Friday, 2 September 2011

Audit Scotland

Scotland’s public finances: addressing the challenges

[Links to external webpage]

Centre for Health Economics

MRC-NICE scoping project: identifying the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s methodological research priorities and an initial set of priorities

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

How healthcare organizations are using data on patients’ race and ethnicity to improve quality of care

Achieving efficiency: lessons from four top-performing hospitals

[Links to external webpages]

Department of Health

Evaluation of the scale, causes and costs of waste medicines

[Links to external webpage]

Department of Work and Pensions

Attitudes to work and health amongst the working-age population

General practitioners’ attitudes towards patients’ health and work

[Links to external webpages]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Effective implementation of research into practice: an overview of systematic reviews of the health literature

Conceptual frameworks and empirical approaches used to assess the impact of health research: an overview of reviews

[Links to external webpages]

Healthcare Governance Review

Effective governance models for clinical commissioning groups (development tool, literature review and case studies)

[Links to external webpage]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Medical devices and the public’s health: the FDA 510(k) clearance process at 35 years

[Links to external webpage]

New Zealand Ministry of Health

Evaluating health impact assessments in New Zealand

[Links to external webpage]