Friday, 4 May 2012


Comprehensive overview of methods and reporting of meta-analyses of test accuracy

[Links to external webpage]

Care Quality Commission

The state of health care and adult social care in England: an overview of key themes in care in 2010/11

[Links to external webpage]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National and state healthcare-associated infections standardized infection ratio report:using data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network

[Links to external webpage]

Centre for Health Economics

Coverage with evidence development, only in research, risk sharing or patient access scheme?A framework for coverage decisions

Twenty years of using economic evaluations for reimbursement decisions: what have we achieved?  
[Links to external webpages]


Cochrane Collaboration

YourHealthNet: explainingevidence based health research and systematic reviews

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

Explaining high health care spending in the United States: an international comparison ofsupply, utilization, prices, and quality

[Links to external webpage]

Health Protection Scotland

Scottish national point prevalence survey of healthcare associated infection and antimicrobial prescribing 2011

Evidence for care bundles and other quality improvement tools: recommendations to optimize practice and prevent prevalent HAI 

[Links to external webpages]

E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Opening up healthcare innovation: innovation solutions for a 21st century healthcare system

The sustainability of new programs and innovations: a review of the impirical literature and recommendations for future research

Does the world need a scientific society for research on how to improve healthcare? 

Methods for the guideline-based development of quality indicators: a systematic review

Personalised medicine in European hospitals

Uncovering middle managers’ role in healthcare innovation implementation 

[Links to external webpages]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Ethical and scientific issues in studying the safety of approved drugs  
[Links to external webpages]


Scottish Government

Introducing new technologies into the NHS in Scotland: a practical guide for industry

[Links to External Webpage]

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


An organizational guide to building health services research capacity

Centre for Health Economics

Truly inefficient or providing better quality of care? Analysing the relationship between risk-adjusted hospital costs and patients’ health outcomes

Uncertainty, evidence and irrecoverable costs: informing approval, pricing and research decisions for health technologies

Commonwealth Fund

New 2011 survey of patients with complex care needs in eleven countries finds that care is often poorly co-ordinated

International profiles of health care systems 2011

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Challenges to value-enhancing innovation in health care delivery: commonalities and contrasts with innovation in drugs and devices

The use of health technology assessment to inform the value of provider fees: current challenges and future opportunities

Milbank Quarterly virtual issue: facilitating the use of research evidence

Using evidence to improve social policy and practice: perspectives on how research and evidence can influence decision making

Strengthening health systems through innovation: lessons learned

The influence of health services research on the NHS

Health Quality Improvement Partnership

Guide to using quality improvement tools to drive clinical audits

National Academic Press

Health IT and patient safety: building safer systems for better care

National Audit Office

The Care Quality Commission: regulating the quality and safety of health and adult social care


Proposals for changes to the process and methods for NICE public health guidance development: consultation document

NHS InformatioN Centre

Provisional accident and emergency quality indicators for England: experimental statistics by provider for July 2011


Health at a glance 2011: OECD indicators

Monday, 10 October 2011

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Healthy people 2010 final review (USA)

[Links to external webpage]

Cochrane Collaboration

The Cochrane Collaboration supports free access to all data from all clinical trials [official statement]

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

Caregiver staffing in nursing homes and their influence on quality of care: using dynamic panel estimation methods

[Links to external webpage]

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

A literature review on health information-seeking behavior on the web: a health consumer and health professional perspective

[Links to external webpage]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Sciences

How do quality improvement interventions succeed? Archetypes of success and failure

Canada’ strategy for patient-oriented research: improving health outcomes through evidence-informed care

The updating of clinical practice guidelines: insights from an international survey

Organizational readiness for innovation in health care: some lessons from the recent literature

NHS staff management and health service quality: results from the NHS survey and related data

[Links to external webpages]

Healthcare Governance Review

Risk and patient safety 2012 (conference, London)

[Links to external webpage]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Draft guidelines for evaluating the clinical effectiveness of health technologies in Ireland

[Links to external webpage]

Health Protection Scotland

Compendium of healthcare associated infection guidance (September 2011 update)

[Links to external webpage]

National Academies Press

The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal lectures 2005: next steps towards higher quality health care (free registration required)

The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal lecture 2011: new frontiers in patient safety (free registration required)

Examining core elements of international research collaboration: summary of a workshop

[Links to external webpages]


Medical tourism: treatment, markets and health system implications: a scoping review

[Links to external webpage]

Scottish Government

Scottish health survey 2

[Links to external webpage]

Patient's Association

Information, what information? Information challenges of shared decision sharing

[Links to external webpage]

World Health Organisation

Assessing and tackling patient harm: a methodological guide for data-poor hospitals

[Links to external webpage]

Friday, 2 September 2011

Audit Scotland

Scotland’s public finances: addressing the challenges

[Links to external webpage]

Centre for Health Economics

MRC-NICE scoping project: identifying the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s methodological research priorities and an initial set of priorities

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

How healthcare organizations are using data on patients’ race and ethnicity to improve quality of care

Achieving efficiency: lessons from four top-performing hospitals

[Links to external webpages]

Department of Health

Evaluation of the scale, causes and costs of waste medicines

[Links to external webpage]

Department of Work and Pensions

Attitudes to work and health amongst the working-age population

General practitioners’ attitudes towards patients’ health and work

[Links to external webpages]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Effective implementation of research into practice: an overview of systematic reviews of the health literature

Conceptual frameworks and empirical approaches used to assess the impact of health research: an overview of reviews

[Links to external webpages]

Healthcare Governance Review

Effective governance models for clinical commissioning groups (development tool, literature review and case studies)

[Links to external webpage]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Medical devices and the public’s health: the FDA 510(k) clearance process at 35 years

[Links to external webpage]

New Zealand Ministry of Health

Evaluating health impact assessments in New Zealand

[Links to external webpage]

Monday, 25 July 2011

Centre for Health Economics

The main methodological issues in costing healthcare services: a literature review

[Links to external webpage]

E-watch on Innovation in Health Sciences

Better, sooner, more convenient healthcare in the community

Supporting spread: lessons from the California Improvement Network

Taking responsibility for complexity: how implementation can achieve results in the face of complex problems

[Links to external webpages]

Health Inspectorate (Wales)

3-year programme 2011-2014 (inspection programme for Wales – draft for comment)

[Links to external webpage]

Healthcare Governance Review

Mapping the gap: highlighting the disconnect between governance best practice and reality in the NHS

Comparing healthcare quality: a national directory (USA)

[Links to external webpages]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Web&Action: getting started on the IHI Triple Aim (online course beginning Oct 12th 2011)

[Links to external webpage]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Engineering a learning healthcare system: a look at the future

[Links to external webpage]

NHS Information Centre

Hospital episode statistics: improving the quality and value of hospital data (discussion document)

[Links to external webpage]


Patient experience in adult NHS services: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS services (draft guideline for consultation)

[Links to external webpage]

NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme

The use of surrogate outcomes in model-based cost-effectiveness analyses: a survey of UK health technology assessment reports

Development of a toolkit and glossary to aid in the adaptation of health technology assessment (HTA) reports for use in different contexts

Avoiding and identifying errors in health technology assessment models: qualitative study and methodological review

Weighing and valuing quality-adjusted-life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY project

[Links to external web pages]

Scottish Government

Consultation on regulation of independent healthcare in Scotland: consultation report

[Links to external webpage]

Veterans Health Administration

Brief overview: systematic reviews for patient-centered care

Brief overview: systematic reviews of strategies for changing clinician behavior to improve patient outcomes

[Links to external webpages]

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


2010 National healthcare quality report (United States)

[Links to external webpage]

Centre for Health Economics

An equity checklist: a framework for health technology assessments

[Links to external webpage]

Commonwealth Fund

Delivery system reform tracking: a framework for understanding change

[Links to external webpage]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC identifies 10 public health achievements of first decade of 21st century (United States)

[Links to external webpage]

Department of Health

Statistical bulletin: overall patient experience scores

You’re welcome: quality criteria for young people friendly health services

[Links to external webpages]

E-watch on Innovation in Health Services

Partnership working and the implications for governance: issues affecting public health partnerships

Patient-centered care is associated with decreased healthcare utlilisation

Implementation of medical research in clinical practice

Safe and effective service improvement: delivering the safety and productivity agenda in healthcare using a lean approach

Are clinicians engaged in quality improvement?

Health services research into European policy and practice

Report on knowledge transfer and exchange practices: a systematic review of the quality and types of instruments used to assess KTE implementation and impact

[Links to external webpages]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

Identification of themes for standards for national health information sources in Ireland

[Links to external webpage]

Healthcare Governance Review

Risk appetite and risk tolerance: a consultation paper from the Institute of Risk Management

Detailed guidance for external assurance on the quality reports

[Links to external webpages]

NHS Information Centre

Hospital episode statistics (HES): improving the quality and value of hospital data: a discussion document

[Links to external webpage]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Care coordination model: better care at lower cost for people with multiple health and social needs

[Links to external webpage]

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Transforming social care: sustaining person-centred support

[Links to external webpage]

King's Fund

Accountability in the NHS: implications of the government’s reform programme

The future of leadership and management in the NHS: no more heroes

[Links to external webpages]


Quality governance framework

[Links to external webpage]

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

World Health Organisation

World health statistics 2011

[Links to external webpage]

Royal College of Nursing

RCN works with NICE on quality standards

[Links to external webpage]


New online tool brings all NICE guidance together for the first time

[Links to external webpage]

National Academies Press

Health literacy: a prescription to end confusion

[Links to external webpage]

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Child and adolescent health and healthcare quality: measuring what matters

[Links to external webpage]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Patient and family centered care: why it matters and how to practice it (online video)

[Links to external webpage]


Comparison of tools for assessing the methodological quality of primary and secondary studies in health technology assessment reports

[Links to external webpage]

Healthcare Governance Review

National health service landscape review (England)

Health Matters: new directions in healthcare governance

[Links to external webpages]

Health Information and Quality Authority (Ireland)

International review of health information governance management

[Links to external webpage]

E-Watch on Innovation in Health Services

Transforming Canadian healthcare through consumer engagement: the key to quality and system innovation

Interventions encouraging the use of systematic reviews by health policy makers and managers: a systematic review

Using evidence: advances and debates in bridging health research and action

Can evidence based medicine and clinical quality improvement learn from each other?

The effectiveness of strategies to change organizational culture to improve healthcare performance: a systematic review

[Links to external webpages]

Department of Health

Allied Health Professions service improvement project

Governance arrangements for research ethics committees

Extension of mandatory surveillance to E.coli bloodstream infections – June 2011

[Links to external webpages]

Commonwealth Fund

Lessons from high and low performing states for raising overall health system performance

Interventions to reduce hospitalizations from nursing homes: evaluation of the INTERACT II collaborative quality improvement project

[Links to external webpages]