Friday, 23 July 2010


Coping with medical error: a systematic review of papers to assess the effects of involvement in medical errors on health professionals’ psychological well-being

The power of safety: state reporting provides lessons in reducing harm, improving care

AHRQ Innovations Exchange: featured topic – hospital transparency in reporting medical errors (webpage)

Accountability measures: using measurement to promote quality improvement

Patient safety: what can medicine learn from aviation?

National action plan to improve health literacy

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Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

The proposed national safety and quality framework: safe and high quality health care for Australia

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Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

Using evidence in the real world (Presentation)
Presentation now available from a free educational program for pharmacists and other health care professionals that examined evidence-based medicine and how to apply critical appraisal skills in daily practice.

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Centre for Health Economics

Health systems performance: how can we secure robust international comparison?

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Cochrane Collaboration

Evidence and Policy special issue: evidence and policy in six European countries

EQUATOR seminar. Reporting your randomized trial: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines (Event, Oxford, UK)

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Commonwealth Fund

Blueprint for the dissemination of evidence-based practices in healthcare

Carolinas Medical Center: deomonstration high quality in the public sector

Mirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the US health care system compares internationally

International profiles of health care systems

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Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence

Managing extended practice: is there a place for ‘distributed regulation’?

CHRE viewpoint: regulation and managing risk

Fitness to practice audit report: audit of health professionals’ initial decisions

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Department of Health

Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS (government White paper)

Liberating the NHS: provisional timetable July 2010 – June 2012

Department of Health draft structural reform plan
Information on the quality of services: final report

Building the evidence base in pre-hospital urgent and emergency care: a review of research evidence and priorities for future research

National Quality Board: NICE quality standards

[Links to external webpages]

E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Basing healthcare on impirical evidence

The impact of competition on management quality: evidence from public hospitals

Quality of life returns from basic research

Mobilizing knowledge about the development of children, youth and families: focus on knowledge transformation and learning

Health information technology to facilitate communication involving health care providers, caregivers and paediatric patients: a scoping review

Evidence 2010: transforming healthcare (Event, London)

Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives

Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action

[Links to external webpages]

Health and Safety Executive

Health surveillance: a time for change? Workshop proceedings 07/08

[Links to external webpage]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Public poll: opinions on safer better care

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Health Foundation

Stephen Thornton’s speech at the NHS Confederation: does better quality save money?

The patient will see you now: rebalancing relationships between people who use services and those who provide them

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Health Protection Scotland

The 2009 influenza pandemic: an independent review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic

Quarterly report on the surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (S. aureus bacteraemia) in Scotland January - March 2010

Quarterly report on the Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Scotland, January 2010-March 2010

[Links to external webpages]


INAHTA briefs compilation volume 10, 2009-2010

Strategies for diffusion and dissemination of health technology assessment (HTA) products

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NHS Information Centre

Health survey for England: 2008 trend tables

[Links to external webpage]

Information Commissioner's Office

European data protection Commission’s call for the UK to strengthen the powers of its national data protection authority

Poor data security in the NHS

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Conflict engagement training for health professionals: recommendations for creating conflict competent organizations (Free registration required)
 Helping leaders blink correctly: split second decisions have patient safety implications

Patient and family centred care organizational assessment tool (Free registration required)

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James Lind Alliance

James Lind Alliance guidebook

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Knowledge Network

Information governance newsletter – issue 25

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King's Fund

Putting quality first in the boardroom: improving the business of caring
 [Links to external webpage]


New physiotherapy and occupational therapy pages launched (Website)

MHRA enforcement strategy

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The role of boards in improving patient safety

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Growing health spending puts pressure on government budgets, according to OECD health data 2010

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Public consultation on Evaluation Pathway Programme process guide and methods guide

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NHS Confederation

Where next for health and social care integration?

[Links to external webpage]


10 years after To err is human: are we listening to patients and families yet? Focus on patient safety newsletter, volume 13, issue 1, 2010.

Medical error: what to do if things go wrong: a guide for junior doctors

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Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

Reducing the risk of hyponatraemia when administering intravenous infusions to children
 [Links to external webpage]

Scottish Government

Realising potential: an action plan for allied health professionals in mental health

Superbug rates at all-time low (News item)

Reduction in hospital mortality (News item)

[Links to external webpages]

UK Statistics

Social trends 40, 2010 edition

QOF prevalence rates for Scotland