Wednesday, 8 June 2011


2010 National healthcare quality report (United States)

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Centre for Health Economics

An equity checklist: a framework for health technology assessments

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Commonwealth Fund

Delivery system reform tracking: a framework for understanding change

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC identifies 10 public health achievements of first decade of 21st century (United States)

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Department of Health

Statistical bulletin: overall patient experience scores

You’re welcome: quality criteria for young people friendly health services

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Partnership working and the implications for governance: issues affecting public health partnerships

Patient-centered care is associated with decreased healthcare utlilisation

Implementation of medical research in clinical practice

Safe and effective service improvement: delivering the safety and productivity agenda in healthcare using a lean approach

Are clinicians engaged in quality improvement?

Health services research into European policy and practice

Report on knowledge transfer and exchange practices: a systematic review of the quality and types of instruments used to assess KTE implementation and impact

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Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Identification of themes for standards for national health information sources in Ireland

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Healthcare Governance Review

Risk appetite and risk tolerance: a consultation paper from the Institute of Risk Management

Detailed guidance for external assurance on the quality reports

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NHS Information Centre

Hospital episode statistics (HES): improving the quality and value of hospital data: a discussion document

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Care coordination model: better care at lower cost for people with multiple health and social needs

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Transforming social care: sustaining person-centred support

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King's Fund

Accountability in the NHS: implications of the government’s reform programme

The future of leadership and management in the NHS: no more heroes

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Quality governance framework

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