Hand hygiene project: best practices from hospitals participating in the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare project
Learning to use patient stories
Patient safety executive development program [conference]
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Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Care Commission
Regulating care in Scotland from April 2011: what the changeover means for care service providers [leaflet]
Mental welfare commission annual report 2009-10
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Mental welfare commission annual report 2009-10
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Centre for Health Economics
Budget allocation and the revealed social rate of time preference for health
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E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services,
Health policy analysis: a tool to evaluate in policy documents the alignment between policy statements and intended outcomes
Bridging the gap: knowledge translation in Alberta
A guidebook to patient safety leadinig practices 2010
The impact of health technology assessments: an international comparison
Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation
Knowledge translation in healthcare: a review of the literature
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Bridging the gap: knowledge translation in Alberta
A guidebook to patient safety leadinig practices 2010
The impact of health technology assessments: an international comparison
Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation
Knowledge translation in healthcare: a review of the literature
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Health Survey for England
Health Survey for England: 2009 trend tables
Health Survey for England: 2009 health and lifestyles
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Health Survey for England: 2009 health and lifestyles
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Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Self-management and patient engagement: an opportunity to maximize outcomes [web course, Feb 2011
Getting started in video ethnography: a catalyst for guiding and motivating quality improvement [toolkit]
The Pursuing Perfection Initiative: lessons on transforming healthcare [free registration required]
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Getting started in video ethnography: a catalyst for guiding and motivating quality improvement [toolkit]
The Pursuing Perfection Initiative: lessons on transforming healthcare [free registration required]
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King's Fund
Mental health and the productivity challenge: improving quality and value for money
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National Academies Press
Digital infrastructure for the learning health system: workshop summary [free registration required]
For the public’s health: the role of measurement in action and accountability [free registration required]
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For the public’s health: the role of measurement in action and accountability [free registration required]
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NHS Litigation Authority
Risk e-news [newsletter]http://www.nhsla.com/NR/rdonlyres/6549BD0B-1C22-4091-B9BE-1CEA4FA171C9/0/Issue1.pdf
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