Common competences framework for doctors. [8 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Back to basics. Gima Z, Gosselar P, Levine A, Lincoln T, Ramirez A. Washington, DC: Public Citizen; August 6, 2009. "This report recommends 10 improvements and explains how implementing these safety practices could help prevent errors and avoidable deaths as well as save billions in health care costs.” [book - free full text available online]
Health care–associated infections. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For health care providers and consumers, this Web site features information, tools, and resources on health care–associated infections (HAIs). AHRQ-funded research and initiatives to reduce HAIs are also highlighted. [website]
How to make an emergency department visit a safe one. Clancy CM. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 1, 2009. “This column offers advice for consumers on what personal health and medical information to prepare before going to the emergency department.”
ISMP's list of confused drug names. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. 2009. [free full text available online]
The Josie King Foundation. "This foundation was created by the parents of Josie King, a young child who died due to medical error. It supports the Josie King Pediatric Patient Safety Program, which promotes a safety culture at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, as well as other pediatric patient safety efforts." [website]
Meeting the challenge of patient safety in the ambulatory care setting. Turney S, Evans EW, Callaway E, et al. Englewood Cliffs, CO: Medical Group Management Association; 2009. “This white paper discusses development of safety culture, policies, and administrative roles that can support patient safety improvement in physician practices and other ambulatory settings.” [book - free full text available online]
Patient safety and adverse events. Adlassnig KP, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I, eds. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:497-566. In: Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. Washington, DC: IOS Press. ISBN: 9781607500445. “Part of a comprehensive electronic compilation on medical informatics, this series of papers examines topics surrounding the use of health information technology (HIT) to detect, report, and learn from adverse events.”
Thinking outside the pillbox: a system-wide approach to improving patient medication adherence for chronic disease. Cambridge, MA: New England Healthcare Institute; August 12, 2009. "This report describes how medication reconciliation and pharmacist counseling can help improve outcomes through greater patient adherence to medication regimens." [book - free full text available online]
WHO patient safety small research grants.
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Health care–associated infections. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For health care providers and consumers, this Web site features information, tools, and resources on health care–associated infections (HAIs). AHRQ-funded research and initiatives to reduce HAIs are also highlighted. [website]
How to make an emergency department visit a safe one. Clancy CM. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 1, 2009. “This column offers advice for consumers on what personal health and medical information to prepare before going to the emergency department.”
ISMP's list of confused drug names. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. 2009. [free full text available online]
The Josie King Foundation. "This foundation was created by the parents of Josie King, a young child who died due to medical error. It supports the Josie King Pediatric Patient Safety Program, which promotes a safety culture at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, as well as other pediatric patient safety efforts." [website]
Meeting the challenge of patient safety in the ambulatory care setting. Turney S, Evans EW, Callaway E, et al. Englewood Cliffs, CO: Medical Group Management Association; 2009. “This white paper discusses development of safety culture, policies, and administrative roles that can support patient safety improvement in physician practices and other ambulatory settings.” [book - free full text available online]
Patient safety and adverse events. Adlassnig KP, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I, eds. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:497-566. In: Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. Washington, DC: IOS Press. ISBN: 9781607500445. “Part of a comprehensive electronic compilation on medical informatics, this series of papers examines topics surrounding the use of health information technology (HIT) to detect, report, and learn from adverse events.”
Thinking outside the pillbox: a system-wide approach to improving patient medication adherence for chronic disease. Cambridge, MA: New England Healthcare Institute; August 12, 2009. "This report describes how medication reconciliation and pharmacist counseling can help improve outcomes through greater patient adherence to medication regimens." [book - free full text available online]
WHO patient safety small research grants.
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Care Quality Commission
CQC says health services are responding to tragedy of Shipman with better monitoring of controlled drugs. media release - 27 August 2009]
CQC says that the hospitals and care homes need to improve communication to prevent infections. [media release - 21 September 2009]
National study. The right information, in the right place, at the right time. A study of how healthcare organisations manage personal data. [September 2009]
NHS may fail to spot patient safety concerns unless it improves monitoring of out-of-hours GP services, says CQC. [media release - 2 October 2009]
Too many mental health patients let down on key aspects of hospital care, says CQC. [media release - 24 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
CQC says that the hospitals and care homes need to improve communication to prevent infections. [media release - 21 September 2009]
National study. The right information, in the right place, at the right time. A study of how healthcare organisations manage personal data. [September 2009]
NHS may fail to spot patient safety concerns unless it improves monitoring of out-of-hours GP services, says CQC. [media release - 2 October 2009]
Too many mental health patients let down on key aspects of hospital care, says CQC. [media release - 24 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC awards $ 4.37 million to improve public health capabilities in informatics. [media release – 25 September 2009]
CDC Awards $22 million for colorectal cancer screening program. [media release - 8 September 2009]
CDC to distribute $40 Million in Recovery Act funding to help states fight healthcare-associated infections [media release – 1 September]
Links to external web pages.
CDC Awards $22 million for colorectal cancer screening program. [media release - 8 September 2009]
CDC to distribute $40 Million in Recovery Act funding to help states fight healthcare-associated infections [media release – 1 September]
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Health Economics
MRC-NICE scoping project: identifying the National Institute For Health And Clinical Excellence’s methodological research priorities and an initial set of priorities. September 2009.
Payment by results in mental health: a review of the international literature and an economic assessment of the approach in the English NHS.
Policy briefing – September 2009. Commissioning and system reform – new search results.
York expert workshops in the socio economic evaluation of medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
Payment by results in mental health: a review of the international literature and an economic assessment of the approach in the English NHS.
Policy briefing – September 2009. Commissioning and system reform – new search results.
York expert workshops in the socio economic evaluation of medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters:
Links to external web pages.
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
Archive of weekly newsletters:
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane Collaboration
CC Info – 1 October 2009.
CC Info – 17 September 2009.
CC Info – 3 September 2009.
The Collaboration’s funders – updated list.
New issue of Evidence & Policy is now available. [free trial]
Pan American Health Organization member states unanimously and decidedly approve PAHO's Policy on Research for Health. [30 September 2009]
Publication date - Issue 4, 2009. The publication date for Issue 4, 2009 of The Cochrane Library is 7 October 2009. External link to more information:
Workshops with places available:
05 Nov: Introduction to Analysis - Belfast, Ireland
08 Dec: Developing a Protocol for a Review - Liverpool, UK
09 Dec: Introduction to Analysis - Liverpool, UK
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Links to external web pages.
CC Info – 17 September 2009.
CC Info – 3 September 2009.
The Collaboration’s funders – updated list.
New issue of Evidence & Policy is now available. [free trial]
Pan American Health Organization member states unanimously and decidedly approve PAHO's Policy on Research for Health. [30 September 2009]
Publication date - Issue 4, 2009. The publication date for Issue 4, 2009 of The Cochrane Library is 7 October 2009. External link to more information:
Workshops with places available:
05 Nov: Introduction to Analysis - Belfast, Ireland
08 Dec: Developing a Protocol for a Review - Liverpool, UK
09 Dec: Introduction to Analysis - Liverpool, UK
19 Jan - 20 Jan: Developing a Protocol for a Review (2 day workshop) - Oxford, UK
21 Jan: Introduction to Analysis - Oxford, UK
18 May - 21 May: The Nottingham Systematic Review Course 2010
Links to external web pages.
Department of Health
Completion of reform to the healthcare regulatory bodies. [media release 2 October 2009]
Delivering high quality midwifery care: the priorities, opportunities and challenges for midwives. [28 September 2009]
Information sharing and mental health. [9 September 2009]
Integrated care pilots: an introductory guide. [30 September 2009]
International health: DH objectives and ways of working. [1 October 2009]
Local self-assessment audit for assessing implementation of HTM 01-05: decontamination in primary care dental practices and related infection prevention and control issues.
Pandemic influenza: paediatric clinical pathways; information for health care professionals working in hospitals. [7 September 2009]
Pandemic influenza paediatric clinical pathways: information for health care professionals working in primary care and the community. [10 September 2009]
Putting patients at the heart of care. [25 September 2009]
Quality reports testing exercise: evaluation. [22 September 2009]
Review of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) [rep[ort - 8 September 2009]
Swine flu clinical package. [6 October 2009]
Swine flu: UK planning assumptions. [3 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Delivering high quality midwifery care: the priorities, opportunities and challenges for midwives. [28 September 2009]
Information sharing and mental health. [9 September 2009]
Integrated care pilots: an introductory guide. [30 September 2009]
International health: DH objectives and ways of working. [1 October 2009]
Local self-assessment audit for assessing implementation of HTM 01-05: decontamination in primary care dental practices and related infection prevention and control issues.
Pandemic influenza: paediatric clinical pathways; information for health care professionals working in hospitals. [7 September 2009]
Pandemic influenza paediatric clinical pathways: information for health care professionals working in primary care and the community. [10 September 2009]
Putting patients at the heart of care. [25 September 2009]
Quality reports testing exercise: evaluation. [22 September 2009]
Review of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) [rep[ort - 8 September 2009]
Swine flu clinical package. [6 October 2009]
Swine flu: UK planning assumptions. [3 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
3 new portals:
18 weeks referral to treatment knowledge support
Education provision for clinical governance
Sharing learning from NHS Scotland event 2009
Little things make a big difference: valuing the patient experience [new section in Knowledge for Care Scotland website]
Visit the new e-Library. Knowledge for Care Scotland now available for beta-testing.
Links to external websites.
18 weeks referral to treatment knowledge support
Education provision for clinical governance
Sharing learning from NHS Scotland event 2009
Little things make a big difference: valuing the patient experience [new section in Knowledge for Care Scotland website]
Visit the new e-Library. Knowledge for Care Scotland now available for beta-testing.
Links to external websites.
E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services
Building a 21st century primary health care system [Australian Government - Department of Health and Ageing]
Public Health Research Consortium (PHRC) – “brings together senior researchers from 11 UK institutions in a new integrated programme of research. This aims to strengthen the evidence base for interventions to improve health, with a strong emphasis on tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health.” [website link]
Communicating knowledge: how and why UK researchers publish and disseminate their findings [JISC - September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Public Health Research Consortium (PHRC) – “brings together senior researchers from 11 UK institutions in a new integrated programme of research. This aims to strengthen the evidence base for interventions to improve health, with a strong emphasis on tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health.” [website link]
Communicating knowledge: how and why UK researchers publish and disseminate their findings [JISC - September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
General Medical Council
Confidentiality: guidance for doctors. [new guidance – comes into force 12 October]
GMC podcast also available – click here for transcript.
GMC today – September / October 2009 newsletter.
Licensing presentation - click here.
Tomorrow’s doctors 2009.
Links to external web pages.
GMC podcast also available – click here for transcript.
GMC today – September / October 2009 newsletter.
Licensing presentation - click here.
Tomorrow’s doctors 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Healthcare Governance Review
Incidents that kill or harm patients may be subject to [England] legal disclosure requirements. [note of report in The Guardian]
Monitor publishes lessons learnt from Mid Staffordshire….and (re)defines clinical governance.
Enhancing patient care: a practical guide to improving quality and safety in hospitals [book recommendation].
Links to external web pages.
Monitor publishes lessons learnt from Mid Staffordshire….and (re)defines clinical governance.
Enhancing patient care: a practical guide to improving quality and safety in hospitals [book recommendation].
Links to external web pages.
Improvement Foundation
Using patient experience to improve quality of care. Manchester: 4th February 2010
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Information Commissioner’s Office
Grampian NHS to improve security after breaching the Data Protection Act. [14 September 2009]
New notification fee introduced. [30 September 2009]
NHS Education for Scotland to improve security after details on medical training applicants are stolen. [media release – 8 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
New notification fee introduced. [30 September 2009]
NHS Education for Scotland to improve security after details on medical training applicants are stolen. [media release – 8 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Adult intensive care unit scope of service. [tool - Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare–St. Joseph Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA]
Admission and discharge criteria: critical care services. [tool - OSF St. Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois, USA]
Continuous improvement [IHI online newsletter] – August 2009 issue.
Evidence-based practices reduce the ventilator-associated pneumonia rate for ICU patients. [improvement report]
IHI framework for leadership for improvement. [short note with link to IHI white paper]
Improvement map discussion board. [requires registration]
Institute for Healthcare Optimization. [website]
Intensive care unit admission, transfer, and discharge guidelines. [tool - Peace Health – St. Joseph Hospital, Bellingham, Washington, USA]
Is your emergency department ready for H1N1? 90-minute webinar “designed to help you develop a standardized approach to manage flow and maintain patient safety during an ‘every day’ disaster, using the anticipated H1N1 outbreak as an example. [October 15, 11:30 AM – 1:00PM Eastern Time]
Managing hospital operations: using the science of management to ensure continuity, maximize capacity, and improve quality of care. [a “five month professional development programme” – starts 10 February, 2010]
Successful execution: securing the link from aims to results. "...five-part, web-based program." [First session Monday, October 26, 2009, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time]
Links to external web pages.
Admission and discharge criteria: critical care services. [tool - OSF St. Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois, USA]
Continuous improvement [IHI online newsletter] – August 2009 issue.
Evidence-based practices reduce the ventilator-associated pneumonia rate for ICU patients. [improvement report]
IHI framework for leadership for improvement. [short note with link to IHI white paper]
Improvement map discussion board. [requires registration]
Institute for Healthcare Optimization. [website]
Intensive care unit admission, transfer, and discharge guidelines. [tool - Peace Health – St. Joseph Hospital, Bellingham, Washington, USA]
Is your emergency department ready for H1N1? 90-minute webinar “designed to help you develop a standardized approach to manage flow and maintain patient safety during an ‘every day’ disaster, using the anticipated H1N1 outbreak as an example. [October 15, 11:30 AM – 1:00PM Eastern Time]
Managing hospital operations: using the science of management to ensure continuity, maximize capacity, and improve quality of care. [a “five month professional development programme” – starts 10 February, 2010]
Successful execution: securing the link from aims to results. "...five-part, web-based program." [First session Monday, October 26, 2009, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time]
Links to external web pages.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Standards for developing trustworthy clinical practice guidelines. Project duration: 21 months. The approximate start date for the project - July 13, 2009.
Standards for systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness research. project duration: 21 months. The approximate start date for the project - July 13, 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Standards for systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness research. project duration: 21 months. The approximate start date for the project - July 13, 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Acute hospital activity to 31 March 2008 (annual data) and to 30 June 2009 (quarterly data) [29 September]
Alcohol brief interventions 2008-09. [29 September]
Births in Scottish hospitals, financial year 2007/2008. [29 September]
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the July 2009 Census. [25 August]
Drug treatment waiting times information framework report Apr-June 2009. [29 September]
Estimating the national and local prevalence of problem drug misuse in Scotland. [6 October]
Improving ethnic data collection for equality and diversity monitoring. [25 August]
Influenza update 2008/09. [25 August]
NHS Complaints. [29 September]
Older people services: measuring relative need: statistical report 2009. [29 September]
Quality & outcomes framework (QOF) of the new General Medical Services contract. Achievement, exception reporting and detailed prevalence data 2008/09. [29 September]
ScotPHO website section updates. [29 September]
Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality annual report on 2008 data. [2 September]
Scottish Bowel Screening Programme statistics. [25 August]
Scottish ECT Accreditation Network annual report 2009; reporting on 2008. [29 September]
Scottish Stroke Care Audit 2009 national report: stroke services in Scottish hospitals. Data relating to 2007 - 2008. [29 September]
Waiting times and waiting lists to 30th June 2009 (monthly and quarterly data) [25 August]
CHD and Stroke Programme newsletter – issue 20.
SCIMP newsletter – summer 2009. [August]
Links to external web pages.
Alcohol brief interventions 2008-09. [29 September]
Births in Scottish hospitals, financial year 2007/2008. [29 September]
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland (formerly patients ready for discharge) figures from the July 2009 Census. [25 August]
Drug treatment waiting times information framework report Apr-June 2009. [29 September]
Estimating the national and local prevalence of problem drug misuse in Scotland. [6 October]
Improving ethnic data collection for equality and diversity monitoring. [25 August]
Influenza update 2008/09. [25 August]
NHS Complaints. [29 September]
Older people services: measuring relative need: statistical report 2009. [29 September]
Quality & outcomes framework (QOF) of the new General Medical Services contract. Achievement, exception reporting and detailed prevalence data 2008/09. [29 September]
ScotPHO website section updates. [29 September]
Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality annual report on 2008 data. [2 September]
Scottish Bowel Screening Programme statistics. [25 August]
Scottish ECT Accreditation Network annual report 2009; reporting on 2008. [29 September]
Scottish Stroke Care Audit 2009 national report: stroke services in Scottish hospitals. Data relating to 2007 - 2008. [29 September]
Waiting times and waiting lists to 30th June 2009 (monthly and quarterly data) [25 August]
CHD and Stroke Programme newsletter – issue 20.
SCIMP newsletter – summer 2009. [August]
Links to external web pages.
Joanna Briggs Institute
There are many new and updated Evidence Summaries available in JBI COnNECT, plus several new 'Recommended Practices'. Subscribe to monthly email updates here.
Links to external web page.
Links to external web page.
Joint Commission
2010 National Patient Safety Goals – Prepublication versions. [25 Sept]
Joint Commission online – through August and September. [weekly issues]
Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. [website]
Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare takes aim at patient safety failures. [media release - 10 Sept]
Joint Commission alert: effective leadership critical to preventing medical errors. "Leaders must take responsibility for patient safety." [media release – 27 Aug]
Links to external web pages.
Joint Commission online – through August and September. [weekly issues]
Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. [website]
Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare takes aim at patient safety failures. [media release - 10 Sept]
Joint Commission alert: effective leadership critical to preventing medical errors. "Leaders must take responsibility for patient safety." [media release – 27 Aug]
Links to external web pages.
King's Fund
Devil will be in detail of surprising move on personal care – The King’s Fund. [29 September 2009]
The King's Fund statement in response to the Patients Association report 'Patients not numbers, people not statistics' [27 August 2009]
Maternity staff working hard to improve safety but barriers remain, according to new report. [25 August 2009]
Maternity units to be part of major new [England] initiative to support safe services for mothers and babies [9 September 2009]
Sir Christopher Kelly announced as new chairman of The King's Fund. [14 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
The King's Fund statement in response to the Patients Association report 'Patients not numbers, people not statistics' [27 August 2009]
Maternity staff working hard to improve safety but barriers remain, according to new report. [25 August 2009]
Maternity units to be part of major new [England] initiative to support safe services for mothers and babies [9 September 2009]
Sir Christopher Kelly announced as new chairman of The King's Fund. [14 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Appointments to the British Pharmacopoeia Commission.
The better regulation of medicines Initiative (BROMI) publishes its fourth progress report.
Drug safety update: volume 3 Issue 2, September 2009.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in August 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in September 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Medicines variations regulation seminar - the new rules. [London – autumn 2009 – date to be announced]
New website sections for anaesthetics and critical care practitioners launched.
One Liners issue 71 - September 2009.
Public consultation (MLX 362): sale, supply and administration of medicines by dental hygienists and dental therapists under a Patient Group Direction. [closes 20 November 2009]
Targeted healthcare professional groups - website section "comprising information relevant to different healthcare professional specialities."
Links to external web pages.
The better regulation of medicines Initiative (BROMI) publishes its fourth progress report.
Drug safety update: volume 3 Issue 2, September 2009.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in August 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in September 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Medicines variations regulation seminar - the new rules. [London – autumn 2009 – date to be announced]
New website sections for anaesthetics and critical care practitioners launched.
One Liners issue 71 - September 2009.
Public consultation (MLX 362): sale, supply and administration of medicines by dental hygienists and dental therapists under a Patient Group Direction. [closes 20 November 2009]
Targeted healthcare professional groups - website section "comprising information relevant to different healthcare professional specialities."
Links to external web pages.
National Academies Press
Conflict of interest in medical research, education, and practice. Chapters include: ‘Conflicts of interest and development of clinical practice guidelines.’ Etc [report - 16 September 2009 - full text free online]
Depression in parents, parenting, and children: opportunities to improve identification, treatment, and prevention. [rep[ort - 30 September 2009 - full text free online]
Focusing on children's health: community approaches to addressing health disparities: workshop summary. [2 September 2009]
The national emergency care enterprise: advancing care through collaboration: workshop summary. [14 September 2009]
Race, ethnicity, and language data: standardization for health care quality improvement. [report - 31 August 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Depression in parents, parenting, and children: opportunities to improve identification, treatment, and prevention. [rep[ort - 30 September 2009 - full text free online]
Focusing on children's health: community approaches to addressing health disparities: workshop summary. [2 September 2009]
The national emergency care enterprise: advancing care through collaboration: workshop summary. [14 September 2009]
Race, ethnicity, and language data: standardization for health care quality improvement. [report - 31 August 2009]
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Agency
Data quality standards - guidance for organisations reporting to the Reporting and Learning System. [data report – 18 September 2009]
Largest UK study of medical and dental performance concerns released. Report issued by National Clinical assessment Service [media release - 22 September 2009.
NCAS casework: the first eight years. [direct link to report]
NPSA advising hospitals to follow new oxygen safety guidance. [media release – 30 September 2009]
Tackling medication incidents and increasing patient safety. 'Safety in doses' - report. [media release - Thursday 3 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
Largest UK study of medical and dental performance concerns released. Report issued by National Clinical assessment Service [media release - 22 September 2009.
NCAS casework: the first eight years. [direct link to report]
NPSA advising hospitals to follow new oxygen safety guidance. [media release – 30 September 2009]
Tackling medication incidents and increasing patient safety. 'Safety in doses' - report. [media release - Thursday 3 September 2009]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Education for Scotland
Career framework for nursing in sexual & reproductive health. [23 September]
Education and development framework for senior charge nurses [27 August]
GP Appraisal Annual Report 2009. [26 August]
NES FOCUS - Summer 09 [28 August]
Scoping report of the implementation of the national approach to mentor preparation. [9 September]
Links to external web pages.
Education and development framework for senior charge nurses [27 August]
GP Appraisal Annual Report 2009. [26 August]
NES FOCUS - Summer 09 [28 August]
Scoping report of the implementation of the national approach to mentor preparation. [9 September]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Employers
Care Quality Commission on out-of-hours care. [2 October 2009]
Care Quality Commission - interim report on out-of-hours care.
Top ten high impact actions for nursing and midwifery. The NHS Institute has launched a website for nurses and midwives around the country to share examples of service changes they have made that have improved the quality of patient care, prevented harm and illness and reduced costs. [28 September 2009. NB - website is live until 10 October]
Links to external web pages.
Care Quality Commission - interim report on out-of-hours care.
Top ten high impact actions for nursing and midwifery. The NHS Institute has launched a website for nurses and midwives around the country to share examples of service changes they have made that have improved the quality of patient care, prevented harm and illness and reduced costs. [28 September 2009. NB - website is live until 10 October]
Links to external web pages.
NHS Evidence – formerly National Library for Health
Annual Evidence Update on Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: 14-18 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Antenatal and Pregnancy Care: 28 September - 2 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Depression: 5-9 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Eczema: 14-18 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Supportive and Palliative Care: 7-11 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Heart Failure: 5-9 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Hepatitis B/C: 7-11 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Hyperthyroidism: 28 September - 2 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Osteoarthritis: 21-25 September 2009Annual Evidence Update on Surgical Aspects of Faecal Incontinence: 21-25 September 2009
Links to external web pages.
Annual Evidence Update on Antenatal and Pregnancy Care: 28 September - 2 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Depression: 5-9 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Eczema: 14-18 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Supportive and Palliative Care: 7-11 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Heart Failure: 5-9 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Hepatitis B/C: 7-11 September 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Hyperthyroidism: 28 September - 2 October 2009
Annual Evidence Update on Osteoarthritis: 21-25 September 2009Annual Evidence Update on Surgical Aspects of Faecal Incontinence: 21-25 September 2009
Links to external web pages.
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Improving the performance of the public health care system in Greece. [report - 23 September]
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Scottish Government
Adults with incapacity code - Health Secretary amends code in order to reinstate a specific reference to food and fluids. [media release - 20 September]
An evaluation of the expansion of nurse prescribing in Scotland. [25 September 2009]
Plus research findings
C diff inquiry [Vale of Leven]. [media release - 9 September]
Early warnings improve patient safety. [media release - 22 September]
HCS 2: a quick guide to help with health costs: includes charges and optical voucher values. [1 September]
Improving patient safety. [media release - 9 September]
Plus Improving patient safety. [media release - 15 September
Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: headline indicators - September 2009. [29 September 2009
Multiple and complex needs initiative: programme evaluation report. [1 October 2009]
New scrutiny bodies 2011: A conference for service users and their carers and equality organisations on how services will be inspected from April 2011 26 June 2009, The Trades Hall, Glasgow: event summary and conclusions. [11 September 2009]
NHS efficiency and productivity programme. A report from the Diagnostics Steering Group setting out an approach to benchmarking Radiology services. [11 September 2009]
NHS exceeds waiting time targets. [media release - 25 August]
Preparing Scotland: Scottish guidance on preparing for emergencies: care for people affected by emergencies. [17 September 2009]
Review of the Scottish Centre for Telehealth (SCT): November 2008 to January 2009. [2 October 2009]
A safe prescription. A strategy for non medical prescribing. [29 September 2009]
Scotland's people annual report: results from 2007/2008 Scottish household survey. [26 August].
Scottish budget: draft budget 2010-11. [17 September 2009]
Plus equality statement.
Plus draft budget - what it means for health and housing. [media release - 17 September]
The Scottish health survey 2008. [29 September 2009]
Scottish Ministers' duty reports: events with disabled people. [31 August]
Well? what do you think? (2008): The fourth national Scottish survey of public attitudes to mental wellbeing and mental health problems [17 September 2009]
Plus – summary report.
An evaluation of the expansion of nurse prescribing in Scotland. [25 September 2009]
Plus research findings
C diff inquiry [Vale of Leven]. [media release - 9 September]
Early warnings improve patient safety. [media release - 22 September]
HCS 2: a quick guide to help with health costs: includes charges and optical voucher values. [1 September]
Improving patient safety. [media release - 9 September]
Plus Improving patient safety. [media release - 15 September
Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: headline indicators - September 2009. [29 September 2009
Multiple and complex needs initiative: programme evaluation report. [1 October 2009]
New scrutiny bodies 2011: A conference for service users and their carers and equality organisations on how services will be inspected from April 2011 26 June 2009, The Trades Hall, Glasgow: event summary and conclusions. [11 September 2009]
NHS efficiency and productivity programme. A report from the Diagnostics Steering Group setting out an approach to benchmarking Radiology services. [11 September 2009]
NHS exceeds waiting time targets. [media release - 25 August]
Preparing Scotland: Scottish guidance on preparing for emergencies: care for people affected by emergencies. [17 September 2009]
Review of the Scottish Centre for Telehealth (SCT): November 2008 to January 2009. [2 October 2009]
A safe prescription. A strategy for non medical prescribing. [29 September 2009]
Scotland's people annual report: results from 2007/2008 Scottish household survey. [26 August].
Scottish budget: draft budget 2010-11. [17 September 2009]
Plus equality statement.
Plus draft budget - what it means for health and housing. [media release - 17 September]
The Scottish health survey 2008. [29 September 2009]
Scottish Ministers' duty reports: events with disabled people. [31 August]
Well? what do you think? (2008): The fourth national Scottish survey of public attitudes to mental wellbeing and mental health problems [17 September 2009]
Plus – summary report.
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