Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Creating effective quality improvement collaboratives: a multiple case study

Preventing medication error: a $21 billion opportunity [Fact sheet]

The patient safety initiative at America’s public hospitals: the year one overview

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Audit Commission

Nothing but the truth? [Data reporting in the public sector]

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Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

The economic value of innovative health technologies: discussion paper

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health, United States 2010: in brief

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Department of Health

Enabling excellence: autonomy and accountability for healthcare workers, social workers and social care workers

No health without mental health: a cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages [multiple documents]

[Links to external webpages]
Remote control: the patient-practitioner relationship in a digital age

Measuring impact in health improvement: an accessible guide for health practitioners

Safer patients initiative: lessons from the first major improvement programme addressing patient safety in the UK

Planning for knowledge translation: a researcher’s guide

Methodology in conducting a systematic review of systematic reviews of healthcare interventions

What’s leadership got to do with it? Exploring links between quality improvement and leadership in the NHS

[Links to external webpages]


Comparison of case note review methods for evaluating quality and safety in healthcare

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Achieving an exceptional patient and family experience of inpatient hospital care [Free registration required]

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National Academies Press

Digital infrastructure for the learning health system: workshop series summary [Free registration required]

Clinical data as the basic staple of health learning: a workshop summary [Free registration required]

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NHS Education for Scotland

NES products and services database (PASDA)

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Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Care and compassion? Report of the health service ombudsman on ten investigations into NHS care of older people

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Scottish Government

NHS Scotland effiency and productivity: framework for SR10, 2011-2015

A refreshed framework for maternity care in Scotland

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World Health Organisation

Global patient safety alerts [Information sharing resource]

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