Monday, 10 October 2011

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Healthy people 2010 final review (USA)

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Cochrane Collaboration

The Cochrane Collaboration supports free access to all data from all clinical trials [official statement]

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Commonwealth Fund

Caregiver staffing in nursing homes and their influence on quality of care: using dynamic panel estimation methods

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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

A literature review on health information-seeking behavior on the web: a health consumer and health professional perspective

[Links to external webpage]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Sciences

How do quality improvement interventions succeed? Archetypes of success and failure

Canada’ strategy for patient-oriented research: improving health outcomes through evidence-informed care

The updating of clinical practice guidelines: insights from an international survey

Organizational readiness for innovation in health care: some lessons from the recent literature

NHS staff management and health service quality: results from the NHS survey and related data

[Links to external webpages]

Healthcare Governance Review

Risk and patient safety 2012 (conference, London)

[Links to external webpage]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Draft guidelines for evaluating the clinical effectiveness of health technologies in Ireland

[Links to external webpage]

Health Protection Scotland

Compendium of healthcare associated infection guidance (September 2011 update)

[Links to external webpage]

National Academies Press

The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal lectures 2005: next steps towards higher quality health care (free registration required)

The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal lecture 2011: new frontiers in patient safety (free registration required)

Examining core elements of international research collaboration: summary of a workshop

[Links to external webpages]


Medical tourism: treatment, markets and health system implications: a scoping review

[Links to external webpage]

Scottish Government

Scottish health survey 2

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Patient's Association

Information, what information? Information challenges of shared decision sharing

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World Health Organisation

Assessing and tackling patient harm: a methodological guide for data-poor hospitals

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