Coping with medical error: a systematic review of papers to assess the effects of involvement in medical errors on health professionals’ psychological well-being
The power of safety: state reporting provides lessons in reducing harm, improving care
AHRQ Innovations Exchange: featured topic – hospital transparency in reporting medical errors (webpage)
Accountability measures: using measurement to promote quality improvement
Patient safety: what can medicine learn from aviation?
National action plan to improve health literacy
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Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
Using evidence in the real world (Presentation)
Presentation now available from a free educational program for pharmacists and other health care professionals that examined evidence-based medicine and how to apply critical appraisal skills in daily practice.
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Presentation now available from a free educational program for pharmacists and other health care professionals that examined evidence-based medicine and how to apply critical appraisal skills in daily practice.
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Centre for Health Economics
Health systems performance: how can we secure robust international comparison?
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Cochrane Collaboration
Evidence and Policy special issue: evidence and policy in six European countries
EQUATOR seminar. Reporting your randomized trial: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines (Event, Oxford, UK)
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EQUATOR seminar. Reporting your randomized trial: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines (Event, Oxford, UK)
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Commonwealth Fund
Blueprint for the dissemination of evidence-based practices in healthcare
Carolinas Medical Center: deomonstration high quality in the public sector
Mirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the US health care system compares internationally
International profiles of health care systems
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Carolinas Medical Center: deomonstration high quality in the public sector
Mirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the US health care system compares internationally
International profiles of health care systems
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Department of Health
Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS (government White paper)
Liberating the NHS: provisional timetable July 2010 – June 2012
Department of Health draft structural reform plan
Information on the quality of services: final report
Building the evidence base in pre-hospital urgent and emergency care: a review of research evidence and priorities for future research
National Quality Board: NICE quality standards
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Liberating the NHS: provisional timetable July 2010 – June 2012
Department of Health draft structural reform plan
Information on the quality of services: final report
Building the evidence base in pre-hospital urgent and emergency care: a review of research evidence and priorities for future research
National Quality Board: NICE quality standards
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E-watch on Innovation in Health Services
Basing healthcare on impirical evidence
The impact of competition on management quality: evidence from public hospitals
Quality of life returns from basic research
Mobilizing knowledge about the development of children, youth and families: focus on knowledge transformation and learning
Health information technology to facilitate communication involving health care providers, caregivers and paediatric patients: a scoping review
Evidence 2010: transforming healthcare (Event, London)
Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action
[Links to external webpages]
The impact of competition on management quality: evidence from public hospitals
Quality of life returns from basic research
Mobilizing knowledge about the development of children, youth and families: focus on knowledge transformation and learning
Health information technology to facilitate communication involving health care providers, caregivers and paediatric patients: a scoping review
Evidence 2010: transforming healthcare (Event, London)
Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action
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Health Protection Scotland
The 2009 influenza pandemic: an independent review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic
Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (S. aureus bacteraemia) in Scotland January - March 2010
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, January 2010-March 2010
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Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (S. aureus bacteraemia) in Scotland January - March 2010
Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, January 2010-March 2010
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Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Conflict engagement training for health professionals: recommendations for creating conflict competent organizations (Free registration required)
Helping leaders blink correctly: split second decisions have patient safety implications
Patient and family centred care organizational assessment tool (Free registration required)
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Helping leaders blink correctly: split second decisions have patient safety implications
Patient and family centred care organizational assessment tool (Free registration required)
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King's Fund
Putting quality first in the boardroom: improving the business of caring
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New physiotherapy and occupational therapy pages launched (Website)
MHRA enforcement strategy
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MHRA enforcement strategy
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Growing health spending puts pressure on government budgets, according to OECD health data 2010
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Public consultation on Evaluation Pathway Programme process guide and methods guide
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10 years after To err is human: are we listening to patients and families yet? Focus on patient safety newsletter, volume 13, issue 1, 2010.
Medical error: what to do if things go wrong: a guide for junior doctors
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Medical error: what to do if things go wrong: a guide for junior doctors
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Scottish Government
Realising potential: an action plan for allied health professionals in mental health
Superbug rates at all-time low (News item)
Reduction in hospital mortality (News item)
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Superbug rates at all-time low (News item)
Reduction in hospital mortality (News item)
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