Friday, 5 November 2010


National voluntary consensus standards for patient safety measures: first report

Patient safety framework for Albertans

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Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Australian guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare

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Care Commission

Equality Act starter kit [Toolkit]

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Centre for Health Economics

Regional variation in the productivity of the English national health service

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Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

Right-touch regulation

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Department of Health

Mortality monitoring bulletin: update to include data for 2009

Expanding the list of ‘never events’: policy proposals for engagement

Liberating the NHS: an information revolution [Consultation]

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Innovation takes leadership: opportunities and challenges for Canada’s health care system

Enhancing the benefits from biomedical and health research spillovers between public, private and charitable sectors in the UK

Ivey Centre for Innovation and Leadership [Website]

A critical synthesis of literature on the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework

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Health Foundation

Health Foundation response to Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS

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Information Commissioner's Office

Data sharing code of practice: consultation paper

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NHS Information Centre

Quality and Outcomes Framework exception reporting 2009/10 [Website]

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

An introduction to the IHI improvement map [Video clip]

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NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

Evaluation of the leadership qualities framework 360 review process

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King's Fund

Quality improvement in general practice [Discussion paper]

How to deliver high quality, patient-centred, cost-effective care: consensus solutions from the voluntary sector

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Review of medicines legislation: informal consultation on the Medicines Act 1968 exemptions for sale, supply and administration of medicines

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National Academies Press

Public health effectiveness of the FDA 510(k) clearance process: balancing patient safety and innovation [Workshop report]

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NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme

Dissemination and publication of research findings: an updated review of related biases

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Never events annual report 2009/10

Never events framework update 2010/11

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Health: improving healthcare is vital for long-term growth [News item]

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Scottish Government

Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: headline indicators

Scotland’s national dementia strategy

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Scottish Public Health Observatory

Know, feel, do? Health behavior change in Scotland 1996-2007

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World Health Organisation

mhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized healthcare settings

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Clinical negligence annual review 2009

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