Friday, 4 May 2012


Comprehensive overview of methods and reporting of meta-analyses of test accuracy

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Care Quality Commission

The state of health care and adult social care in England: an overview of key themes in care in 2010/11

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National and state healthcare-associated infections standardized infection ratio report:using data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network

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Centre for Health Economics

Coverage with evidence development, only in research, risk sharing or patient access scheme?A framework for coverage decisions

Twenty years of using economic evaluations for reimbursement decisions: what have we achieved?  
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Cochrane Collaboration

YourHealthNet: explainingevidence based health research and systematic reviews

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Commonwealth Fund

Explaining high health care spending in the United States: an international comparison ofsupply, utilization, prices, and quality

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Health Protection Scotland

Scottish national point prevalence survey of healthcare associated infection and antimicrobial prescribing 2011

Evidence for care bundles and other quality improvement tools: recommendations to optimize practice and prevent prevalent HAI 

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Opening up healthcare innovation: innovation solutions for a 21st century healthcare system

The sustainability of new programs and innovations: a review of the impirical literature and recommendations for future research

Does the world need a scientific society for research on how to improve healthcare? 

Methods for the guideline-based development of quality indicators: a systematic review

Personalised medicine in European hospitals

Uncovering middle managers’ role in healthcare innovation implementation 

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Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Ethical and scientific issues in studying the safety of approved drugs  
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Scottish Government

Introducing new technologies into the NHS in Scotland: a practical guide for industry

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