Academy health inequalities forum (AHIF). Position statement. Failed asylum seekers / vulnerable migrants and access to primary care.
Consultation: specialist standards and supporting information for revalidation.
Modular credentialing: the views of the Academy Trainee Doctors Group. August 2009.
Links to external web pages.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland gathers the latest in quality improvement, innovation and adopted best practice. This bulletin brings you research, resources and publications from across the international improvement community. Follow our posts and keep up to date on the improvement methodologies, techniques and policies influencing your healthcare.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Addressing the quality and safety gap—parts I-II. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; July 2009. [Free full text].
Application of AHRQ patient safety indicators to English hospital data. Bottle A, Aylin P. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009;18:303-308.
Dead by mistake [website focused on medical errors – Hearst Newspapers]
Making hospitals accountable. Peters PG Jr. Regulation. Summer 2009;32:30-36. "The author explains how shifting liability from individual physicians to hospitals could deter systems-based failures and improve working conditions for clinicians."
Speak up: prevent errors in your child's care. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission; August 2009. “These materials provide information in English and Spanish to help parents communicate effectively with health care providers.”
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Application of AHRQ patient safety indicators to English hospital data. Bottle A, Aylin P. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009;18:303-308.
Dead by mistake [website focused on medical errors – Hearst Newspapers]
Making hospitals accountable. Peters PG Jr. Regulation. Summer 2009;32:30-36. "The author explains how shifting liability from individual physicians to hospitals could deter systems-based failures and improve working conditions for clinicians."
Speak up: prevent errors in your child's care. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission; August 2009. “These materials provide information in English and Spanish to help parents communicate effectively with health care providers.”
What’s new archive.
Links to external web pages.
Endobronchial ultrasound for lung cancer diagnosis and staging: a review of the clinical- and cost-effectiveness [HTA].
Explore CADTH's updated free resource for grey literature searching – ‘grey matters’: a practical search tool for evidence-based medicine.
Common drug review – update: issue 60.
Health technology update issue 11.
Technologies to reduce errors in dispensing and administration of medication in hospitals: clinical and economic analyses [HTA].
Links to external web pages.
Explore CADTH's updated free resource for grey literature searching – ‘grey matters’: a practical search tool for evidence-based medicine.
Common drug review – update: issue 60.
Health technology update issue 11.
Technologies to reduce errors in dispensing and administration of medication in hospitals: clinical and economic analyses [HTA].
Links to external web pages.
Care Commission
Care news online – August 2009 edition.
Convener Re-appointment to the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care.
Involving people who use care services and their families, friends and supporters. Guidance for care service providers.
The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) have produced an advice sheet for mixing medicines (July 2009) which replaces Mixing Drugs and Palliative Care (2008).
Links to external web pages.
Convener Re-appointment to the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care.
Involving people who use care services and their families, friends and supporters. Guidance for care service providers.
The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) have produced an advice sheet for mixing medicines (July 2009) which replaces Mixing Drugs and Palliative Care (2008).
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Health Economics
Identifying inefficiency: Why do costs differ from one hospital to another?
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2010:
Quality of Life - 16th June - 18th June 2010
Foundations - 21st June - 25th June 2010
Advanced - 28th June - 2nd July 2010
Links to external web pages.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CRD databases – weekly updates (using the string below as the RESTRICT NEW FILTER will capture the previous week’s updates only) -
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
August 2009 newsletters:
August 19
August 12
August 5
Links to external web pages.
Go to:
Copy following search string into the Search box:
((abstract:ty not "provisional abstract":ty) or ("economic evaluation":ty not "partial economic evaluation") or publication:ty or project:ty) RESTRICT NEW
August 2009 newsletters:
August 19
August 12
August 5
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane Collaboration
CC Info – 20 August 2009.
Cochrane CAM reviews - a new Cochrane column.
Cochrane news - issue 46.
Developing a protocol for a review - York, UK. Tuesday, 22 September 2009.
Introduction to analysis - York, UK. Wednesday, 23 September 2009.
Introduction to statistics for clinical trials. University of York. 24-September - 1 October 2009.
WHO International clinical trials registry platform now available in six languages.
Links to external web pages.
Cochrane CAM reviews - a new Cochrane column.
Cochrane news - issue 46.
Developing a protocol for a review - York, UK. Tuesday, 22 September 2009.
Introduction to analysis - York, UK. Wednesday, 23 September 2009.
Introduction to statistics for clinical trials. University of York. 24-September - 1 October 2009.
WHO International clinical trials registry platform now available in six languages.
Links to external web pages.
Department of Health
Allied health professions prescribing and medicines supply mechanisms scoping project report.
Benchmarking of Vital Signs.
Business case for the NHS staff survey.
Chemotherapy services in England: ensuring quality and safety.
Exercise Cold Play II.
The evidence base to guide development of Tier 4 CAMHS.
Healthcare student support systems: a review of the literature. London South Bank university.
Improving access to child and adolescent mental health services.
Letter introducing high quality care for all, our journey so far.
Making relationships count - wave 3 (August 2006).
The National CAMHS support service (NCSS) - 2009/10 business plan.
Operational standards for cancer waiting times commitments.
The Patient Information Advisory Group (PIAG) annual report 2007-2008.
Planning for the psychosocial and mental health care of people affected by major incidents and disasters: Interim national strategic guidance.
Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment, second edition 2009.
Stakeholder relationship research: report of findings from qualitative research (May 2009).
Working with older prisoners.
Links to external web pages.
Benchmarking of Vital Signs.
Business case for the NHS staff survey.
Chemotherapy services in England: ensuring quality and safety.
Exercise Cold Play II.
The evidence base to guide development of Tier 4 CAMHS.
Healthcare student support systems: a review of the literature. London South Bank university.
Improving access to child and adolescent mental health services.
Letter introducing high quality care for all, our journey so far.
Making relationships count - wave 3 (August 2006).
The National CAMHS support service (NCSS) - 2009/10 business plan.
Operational standards for cancer waiting times commitments.
The Patient Information Advisory Group (PIAG) annual report 2007-2008.
Planning for the psychosocial and mental health care of people affected by major incidents and disasters: Interim national strategic guidance.
Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment, second edition 2009.
Stakeholder relationship research: report of findings from qualitative research (May 2009).
Working with older prisoners.
Links to external web pages.
GMC Scotland
Scotland Patients’ Association Conference 2009: ‘Respect and dignity’
GMC description:
The topic for this years conference is Respect and Dignity. Several notable speakers will include the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, Nicola Sturgeon MSP; Margo MacDonald MSP and Michael Clancy OBE, from the Law Society.
For further information or to attend this conference please contact Scotland Patients Association at: or telephone 0141 942 0376.
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care Annual Conference: Palliative care: how can we make a difference? 30 September 2009. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 9 Queen Street, EDINBURGH, EH2 1JQ.
For more information, and to book go to:
Links to external web pages.
GMC description:
The topic for this years conference is Respect and Dignity. Several notable speakers will include the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, Nicola Sturgeon MSP; Margo MacDonald MSP and Michael Clancy OBE, from the Law Society.
For further information or to attend this conference please contact Scotland Patients Association at: or telephone 0141 942 0376.
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care Annual Conference: Palliative care: how can we make a difference? 30 September 2009. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 9 Queen Street, EDINBURGH, EH2 1JQ.
For more information, and to book go to:
Links to external web pages.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Continuous improvement [IHI online newsletter] – August 2009 issue.
Flexible ICU visitation hours improve family involvement in care [improvement report].
How do they do that? Low cost, high quality care in America [includes selection of materials].
IHI expedition: using multidisciplinary rounds to ensure the right care for the right patient every time.
IHI open school course catalogue.
Improvement advisor – professional development program. Begins March 29 – April 1 2010. ‘A nine month development and support program.’
Rapid response team decreases code events and unexpected patient deaths outside the ICU [improvement report].
Safe care for stroke patients: preventing aspiration and other risks.
Links to external webpages.
Flexible ICU visitation hours improve family involvement in care [improvement report].
How do they do that? Low cost, high quality care in America [includes selection of materials].
IHI expedition: using multidisciplinary rounds to ensure the right care for the right patient every time.
IHI open school course catalogue.
Improvement advisor – professional development program. Begins March 29 – April 1 2010. ‘A nine month development and support program.’
Rapid response team decreases code events and unexpected patient deaths outside the ICU [improvement report].
Safe care for stroke patients: preventing aspiration and other risks.
Links to external webpages.
Department of Health consultation on regulation of practitioners of acupuncture, herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
Drug safety update: volume 3 issue 1, August 2009.
Good clinical practice (GCP) symposium: clinical trials - a risky business? Date: 3 December 2009. Venue: York.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in July 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Public consultation (MLX 361): UK proposals on charging of fees for variations to medicines marketing authorizations.
Links to external web pages.
Drug safety update: volume 3 issue 1, August 2009.
Good clinical practice (GCP) symposium: clinical trials - a risky business? Date: 3 December 2009. Venue: York.
Information sent to healthcare professionals in July 2009 about the safety of medicines.
Public consultation (MLX 361): UK proposals on charging of fees for variations to medicines marketing authorizations.
Links to external web pages.
National Patient Safety Agency
Hospitals alerted to risks of inserting suprapubic catheters incorrectly.
Revised healthcare cleaning manual [July 2009].
Serious incident reporting and learning framework (SIRL). Consultation on a national framework for reporting and learning from serious incidents requiring investigation. 14 August to 13 November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Revised healthcare cleaning manual [July 2009].
Serious incident reporting and learning framework (SIRL). Consultation on a national framework for reporting and learning from serious incidents requiring investigation. 14 August to 13 November 2009.
Links to external web pages.
New Zealand Ministry for Health
Consultation on draft specification for vocational training in rural hospital medicine.
Foundations of excellence: building infrastructure for medical education and training
report of the Medical Training Board.
Maternal and child oral health - systematic review and analysis. a report for the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
A national professional development framework for cancer nursing in New Zealand.
Palliative care in New Zealand [webpages].
Links to external web pages.
Foundations of excellence: building infrastructure for medical education and training
report of the Medical Training Board.
Maternal and child oral health - systematic review and analysis. a report for the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
A national professional development framework for cancer nursing in New Zealand.
Palliative care in New Zealand [webpages].
Links to external web pages.
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
British guideline on the management of asthma – 2009 update [SIGN].
Healthcare services for people with learning disabilites - NHS Fife local report now available [24 August].
IHI / Scottish Patient Safety Programme. Coronary Heart Disease programme launch. Glasgow. Dates: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 November 2009. Location: SECC.
Improving nutritional care programme newsletter – issue 3 – July 2009.
Management of patients with stroke or TIA. Clinical and resource impact assessment now available.
Scottish Government health directorates 2nd Annual regulation event in partnership with the UK health professions regulators. Location: Edinburgh International Climbing Arena. Dates: 27 & 28 October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Healthcare services for people with learning disabilites - NHS Fife local report now available [24 August].
IHI / Scottish Patient Safety Programme. Coronary Heart Disease programme launch. Glasgow. Dates: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 November 2009. Location: SECC.
Improving nutritional care programme newsletter – issue 3 – July 2009.
Management of patients with stroke or TIA. Clinical and resource impact assessment now available.
Scottish Government health directorates 2nd Annual regulation event in partnership with the UK health professions regulators. Location: Edinburgh International Climbing Arena. Dates: 27 & 28 October 2009.
Links to external web pages.
eNews – July 2009.
Enhanced annual report 2008-09 [18 August 2009].
Into practice – August 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Enhanced annual report 2008-09 [18 August 2009].
Into practice – August 2009.
Links to external web pages.
Picker Institute
PCTs report culture change in engaging patients and the public [press release].
Link to external web page.
Link to external web page.
Scottish Government
Consultation: the care and treatment of people with mental disorder and learning disability (scrutiny, quality improvement and protection) Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland: future structure.
Limited review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: report.
Mental health: legislation: consultation on the review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.
NHS QIS – board appointments [news release].
Pandemic flu: guidance on health workforce issues for NHSScotland boards.
Scotland on track to hit 'big three' targets.
Vale of Leven inquiry chair appointed [report].
Links to external web pages.
Limited review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: report.
Mental health: legislation: consultation on the review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.
NHS QIS – board appointments [news release].
Pandemic flu: guidance on health workforce issues for NHSScotland boards.
Scotland on track to hit 'big three' targets.
Vale of Leven inquiry chair appointed [report].
Links to external web pages.
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