mandatory induction standards.
Hospital inspection report. [media release 9 November]
Improvements needed at Aberdeen hospital. [media release 23 November]
Informing future approaches to tackling multiple deprivation in communities: beyond the Fairer Scotland Fund.
Research findings.
New Chief Nursing Officer appointed. [media release 21 October]
New performance targets. [media release 13 November]
Schools health project [media release 7 October].
Scotland's budget documents: the 2009-10 autumn budget revision to the budget (Scotland) Act for the year ending 31 March 2010.
Scottish Government consultation: amendments to the mental health legislation in the event of a civil emergency or influenza pandemic.
Scottish Index of multiple deprivation: 2009 general report.
Guidance leaflet.
Services that manage the care needs of drunk and incapable people: a review of the literature.
Standards for health workers. [media release 28 October]
Review of fatal accident inquiry legislation: the report.
The Public Health Etc. (Scotland) Act 2008 (Sunbed) Regulations 2009 - consultation responses.
Links to external web pages.
Efficiency benefits for Lanarkshire patients. [media release 23 November]
Evaluation of the delivering for mental health peer support worker pilot scheme.
Research findings
Health and community care research findings no.88/2009: review of the Scottish Helpline for Older People.
Healthcare support workers in Scotland mandatory induction standards.
Hospital inspection report. [media release 9 November]
Improvements needed at Aberdeen hospital. [media release 23 November]
Informing future approaches to tackling multiple deprivation in communities: beyond the Fairer Scotland Fund.
Research findings.
New Chief Nursing Officer appointed. [media release 21 October]
New performance targets. [media release 13 November]
Schools health project [media release 7 October].
Scotland's budget documents: the 2009-10 autumn budget revision to the budget (Scotland) Act for the year ending 31 March 2010.
Scottish Government consultation: amendments to the mental health legislation in the event of a civil emergency or influenza pandemic.
Scottish Index of multiple deprivation: 2009 general report.
Guidance leaflet.
Services that manage the care needs of drunk and incapable people: a review of the literature.
Standards for health workers. [media release 28 October]
Review of fatal accident inquiry legislation: the report.
The Public Health Etc. (Scotland) Act 2008 (Sunbed) Regulations 2009 - consultation responses.
Links to external web pages.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Back to basics. Gima Z, Gosselar P, Levine A, Lincoln T, Ramirez A. Washington, DC: Public Citizen; August 6, 2009. "This report recommends 10 improvements and explains how implementing these safety practices could help prevent errors and avoidable deaths as well as save billions in health care costs.” [book - free full text available online]
Health care–associated infections. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For health care providers and consumers, this Web site features information, tools, and resources on health care–associated infections (HAIs). AHRQ-funded research and initiatives to reduce HAIs are also highlighted. [website]
How to make an emergency department visit a safe one. Clancy CM. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 1, 2009. “This column offers advice for consumers on what personal health and medical information to prepare before going to the emergency department.”
ISMP's list of confused drug names. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. 2009. [free full text available online]
The Josie King Foundation. "This foundation was created by the parents of Josie King, a young child who died due to medical error. It supports the Josie King Pediatric Patient Safety Program, which promotes a safety culture at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, as well as other pediatric patient safety efforts." [website]
Meeting the challenge of patient safety in the ambulatory care setting. Turney S, Evans EW, Callaway E, et al. Englewood Cliffs, CO: Medical Group Management Association; 2009. “This white paper discusses development of safety culture, policies, and administrative roles that can support patient safety improvement in physician practices and other ambulatory settings.” [book - free full text available online]
Patient safety and adverse events. Adlassnig KP, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I, eds. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:497-566. In: Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. Washington, DC: IOS Press. ISBN: 9781607500445. “Part of a comprehensive electronic compilation on medical informatics, this series of papers examines topics surrounding the use of health information technology (HIT) to detect, report, and learn from adverse events.”
Thinking outside the pillbox: a system-wide approach to improving patient medication adherence for chronic disease. Cambridge, MA: New England Healthcare Institute; August 12, 2009. "This report describes how medication reconciliation and pharmacist counseling can help improve outcomes through greater patient adherence to medication regimens." [book - free full text available online]
WHO patient safety small research grants.
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Health care–associated infections. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For health care providers and consumers, this Web site features information, tools, and resources on health care–associated infections (HAIs). AHRQ-funded research and initiatives to reduce HAIs are also highlighted. [website]
How to make an emergency department visit a safe one. Clancy CM. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 1, 2009. “This column offers advice for consumers on what personal health and medical information to prepare before going to the emergency department.”
ISMP's list of confused drug names. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. 2009. [free full text available online]
The Josie King Foundation. "This foundation was created by the parents of Josie King, a young child who died due to medical error. It supports the Josie King Pediatric Patient Safety Program, which promotes a safety culture at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, as well as other pediatric patient safety efforts." [website]
Meeting the challenge of patient safety in the ambulatory care setting. Turney S, Evans EW, Callaway E, et al. Englewood Cliffs, CO: Medical Group Management Association; 2009. “This white paper discusses development of safety culture, policies, and administrative roles that can support patient safety improvement in physician practices and other ambulatory settings.” [book - free full text available online]
Patient safety and adverse events. Adlassnig KP, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I, eds. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:497-566. In: Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. Washington, DC: IOS Press. ISBN: 9781607500445. “Part of a comprehensive electronic compilation on medical informatics, this series of papers examines topics surrounding the use of health information technology (HIT) to detect, report, and learn from adverse events.”
Thinking outside the pillbox: a system-wide approach to improving patient medication adherence for chronic disease. Cambridge, MA: New England Healthcare Institute; August 12, 2009. "This report describes how medication reconciliation and pharmacist counseling can help improve outcomes through greater patient adherence to medication regimens." [book - free full text available online]
WHO patient safety small research grants.
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Care Quality Commission
CQC says health services are responding to tragedy of Shipman with better monitoring of controlled drugs. media release - 27 August 2009]
CQC says that the hospitals and care homes need to improve communication to prevent infections. [media release - 21 September 2009]
National study. The right information, in the right place, at the right time. A study of how healthcare organisations manage personal data. [September 2009]
NHS may fail to spot patient safety concerns unless it improves monitoring of out-of-hours GP services, says CQC. [media release - 2 October 2009]
Too many mental health patients let down on key aspects of hospital care, says CQC. [media release - 24 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
CQC says that the hospitals and care homes need to improve communication to prevent infections. [media release - 21 September 2009]
National study. The right information, in the right place, at the right time. A study of how healthcare organisations manage personal data. [September 2009]
NHS may fail to spot patient safety concerns unless it improves monitoring of out-of-hours GP services, says CQC. [media release - 2 October 2009]
Too many mental health patients let down on key aspects of hospital care, says CQC. [media release - 24 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
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