Tuesday, 31 August 2010


What is patient safety? A review of the literature [Abstract]

Patient safety culture report: focusing on indicators
This report identifies care process and outcome indicators in the European Union and describes how the indicators relate to patient safety culture.

Medical engagement in organisation-wide safety and quality-improvement programmes: experience in the UK Safer Patients Initiative [Abstract]

Teaching quality improvement and patient safety to trainees: a systematic review [Abstract]

The relationship between patients' perception of care and measures of hospital quality and safety [Abstract]

Developing a common language for evaluation questions in quality and safety improvement [Abstract]

Selecting quality and resources use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives

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Audit Scotland

Best value toolkits [Toolkit]
We have a new series of toolkits for use by auditors when carrying out Best Value (BV) audits or in a range of other work. These include: challenge & improvement, community engagement, equalities, governance & accountability.

[Links to external webpage]

Centre for Health Economics

Workshop on methods of economic evaluation in public health research [Presentations]

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Cochrane Collaboration

PAHO’s policy on research for health

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

The Triple Aim Journey: Improving Population Health and Patients' Experience of Care, While Reducing Costs [Case-studies]

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Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

Power to the people in healthcare [Viewpoint]

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Department of Health

Manual for cancer services 2008: psychological support measures

Early experiences of implementing personal health budgets
Twenty pilot sites have been selected from the personal health budgets pilot for an in-depth study, as part of a wider evaluation exploring the potential of personal health budgets to benefit different groups of people. This report is based on interviews with project leads and highlights some of the challenges the pilot sites face and how they are beginning to overcome these.

Liberating the NHS: report of the arms length bodies review

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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Does dissemination extend beyond publication: a survey of a cross section of public funded research in the UK

Healthcare transformation in Canada

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Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Catalogue of national health information sources in Ireland

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Health Professions Council

Consultation on proposed changes to the generic standards of proficiency
The full standards for consultation are available here.

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Reassessment of health technologies: obsolescence and waste

Development and testing of search filters to identify economic evaluations in MEDLINE and EMBASE

Patient involvement: between ideals and reality [Summary]

[Links to external webpages]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Co-ordinating care for patients with complex needs [Web-based training]
Over the course of three web-based sessions, our expert faculty will address the following:

• Identifying opportunities to better coordinate care for patients with complex needs

• Allocating resources to better meet the range of needs in this population

• Testing new ways to streamline care for patients with complex needs

• Partnering with community organizations to address social determinants of health

• Tracking the impact on health, costs, and patient experience

[Links to external webpage]

Joint Commission

Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Roadmap for Hospitals

[Links to external webpage]

King's Fund

Referral management: lessons for success
This report found that NHS referral management centres (RMCs) and some other interventions to manage GP referrals into secondary care are failing to improve quality and deliver cost savings.

[Links to external webpage]

Mental Welfare Commission

Where do I go from here? Report from our visits to people admitted to mental health assessment wards for older people in Scotland

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The Medicines for Human Use (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2010

[Links to external webpage]

National Academic Press

Transforming clinical research in the United States: challenges and opportunities [Workshop report]
 The prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials

[Links to external webpages]

National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)

Emergency department stroke and transient ishaemic attack care bundle [Multiple downloads]

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NHS Complaints

Data on written complaints in the NHS 2009-10 [Statistics]

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NHS Employers

NICE publishes QOF indicators for 2011/12 [News]

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NHS Evidence

2010 Annual evidence update on Hepatitis B and C

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NHS Information Centre

A summary of public health indicators using electronic data from primary care 2001-2007 [Statistics]

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NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

Medical leadership competency framework: enhancing engagement in medical leadership, 3rd edition

NHS live project directory [Database]
The NHS Live project directory is a great source of local improvement stories, and is searchable by keyword and region.

Creating the culture for innovation: a practical guide for leaders

[Links to external webpages]


NICE announces development of further quality standards [News]

NICE guideline set to transform cancer care for thousands of patients [News]

[Links to external websites]

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Review of pre-registration nursing education phase 2: report of consultation findings on proposed new standards for pre-registration nursing education

Review of pre-registration nursing education: stakeholder engagement and outcomes

Safeguarding adults [News]

New hub for resources on the role of nurses and midwives in safeguarding adults.

[Links to external webpages]


OECD ministerial meeting (October 2010): health priorities in the aftermath of the crisis

At a meeting in Paris on 7-8th October, Ministers will discuss how to enhance quality, reduce waste and promote healthy lifestyles – this webpage links to the topics and questions to be discussed at the meeting.

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Pillars of the community: the RCN’s UK position on the development of the registered nursing workforce in the community

[Links to external webpage]

Scottish Government

Delivering quality in primary care national action plan: implementing the healthcare quality strategy for NHSScotland

Hospital superbugs [News]

Information governance records management guidance for NHS boards [multiple documents]

Consultation on regulation of independent healthcare in Scotland

[Links to external webpages]

World Health Organization

WHO urges countries to take measures to combat antimicrobial resistance [News]

Conceptual framework for the international classification for patient safety: version 1.1

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