Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Hand hygiene project: best practices from hospitals participating in the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare project

Learning to use patient stories

Patient safety executive development program [conference]

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Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Patient-centered care: improving quality and safety by focusing care on patients and consumers

Windows into safety and quality in healthcare 2010

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Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

The Rx for Change database: a first-in-class tool for optimal prescribing and medicines use [article]

Canadian Patient Safety Institute

Patient safety in primary care

[Links to external webpage]

Care Commission

Regulating care in Scotland from April 2011: what the changeover means for care service providers [leaflet]

Mental welfare commission annual report 2009-10

[Links to external webpages]

Centre for Health Economics

Budget allocation and the revealed social rate of time preference for health

[Links to external webpage]

Dr Foster

The intelligent board 2010: patient experience

[Links to external webpage]

Department of Health

The NHS outcomes framework 2011/12

The operating framework for the NHS in England 2011/12

Liberating the NHS: legislative framework and next steps

Healthy lives, healthy people: our strategy for public health in England

[Links to external webpages]

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,

Developing health communication research: a focus on communicable diseases - challenges and opportunities

Annual epidemiological report on communicable diseases in Europe 2009

[Links to external webpages]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services,

Health policy analysis: a tool to evaluate in policy documents the alignment between policy statements and intended outcomes

Bridging the gap: knowledge translation in Alberta

A guidebook to patient safety leadinig practices 2010

The impact of health technology assessments: an international comparison

Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation

Knowledge translation in healthcare: a review of the literature

[Links to external webpages]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland),

Guidelines for the budget impact analysis of health technology impact

[Links to external webpage]

Health Professions Council

In focus: Health Professionals Council newsletter issue 32

[Links to external webpage]

Health Survey for England

Health Survey for England: 2009 trend tables

Health Survey for England: 2009 health and lifestyles

[Links to external webpages]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Self-management and patient engagement: an opportunity to maximize outcomes [web course, Feb 2011

Getting started in video ethnography: a catalyst for guiding and motivating quality improvement [toolkit]

The Pursuing Perfection Initiative: lessons on transforming healthcare [free registration required]

[Links to external webpages]

Institute for Health Economics

Prioritizing methodological research in the evaluation of health technologies in Canada: forum summary

[Links to external webpage]

King's Fund

Mental health and the productivity challenge: improving quality and value for money

[Links to external webpage]


MHRA communication strategy 2010-2015

[Links to external webpage]

National Academies Press

Digital infrastructure for the learning health system: workshop summary [free registration required]

For the public’s health: the role of measurement in action and accountability [free registration required]

[Links to external webpages]

National Audit Office

Management of NHS hospital productivity

[Links to external webpage]

NHS Confederation

Liberating the NHS? Analysis and questions on the white paper

[Links to external webpage]

National Patient Safety Agency

Back on track framework for further training: restoring practitioners to safe and valued practice

[Links to external webpage]

NHS Litigation Authority

Risk e-news [newsletter]

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Health at a Glance: Europe 2010

[Links to external webpage]

Royal College of Nursing

Principles of nursing practice [resource]

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Scottish Government

Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer 2010

[Links to external webpage]

Scottish Public Health Observatory

Knowledge, attitudes and motivations to health

[Links to external webpage]

World Health Organisation

Health systems financing: the path to universal coverage

New scientific evidence supports WHO findings: a surgical safety checklist could save hundreds of thousands of lives [news]

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