Thursday, 7 April 2011

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Engaging doctors: what can we learn from Trusts with high levels of medical engagement?

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Engaging minority communities in safer healthcare

Keeping the commitment: a progress report on four early leaders in patient safety improvement

Health literacy interventions and outcomes: an updated systematic review

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Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

CRD/NIHR announce launch of international database of registered systematic reviews (PROSPERO). PROSPERO website here.

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Department of Health

Quality governance in the NHS: a guide for provider boards

Health is global: an outcomes framework for global health 2011-2015

Maintaining and improving quality during the transition: safety, effectiveness, experience – part 1, 2011-2012

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Future directions for the national healthcare quality and disparities reports

Research synthesis on cost drivers in the health sector and proposed policy drivers

Effective strategies for public engagement in the development of healthcare policies and programs

Creating a global health policy worthy of the name: discussion paper

To what extent to nurses use research in clinical practice? A systematic review

Healthcare technology collaboratives: filling a niche in the English R&D landscape

Uptake of newer methodological developments and the deployment of meta-analysis in diagnostic test research: a systematic review

How can we improve guideline use? A conceptual framework of implementability

United Kingdon (England) health system review

Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Achieving an exceptional patient and family experience of inpatient hospital care

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Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Clinical practice guidelines we can trust

Finding what works in healthcare: standards for systematic reviews

Innovations in health literacy research: workshop summary

The health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people: building a foundation for better understanding

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King's Fund

Integrating health and social care: where next?

Improving the quality of care in general practice: report of an independent enquiry commissioned by the King’s Fund

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NHS Education for Scotland

The development of the clinical healthcare support worker role: a review of the evidence

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Scottish Government

Healthcare associated infection (HAI) task force report on delivery programme: 2008-2011

Scrutiny improvement: progress 3 years on from the Crerar report

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World Health Organisation

Core competencies for patient safety research: a cornerstone for global capacity strengthening
 Core competencies to carry out patient safety research

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