Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Care Quality Commission

Managing patients’ medicines after discharge from hospital

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Centre for Health Economics

Research bulletin: increasing the productivity of the English NHS

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Centre for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

NMC progress review: a review of the NMC’s fitness to practice directorate’s progress since 2008

[Links to external webpage]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC health disparities and inequalities report: United States 2011

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

State strategies to improve quality and efficiency: making the most of opportunities in national health reform

The impact of a regulatory intervention on resident-centred nursing home care: Rhode Island individualized care pilot

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Department of Health

Health and social care bill 2010-11

Technical guidance for the 2011/12 operating framework

Extension of mandatory surveillance to Meticillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus (MSSA) and updated Healthcare Associated Infections clinical guidance (“HCAI Compendium”) – January 2011 [Letter]

Local involvement networks (LINks) annual reports 2009/10: commissioning, analysis and intelligence team

[Links to external webpages]

Department for Work and Pensions

Evaluation of the 50+ face to face guidance pilot

[Links to external webpage]

E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Framework for assessing, improving and enhancing health service planning

Involving the public in healthcare policy: an update of the research evidence and proposed evaluation framework

The impact of ehealth on the quality and safety of health care: a systematic overview

Knowledge exchange processes in organizations and policy arenas: a narrative systematic review of the literature

Fidelity of implementation: development and testing of a measure

A new pathway for the regulation and governance of health research

[Links to external webpages]

Health Protection Scotland

Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in Scotland July – September 2010

Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection in Scotland July – September 2010

HAI compendium of guidance

[Links to external webpages]

Health Rights Information Scotland

PIF annual conference: meeting the challenges in health information [Conference, Birmingham]

International patients summit: treating patients as partners [Conference, Edinburgh]

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NHS Information Centre

Mental health bulletin: fourth report from mental health minimum dataset annual returns 2010

[Links to external webpage]

Information Commissioner’s Office

Freedom of information tips for communication professionals

Opening up public bodies to public scrutiny: new plans to extend the scope of the Freedom of Information Act

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Improvement skills to empower front-line nurses [Audio conference]

[Links to external webpage]

King's Fund

How do quality accounts measure up? Findings from the first year

[Links to external webpage]

National Academies Press

What you need to know about infectious disease

[Links to external webpage]

National Audit Office

National Health Service (England) landscape review

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NHS Litigation Authority

NHSLA risk management standards for NHS Trusts providing acute, community or mental health and learning disability services and independent sector providers of NHS Care

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Health at a glance: Europe 2010

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Patient's Association

Public attitudes to pain

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Royal College of Nursing

Finding, using and managing information: nursing, midwifery, health and social care information literacy competencies

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Scottish Government

Early years framework: progress so far

A refreshed framework for maternity care in Scotland

[Links to external webpages]

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Statement of complaints handling procedures

[Links to external webpage]