Tuesday, 6 December 2011


An organizational guide to building health services research capacity

Centre for Health Economics

Truly inefficient or providing better quality of care? Analysing the relationship between risk-adjusted hospital costs and patients’ health outcomes

Uncertainty, evidence and irrecoverable costs: informing approval, pricing and research decisions for health technologies

Commonwealth Fund

New 2011 survey of patients with complex care needs in eleven countries finds that care is often poorly co-ordinated

International profiles of health care systems 2011

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Challenges to value-enhancing innovation in health care delivery: commonalities and contrasts with innovation in drugs and devices

The use of health technology assessment to inform the value of provider fees: current challenges and future opportunities

Milbank Quarterly virtual issue: facilitating the use of research evidence

Using evidence to improve social policy and practice: perspectives on how research and evidence can influence decision making

Strengthening health systems through innovation: lessons learned

The influence of health services research on the NHS

Health Quality Improvement Partnership

Guide to using quality improvement tools to drive clinical audits

National Academic Press

Health IT and patient safety: building safer systems for better care

National Audit Office

The Care Quality Commission: regulating the quality and safety of health and adult social care


Proposals for changes to the process and methods for NICE public health guidance development: consultation document

NHS InformatioN Centre

Provisional accident and emergency quality indicators for England: experimental statistics by provider for July 2011


Health at a glance 2011: OECD indicators