Thursday, 7 October 2010


Improving America’s hospitals: the Joint Comissions annual report on quality and safety 2010

Industrial and systems engineering and health care: critical areas of research: final report

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Care Commission

Mental health collaborative programme newsletter (summer 2010)

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Centre for Health Economics

Workshop in methods of economic evaluation in public health: presentations

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Department of Health

Essence of care 2010

Quality outcomes for people with dementia: building on the work of the National Dementia Strategy

Getting it right for children and young people: overcoming cultural barriers in the NHS so as to meet their needs

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Department for Work and Pensions

Publication of DWP research report 693: partnerships with local authorities and health agencies

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Sciences

Expediting systematic reviews: methods and implications of rapid reviews

Using common work environment metrics to improve performance in healthcare organizations

Reducing the use of ineffective health care interventions

Alberta’s health research and innovation strategy

Key factors influencing adoption of an innovation in primary health care: a qualitative study based on implementation theory

Healthcare improvement and innovation resource centre

Scoping studies: advancing the methodology

[Links to external webpages]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Guidance on developing key performance indicators and minimum data sets to monitor healthcare quality

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Health Protection Scotland

Compliance with hand hygiene: audit report (9th bi-monthly audit)

Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in Scotland, April – June 2010

Quarterly report on the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, April – June 2010

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

The pursuit of genuine partnerships with patients and family members: the challenge and opportunity for executive leaders

Options for large-scale spread of simple, high-impact interventions

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Irish Soc. for Quality and Safety in Healthcare,

Health matters: national staff magazine of the health service executive (spring 2010)

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Equality and diversity and older people with high support needs

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King's Fund

A high performing NHS? A review of progress 1997-2010

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National Academies Press

The future of nursing: leading change, advancing health (Free to download)

Redesigning the clinical effectiveness research paradigm: innovation and practice-based approaches: workshop summary (Free to download)

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National Patient Safety Foundation

Unmet needs: teaching physicians to provide safe patient care

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NHS Confederation

Health white paper: the health services research perspective

Improving quality and productivity in the NHS whilst facing the financial pressures: a joint statement from the Academy of Royal Colleges, Healthcare Financial Management Association and the NHS Confederation

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Scottish Government

Scottish health survey 2009

Scottish inpatient experience survey 2010: national results

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Scottish Public Health Observatory

What is known about maternal and infant nutrition in Scotland?

[Links to external webpage]

UK Statistics

Quality outcomes framework: achievement, prevalence and exception reporting 2009/10

Acute hospital activity: quarterly summary of inpatient, daycase and outpatient activity (April – June 2010)

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World Health Organisation

Maternal deaths worldwide drop by a third

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